Michigan Sustainable Agriculture

Research and Education (SARE) Program

Michigan Professional Development Program

Each year, Michigan is eligible to receive funds from the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) Professional Development Program. A Plan of Work is submitted and reviewed by the NCR-SARE Administrative Council. Funding levels are based on merit. Each year, an annual report must be submitted and a new Plan of Work submitted for each funding year.

The program was created by the 1992 Farm Bill, and defines the target audience for the professional development program as agricultural professional, including extension educators, Natural Resource Conservation Service staff, state and federal agency workers and educators in the profit and not-for-profit sectors serving the food and fiber system.

Travel Scholarship

Scholarships are available for agricultural professionals wishing to attend conferences to further their knowledge of sustainable agriculture practices or to bring sustainable agriculture professionals to Michigan for programs. That knowledge should be applied to existing and new local programming upon completion of the event.

Reimbursable expenses include lodging, registration, meals, airfare and mileage. Those chosen for travel scholarships will be expected to complete a survey immediately after the conference/event to receive their reimbursement. They will also be expected to complete a second survey six to nine months after the even on how the information was used in their work and the number of individuals with whom the information was shared.

Competitive Travel Scholarships of up to $500 are available.

Mini-Grantsplanting grain sorghum

The purpose of the mini grant program is to develop the skills and competencies of agricultural professionals in sustainable agriculture. Agricultural professionals include extension educators, Natural Resource Conservation Service Staff, state and federal agency workers and educators in the profit and not-for-profit sectors serving the food and fiber system.

Mini grant activities are to build educator expertise, develop new curriculum or programming, implement innovative educational approaches and create an opportunity for learning and skill development of the agricultural professional.

Applications are to include producers, agency staff, not-for-profit organizations and other local stakeholders in planning, creating and delivering any mini grant outreach activities.

The intended outcome of the mini grant program is to develop the knowledge and skills of the agricultural professional. Applicants are required to explain how any mini grant activities will contribute to their professional development and/or the professional development of other educators.

If a project is funded, the grant recipient is required to complete the SARE National Continuing Education Program on-line course in Sustainable Agriculture to receive funds. To learn more visit http://www.sare.org/coreinfo/course1info.htm.

Competitive grants of up to $1500 are available.

View the 2007 Michigan SARE Program of Work (pdf - 480 KB)

View the 2006 Michigan SARE Report (pdf - 382 KB)

All proposals or applications are to be submitted electronically by the 15th of the month and 6 weeks or more prior to the event.


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