Minerals Management Service
Minerals Management Service Appoints New Senior Staff Geophysicist
Brinkman to Coordinate Seismic-activity Compliance for All MMS Regions
headshot of staff geophysicist Ron Brinkman
Photo by MMS.
As Minerals Management Service's senior staff geophysicist, Ron Brinkman oversees seismic compliance and policy issues for the Alaska, Gulf of Mexico and Pacific regional offices.

NEW ORLEANS – Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico Regional Director Lars Herbst has announced the appointment of Ron Brinkman as the senior staff geophysicist in the Resource Evaluation Office. 

Brinkman will oversee seismic compliance and policy issues for the Alaska, Gulf of Mexico and Pacific MMS regional offices. In this new position, he will facilitate communication and coordination on seismic approvals and environmental compliance.

“Ron Brinkman has earned a well-deserved reputation as an expert in seismic activity. His valuable technical experience in seismic permitting, data acquisition and environmental compliance will be beneficial to the permitting process for geological and geophysical activities throughout the MMS Regions,” Herbst said.

Brinkman has been with the federal government for nearly 32 years. He began his federal career in 1977 with the U.S. Geological Survey. In 1982, MMS hired Brinkman as a staff geophysicist in its Gulf of Mexico Region.  Since that time, he has worked in several different areas of the region’s Resource Evaluation Office. With his more than 25 years of seismic-permitting experience, Brinkman has earned high regard from the geophysical community as an expert on seismic issues.

Brinkman earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a minor in Earth sciences from the University of New Orleans in 1973.

For additional information, please contact Eileen Angelico, MMS, at (504) 736-2595, or Bill Lee, MMS, at (504) 736-2597.

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UPDATED: February 17, 2009
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