| | HHS ReportsTopics on This Page Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Reports - Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Spending Reports to Congress - The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Spending Reports to Congress covers the pandemic influenza funding provided in both the December 2005 emergency supplemental appropriations bill (PL 109-148) and the June 2006 emergency supplemental appropriations bill (PL 109-234).
- Technical Reports and Exercises - The following reports were prepared by RAND Corp. under contract to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
- BARDA Strategies and Reports - These reports range from information on Project BioShield to strategies for PHEMCE.
- Critical Infrastructure Protection -The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) and supporting Sector-Specific Plans (SSPs) provide a coordinated approach to critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR) protection roles and responsibilities for federal, state, local, tribal, and private sector security partners.
Assistant Secretary for Legislation (ASL) Reports The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legistation (ASL) serves as the primary link between HHS and Congress. ASL is responsible for the development and implementation of the Department’s legislative agenda. The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) Reports - Privacy Act (PA) System of Records Notices (SORN) -The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) has responsibilities for information collection through several automated or paper-based systems. The Privacy Act requires information on active Systems of Records be made available. Below is a list of System of Records Notices for the OGC.
Office on Disability (OD) Reports - Constituency Expert Input Meeting - These reports outline the Constituency Expert Input Meeting in which constituents address concerns regarding the services related to their disabilities or the highlight the goals and strategies of the Office on Disability.
Administration on Aging (AoA) Reports - Nursing Home Abuse -These reports discuss abuse and/ or neglect of elders, particularly within nursing home facilities.
- SPR Tables and Reports - Information provided by the State Program Reports (SPR) describes the services provided Title III and VII of the Older Americans Act.
- Elder Rights: LTC Ombudsman Reports & National, State Data -These reports provide concise and in-depth information submitted by the states on activities of state long-term care ombudsman programs. The data and other information presented and analyzed in this report are collected annually by AoA from state ombudsmen under the National Ombudsman Reporting System (NORS).”
- Program Instructions - A PI provides instructions to States on required activities such as State plans, reports, etc. This form of guidance may include due dates and specific formats for submitting information.
- Information Memoranda - An IM transmits information that may be useful to States in carrying out their responsibilities such as census data, upcoming events, etc.
- AoA FOIA Reports
- Performance Plans - These reports document each year the results that are produced through the programs they administer under the authority of the Older Americans Act (OAA).
Back to the Top Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Reports - EPC Evidence Reports - These reports range from clinical reports on various health conditions and disorders to health care services and technical methodology.
- HCUP Database Reports - HCUP reports include new findings, publications, research notes based on HCUP data, and technical reports about HCUP issues.
- HCUP Methods Series - The HCUP Method Series features a broad array of methodological information on the HCUP databases and software tools.
- HCUP Statistical Briefs -The HCUP Statistical Briefs present simple, descriptive statistics on a variety of specific, focused topics. Statistical Briefs in the series are listed in reverse chronological order.”
- HCUP KID Related Reports -The KID is a set of pediatric hospital inpatient databases included in the HCUP family. These databases are created by AHRQ through a Federal-State-Industry partnership.
- Technology Assessment Program - These reports are used by CMS to inform its national coverage decisions for the Medicare program as well as provide information to Medicare carriers.”
- SEDD Related Reports: HCUP E-Code Evaluation - The SEDD are a set of longitudinal State-specific emergency department (ED) databases included in the HCUP family. The SEDD capture discharge information on all emergency department visits that do not results in an admission.
- SID Related Reports - The SID are a set of longitudinal State-specific hospital inpatient databases included in the HCUP family.
- SASD Related Reports - The SASD are a set of longitudinal State-specific ambulatory surgery databases included in the HCUP family. The SASD capture surgeries in which patients are admitted and discharged on the same day.
- Evidence Reports - These reports outline research studies done on various health topics.
