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Fish and Wildlife Service
Office of Law Enforcement

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service emblem.

Federal wildlife law enforcement officers have helped the Nation conserve wildlife for more than a century.  The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement is – and always has been – to protect wildlife resources.

Wildlife Inspector inventories seized wildlife products.Through the effective enforcement of Federal wildlife laws, the Office of Law Enforcement contributes to U.S. efforts to recover endangered species, conserve migratory birds, preserve wildlife habitat, safeguard fisheries, combat invasive species, and promote international wildlife conservation.

Special Agents at work in Alaska.The Office of Law Enforcement focuses on potentially devastating threats to wildlife resources – illegal trade, unlawful commercial exploitation, habitat destruction, and environmental hazards.  Our enforcement officers investigate wildlife crimes; regulate wildlife trade; help Americans understand and comply with wildlife protection laws; and work in partnership with international, Federal, State, and Tribal counterparts to conserve wildlife resources.

Special Agent on backcountry patrol in Idaho.The Office of Law Enforcement fields a force of Special Agents (criminal investigators with the authority to enforce wildlife laws anywhere in the United States) and Wildlife Inspectors (uniformed import/export control officers stationed at ports of entry and border crossings). Most are “officers on the beat” who report through seven regional law enforcement offices.

A headquarters office provides national policy and direction for law enforcement operations; trains law enforcement personnel; fields a special investigations unit; provides intelligence support; oversees professional integrity; manages budgetary resources; and provides technical and administrative support for officers in the field.

The National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory conducts scientific analyses to help solve wildlife crimes.  The Office also operates the National Wildlife Property Repository, which supplies confiscated wildlife items to outside groups for educational use, and the National Eagle Repository, which provides Native Americans with eagle parts for religious purposes.

Wildlife Inspector checks live reptile shipment.Special Agent on waterfowl hunting enforcement assignment.Wildlife Inspector opens turtle shipment for inspection.



U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Law Enforcement, Security & Emergency Management (OLESEM)
Last Updated on 09/03/08