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Scientists & Staff

James Smith

Title: Plant Physiology/Modeling
Unit: Forest Inventory & Analysis
Previous Unit: Forest Carbon Dynamics and Estimation for Sustainable Management
Address: Northern Research Station
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: 603-868-7663
E-mail: Contact James Smith

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  • Ph.D. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. 1992. Plant Physiology, with an emphasis on physiological ecology of weed and crop interactions.
  • M.S. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. 1985. Botany, research on whole-plant physiological response to resources and stress.
  • B.A. Rice University, Houston, TX, 1982, Biology.

Current Research

  • I am a member of a team that has been assigned the problem of conducting research to develop inventory based estimates and projections of carbon budgets for forests of the United States.  My research is focused on aspects of estimating forest carbon principally through ongoing development of the model FORCARB2, a framework for a number of submodels that simulate components of forest carbon budgets.
  • Results of this research are intended to address some of the management and policy issues of forest carbon sequestration that are of concern to government policymakers, industrial and nonindustrial landowners, and conservation groups. Additional work focuses on the development of quantitative uncertainty analyses of carbon estimates at a regional or national scale.

Future Research

Plans for the immediate future are to expand the FORCARB-based carbon budgets to incorporate effects of disturbance or scale of estimate on carbon totals and the associated levels of uncertainty.

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Last Modified: 11/19/2008