- HCUP-US National Statistics Archive - The HCUP National Statistics Archive features a broad array of information on older HCUP databases. These charts, statstics, and research notes were developed by AHRQ through a Federal-State-Industry partnership.
- Effective Health Care Program – Research Reviews - Comparative Effectiveness Reviews (CERs) and Effectiveness Reviews aim to provide comprehensive appraisal and synthesis of evidence. Updates apply systematic methods to bring CERs and Evidence Reviews up to date by reviewing the current literature. Technical Briefs aim to provide an overview of key issues related to an emerging diagnostic or therapeutic intervention. All research reviews are produced by the Evidence-based Practice Centers. To be notified when new Research Reviews become available, join our e-mail list.
- Strategic Plan - AHRQ works to fulfill its mission by conducting and supporting health services research, both within AHRQ as well as in leading academic institutions, hospitals, physicians' offices, health care systems, and many other settings across the country. The Agency has a broad research portfolio that touches on nearly every aspect of health care.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Reports - HIV/AIDS Surveillance Special Reports - HIV/AIDS Surveillance Special Reports are based on data collected by CDC through special studies and surveys. They are not based on HARS data and they appear intermittently.
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) - The MMWR Recommendations and Reports contain in-depth articles that relay policy statements for prevention and treatment on all areas in CDC's scope of responsibility (e.g., recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices).
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance & Statistics - These reports summarize national data on trends in three notifiable STDs — chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis… These data, which are useful for examining overall trends and trends among populations at risk, represent only a small proportion of the true national burden of STDs.
- National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (NNIS) - These reports provide a summary of the data collected and reported by hospitals participating in the National nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS)… [they report] nosocomial infection surveillance data for aggregation into a national database.
- Active Bacterial Core Surveillance Reports - Active Bacterial Core surveillance (ABCs)… is an active laboratory- and population-based surveillance system for invasive bacterial pathogens of public health importance.
- CDC Annual Tribal Budget & Consultation Report - These reports manage the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) fiscal and personnel resources in a manner that maximizes impact on the health and safety of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people, accurately monitor CDC resources allocated to benefit AI/AN communities, and make this information readily available to tribal leaders.”
- National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) – Reports - The NARMS Annual Report is a summary of antimicrobial resistance surveillance information on the pathogens under surveillance. The Annual Report describes the number and type of isolates collected, their associated antimicrobial resistance, and trends in antimicrobial resistance. This report becomes available in the spring of each year.
- Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates - The goal of this report is to help potential ART users make informed decisions about ART by providing some of the information needed to answer the following questions: What are my chances of having a child by using ART? Where can I go to get this treatment?
- Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics - These reports provide annual data summaries, present analyses of health topics, or present new information on methods or measurement issues.
- NHCS Reports - National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS) - Although each survey has emphasized different topics, they all provide basic information about [United States] nursing homes, the services provided, their staff, and their residents.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Reports - FDA Enforcement Report Index - The FDA Enforcement Report is published weekly by the Food and Drug Administration. It contains information on actions taken in connection with agency regulatory activities. Inquiries about individual actions should be directed to the companies involved.
- Prescription Drug User Fee Act Reports and Plans - The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) provides FDA with increasing levels of resources for the review of human drug applications… FDA has submitted annual Performance and Financial Reports to Congress on progress in streamlining the drug review process and use of PDUFA fees.
- Cumulative Veterinary Adverse Drug Experience (ADE) Reports - These reports allow one] to search the active ingredient of a drug to see if particular signs associated with adverse reactions have been reported with the drug’s use.
- PDUFA Reports - This report presents FDA’s performance in meeting annual PDUFA review goals. FDA’s progress in meeting the quantifiable PDUFA review performance goals for FY… submissions and the FY… procedural and processing goals are covered in this report.
- Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories (OSEL) Annual Reports - The Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) issues annual reports that describe the Center's activities.
- Office of Device Evaluation (ODE) Annual Reports - These annual reports discuss’ the status of the approval programs administered by ODE.
