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February 1, 2008

CHAMPAIGN, IL. – The History Cooperative will welcome JSTOR as the Cooperative's newest executive partner at the Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians, March 28 in New York City. In 2008, JSTOR will take its first steps as a member by increasing its coverage of scholarly journals participating in the History Cooperative, including the Journal of American Ethnic History and Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, and introducing additional links between the resources.

The History Cooperative, the premier resource for historians on the Web, was founded in 2000 by the Organization of American Historians, the American Historical Association, the University of Illinois Press, and the National Academies Press. The Cooperative's Web site provides full text of current issues of the Journal of American History and 21 other history journals electronically to subscribers to the print versions of the journals.

JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. JSTOR preserves the back runs of more than 750 important scholarly journals and makes them accessible in a useful, aggregated research environment to scholars and students at 4,500 institutions around the world. The Journal of American History and the William and Mary Quarterly, both part of the History Cooperative, were among JSTOR's founding journals.

"The entry of JSTOR into the History Cooperative is both a powerful endorsement for the work already accomplished and a signal of an even brighter future," said Dr. Willis G. Regier, Director of the University of Illinois Press. "From its inception, the History Cooperative has wanted worldwide outreach, a solid foundation for its scholarly mission, and a commitment to the best uses of new technologies. JSTOR will be of tremendous help in our efforts to achieve these goals."

Already an archive to a significant and growing collection of history journals, users and library participants of JSTOR will benefit by the addition of History Cooperative journal titles. This also benefits the journals themselves, many of which have only current and recent content available electronically via the History Cooperative. With JSTOR mounting the back content and providing links to the current issues, the full runs of the journals will be discoverable by JSTOR's international user base of scholars and students.

"JSTOR is very pleased to be working with the History Cooperative to further integrate content of importance to the scholarly community and, ultimately, to develop tools to support the work of historians," said Kimberly Lutz, Director of Publisher Relations for JSTOR. "Historians comprise a core group of JSTOR's users and we are excited to continue to respond to their needs by growing in this area and bringing online the back files of additional history journals through our collaboration with the Coop."

Additional information about the partnership will be available at the JSTOR, History Cooperative, and Organization of American Historians exhibits throughout the OAH Annual Meeting.

For more information about the History Cooperative, see

For more information about JSTOR, see


Dr Willis G Regier
History Cooperative
c/o University of Illinois Press
1325 S Oak St
Champaign, IL 61820

Kimberly Lutz
149 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010