Contact Information

Contact Information | Bureau Editors | Submission Procedures

Contact Information

Donna Margelos, Editor
(202) 273-3413

Joan Moody, Contributing Editor
(202) 208-7854

People, Land & Water
1849 C Street, N.W., MS 6013
Washington, D.C.  20240
Fax: (202) 208-7854

Bureau Editors

BIA--Nedra Darling
(202) 219-4150 (O)
(202) 501-1516 (F)

BLM--Vickie Briggs
(202) 452-5194

Reclamation--Patricia Cox
(623) 773-6214

FWS--David Eisenhauer
(202) 208-5631

MMS--Melanie Thornton
(202) 208-3985

NPS--Ricardo Lewis
(202) 208-4996

OIA--Joseph Gecan
(202) 208-6638

OLESEM--Mark Harvey
(202) 208-4090

OSM--Ben Owens
(202) 208-2565

OST--Debbie Pafel
(202) 208-4289

USGS--Clarice Ransom
(703) 648-4460

PL&W Submission Requirements

-Use Microsoft Word.
-Try to limit your stories to 800 words or less; 1,200 maximum.
-Focus your stories on people.
-Write in active voice (who does what).
-Use plain language, avoid jargon.
--Keep your sentences to 25 words or less.
-Use bulleted lists.
-Use subheadings.
-Write your headlines and photo captions in active voice and in complete sentences.
-Credit the source of your photos (Photo by John Smith, bureau.).
-Provide at least one JPEG image per story. (You have room for up to 11 full-size images.)
-Add links to where readers can obtain additional information a the end of your article.
-Add your byline to the top of your article (by John Smith, title, bureau).
-Make certain your submissions contain your name, title, bureau, phone number, and e-mail address.

Naming Your Article and Image Files:

-Begin with your bureau's acronym -- follow it with an underscore -- add the date (##-##-##) -- follow it with another underscore -- add the first three words of the article title, separated by dashes -- end with the three-letter extension of the type of file. For multiple images, add an underscore and two-digit figure before the file extension.

For example, documents and images for a National Park Service article dated Nov. 3, 2007, and titled, "Secretary Tours Everglades Restoration Project," would be named as follows:

Make certain to identify the images the same way within your article and to follow that identification with the caption and photo credit:

nps_11-03-06_secretary-tours-everglades2.jpg: Caption. Photo by John Smith, NPS.

DOI Seal U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240