- FOI Annual Reports - These annual reports specify numerical benchmarks such as the number of requests received and processed; the types of requests received, the number of requests where the agency did not release the requested records and the reasons for these decisions; the number of appeals the results, the amount of fees collected; and the number of staff and staff hours devoted to processing requests.
- ADUFA Reports - These reports document] how each of the legal conditions specified in ADUFA allowing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to continue collecting and spending the animal drug user fees was met.
- Biological Product Deviation (BPD) Reports - BPD reports discuss any event associated with the manufacturing, to include testing, processing, packing, labeling, or storage, or with the holding or distribution of a licensed biological product or a blood or a blood component, in which the safety, purity, or potency of a distributed product may be affected.
Surgeon General Reports - Surgeon General’s Reports - The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service has focused the Nation's attention on important public health issues. Reports of the Surgeon General on the adverse health consequences of smoking triggered nationwide efforts to prevent tobacco use. Reports on nutrition, violence, and HIV/AIDS—to name but a few—have heightened America's awareness of important public health issues and generated major public health initiatives.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Reports - HIV/AIDS Programs: Data Reports - These reports provide annual data and/ or accomplishments in regards to The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.
- The HIV/AIDS Program: Biennial Progress Reports - “The Ryan White Progress Reports are published every other year to document the successes and challenges of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. The reports include information about an evolving epidemic, data on client demographics, programs, services, as well as individual stories of Ryan White clients whose lives have been affected by the disease.”
- Nursing Workforce Reports - “[These reports summarize] the findings of the various components of this study of methods for identifying facilities and communities with shortages of RNs. It documents the strengths and weaknesses of different methods for assessing the extent of shortages of RNs.”
- Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages Reports - “In the present report, the Committee addresses two important matters: 1) outcomes and performance measures; and 2) the role of the grant programs in training health care workers to cope with the effects of chemical and biological terrorism.”
Back to the Top Indian Health Service (IHS) Reports - Natality and Mortality Reports - “This report represents a summary of trends in the health status of Alaska Natives as indicated by their birth and infant death rates.”
- Historic Reports - These reports discuss the changes in population, how these changes compare to those of the United States and/ or the change’s affect on healthcare.
- Energy Reports - These reports contain an annual energy narrative report, which include an energy management data report, energy scorecard, energy consumption baselines, industrial and laboratory facilities inventory and/ or OPDIV exempt facilities inventory in addition to an energy implementation plan.
- GPRA Reporting - “The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) requires Federal agencies to demonstrate that they are using their funds effectively toward meeting their missions.”
- Urban GPRA Reporting - “[These reports] include a data supported audit trail that can be verified and validated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).”
- Annual Report - “[These] identify and report the sanitation needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives while carrying out a Program to meet those needs in cooperation with tribal governments. [Also] some of the accomplishments of the Program during the reported fiscal year [were reported].”
- Prior User Population Reports
- Population Reports
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Reports - Index of Reports and Statistics
- COPR Reports
- NIDA Research Reports - “This series of reports simplifies the science of research findings for the educated lay public, legislators, educational groups, and practitioners.”
- Stem Cell Reports - These reports summarize any findings and the state of research regarding stem cell research.
- Surveillance Reports - These reports provide information on the health problems and mortality rates related to alcohol consumption.
- Pharmacogenetics Research Network Reports - “[These reports discuss] the effect of genes on people’s responses to a wide variety of medicines.”
- NTP-CERHR Expert Panel Reports - “[These reports] provide timely, unbiased, scientifically sound evaluations of human and experimental evidence for adverse effects on reproduction and development caused by agents to which humans may be exposed.”
- AIDS Therapeutics Toxicity Studies Program - These studies “evaluate the reproductive/developmental toxicity, general toxicity, immunotoxicity and neurotoxicity of AIDS therapeutics. These evaluations may include single therapeutic agents or combination therapies when the toxic potential of these agents in animal models is not available or is incomplete.”
