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Scientists & Staff

Linda Pardo

Title: Environmental Engineer
Unit: Center for Research on Ecosystem Change
Previous Unit: Ecological processes: A basis for managing forests and protecting water quality in New England
Address: Northern Research Station
705 Spear Street
Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 802-951-6771 ext. 1330
E-mail: Contact Linda Pardo

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  • Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
  • MA.M.S. in Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Yale College, New Haven, CT.

Civic & Professional Affiliations

American Geophysical Union, Ecological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, New England Governors'/Eastern Canadian Premiers Forest Sensitivity to Acid Deposition Mapping Group

Current Research

  • I have been trying to understand the causes for the strong species differences we have observed in foliar and root d15N and to see how these differences might shed light on the complexities of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle.
  • I am particularly interested in issues of scale: how very small- and short-scale processes influence dynamics at the watershed scale, and how understanding small-scale physiological processes will elucidate broader species patterns.
  • I am also working on evaluating the impact of sulfur and nitrogen deposition on forest ecosystems using steady-state and dynamic critical loads models. Again, issues of scale are important as we struggle with the challenges of making calculations at a few well-characterized sites and trying to make calculations broadly with less data.

Future Research

I am interested in the intersection of hydrological fluxes and nitrogen availability. These interests include the effect on changes in climate that will affect wetting and drying cycles in soil and the cascading effects of those changes on microbial nitrogen cycling and plant nitrogen availability. I am interested in evaluating multiple stressors on forest ecosystems (e.g., elevated nitrogen deposition and disease).

Featured Publications

Last Modified: 11/19/2008