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[image:] Mark Twery Mark Twery

Title: Project Leader / Supervisory Research Forester
Unit: Northern Science, Technology, and Applied Results Program (NorthSTAR)
Previous Unit: Integrating Social and Biophysical Sciences for Natural Resource Management
Address: Northern Research Station
705 Spear Street
Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 802-951-6771, ext. 1040
E-mail: Contact Mark Twery

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  • Ph.D., 1987, Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Silviculture
  • M.S., 1983, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Forest Ecology
  • A.B., 1972, Oberlin College, Theater Arts

Current Research

  • My primary personal research focus is NED, a set of decision-support tools for forest management for multiple benefits. Other research interests include biotic disturbances in forests, regeneration dynamics, stand development, and the roles of humans in the ecosystem.
  • I have active studies examining the effects of various silvicultural practices on several different components of the forest, including the trees, vascular flora, deer browsing, and salamanders.
  • I am participating in several studies of beech bark disease, focusing on its effects on the composition and structure of the residual forest.
  • I have ongoing work addressing public participation in forest planning activities.
  • I am active in working with educators to develop environmental literacy components to public school curricula. I have collaborative studies working with managers of reservoirs and city parks to develop forest management plans for their properties.

Future Research

  • Develop integrated decision-support systems for forest management for multiple benefits.
  • Investigate relative effects of different silvicultural systems for a variety of forest benefits.
  • Provide tools for urban forest managers to evaluate alternative management activities on their forested properties

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Last Modified: 11/19/2008