- CEWG Meeting Reports - “[These] reports are from the biannual meetings at which the network members discuss current and emerging problems of substance abuse.”
- Short-term Toxicity Reports - “These studies are designed and conducted to characterize and evaluate the toxicologic potential of selected chemicals in laboratory animals.”
- Long-Term Study Reports - “These studies are designed and conducted to characterize and evaluate the toxicologic potential, including carcinogenic activity, of selected chemicals in laboratory animals (usually two species, rats and mice).”
- Financial Reports - “This report summarizes NIH expenditures in support of nutrition related research and training activities for the fiscal year(s) specified.”
- Trans-NIH Strategic Plans - “The purpose of the Strategic Plan for NIH Obesity Research is to provide a guide for coordinating obesity research activities across the NIH and for enhancing the development of new research efforts based on identification of areas of greatest scientific opportunity and challenge.”
- Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Disease Reports - These reports outline research and strategic plans concerning the fast growing health issues of diabetes and obesity.
- Digestive Diseases and Nutrition Reports - “[These reports discuss] the scope and impact of the major infectious, chronic, and malignant digestive diseases. National and special population based data provide information about the prevalence, incidence, medical care, disability, mortality, and research needs regarding specific digestive diseases.”
- Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases - These reports outline research and strategic plans concerning kidney, urologic and hematologic diseases.
- Trans-NIDDK Strategic Plans and Planning Documents - “[These reports describe] the continuing efforts of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) to promote the translation of fundamental discoveries from the laboratory bench of basic scientists into investigations in the clinic, which promise to directly benefit patients.”
- Meeting Reports - “[These reports provide] summaries of proceedings from conferences, advisory group meetings and NIEHS-sponsored programs as a resource for scientists.”
- DHHS Reports to Congress on Autism Activities - “These reports reflect DHHS annual activities pertinent to Division A, Title I of the Children's Health Act of 2000…”
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Reports - OAS Methodology Reports - “[These reports address] various methodological issues concerning OAS data collection systems including: statistical techniques and theories, survey methods, sample design, survey instrument design, and objective evaluations of the reliability of collected data.”
- NSDUH Reports on Substance Abuse and Mental Health - “SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is the primary source of information on the prevalence, patterns, and consequences of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the general U.S. civilian non institutionalized population, age 12 and older.”
- Youth and Substance Use - These NSDUH reports discuss youth substance abuse.
- Parental, Peer and School Influences - These reports analyze information regarding parental, peer and school influences on drug abuse from the National Surveys on Drug Use & Health by SAMHSA.
- Analytic Series and Other Special Reports - “The Analytic Series addresses special topics relating to alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and mental health.”
- Mental Health Reports - These reports analyze information regarding mental health issues as related to drug abuse from the National Surveys on Drug Use & Health by SAMHSA.
- Violence, Suicide, & Risky Behaviors Reports - These reports provide data on suicide attempts, suicides, violence and risky behaviors as related to and influenced by drug use; data was provided by SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health and SAMHSA's Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).
- Reports on Depression - These reports provide information regarding depression, or related activity, and its connection to substance abuse as reported by NSDUH.
- Mental Health by Racial & Ethnic Group - These reports discuss mental health as it relates to racial and ethnic groupings.
- Homeless Reports - These reports, provided by DASIS, have information regarding homelessness admissions and substance abuse treatment.
- Katrina/Rita Areas: Substance Use and Mental Health - “[These reports present data] on substance use and mental health problems before and after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”
- Youth & Mental Health Issues Reports - These reports provide information on mental health and substance use among youths.
- Serious Psychological Distress - These reports provide information about people suffering from serious psychological distress, its affects on mental illness and the connections that it has to substance abuse.
- Cities/Counties/Metropolitan Areas - These reports provide information regarding substance use in specific geographic areas.
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