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[image:] Paul Schaberg Paul Schaberg

Title: Research Plant Physiologist
Unit: Biological and Environmental Influences on Forest Health and Productivity
Previous Unit: The Role of Environmental Stress on Tree Growth and Development
Address: Northern Research Station
705 Spear Street
Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 802-951-6771, ext. 1120
E-mail: Contact Paul Schaberg

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  • The University of Vermont (UVM), Burlington, VT, Ph.D. Botany, 1996
  • Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT, teaching certification, 1989
  • UVM, Burlington VT , M.S. Forestry, 1985
  • The University of Vermont (UVM), Burlington, VT, BS Forestry with a coordinate major in Environmental Studies, 1981

Civic & Professional Affiliations

Ecological Society of America, American Institute of Biological Sciences, International Association for Ecology, Society for Conservation Biology, Society of American Foresters, The American Chestnut Foundation, Xi Sigma Pi

Current Research

  • I currently coordinate a diverse collaborative group of scientists from the USDA Forest Service, The University of Vermont and other institutions that evaluate the influence of human-associated stress (e.g., pollution additions, climate change, etc.) on forest health and productivity.
  • This research concentrates on the impacts of anthropogenic stress on aspects of tree physiology, including tissue cold tolerance, carbohydrate and nutrient relations, foliar pigments and antioxidant enzymes.
  • Current issues that I am working on include: red spruce winter injury and other aspects of conifer cold tolerance, sugar maple decline, the impacts of calcium depletion on tree health, the biological basis of red pigment expression in the fall, and cold tolerance as a limitation to American chestnut restoration in the north.

Why is This Important

Forests provide valuable ecosystem services (e.g., wood products, bioenergy, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, gas exchange, food and medical products, etc.) upon which all life and human societies rely. My research focuses on understanding and preventing the real-world decline of forest tree species - thereby preserving the continued flow of ecosystem services that are an important foundation for sustainable human health and prosperity.

Future Research

  • I want to explore the possibility that human-induced change is not only subjecting forests to many new, complex, and potentially interacting stresses, but may be also eroding the natural biological and ecological mechanisms that forests rely on to respond, adapt to, and survive stress.
  • I will examine the cause and consequences of emerging tree decline scenarios (e.g., yellow cedar and birch decline) that have no apparent biologic (insect or disease) basis, but seem to be occurring with increasing frequency.

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Last Modified: 11/19/2008