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The Cherry Blossom Web Camera is one of several webcams available on www.doi.gov.
Interior Department Radio News Service

3/4/2009: Secretary Salazar Tells Indian Country Recovery Package Includes Major Initiatives to Create Jobs, Stimulate Economic Activity

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, speaking to the to the 111th Congress of American Indians Tribal Nations Legislative Summit, today highlighted more than $2 billion in President Obama’s economic recovery package to create jobs and economic opportunity in Indian Country.

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Topic: The Secretary says close to a half billion of the money will come through Interior Department Programs. (Text)

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Topic:  Secretary Salazar says that Indian country will play a key role and benefit economically from the administration’s renewable energy development plans. (Text)

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Topic: Secretary Salazar pledges to make education a top priority. (Text)

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Topic: ecretary Salazar commented on the ongoing Cobell litigation. (Text)


2/12/2009: Secretary Salazar Pledges to Restore Trust, Strengthen Tribal Sovereignty, Promote Sustainable Economic Development

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar met with the Senate Indian Affairs committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday, February 12 to address the new administration’s commitment to Native Americans.

Audio Summary Length
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Topic: Secretary Salazar on the priority of Native American issues within the Obama Administration. (Text)

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Topic:  Secretary Salazar's comments on economic recovery plan's investments in Native American communities. (Text)

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Topic: Secretary Salazar on the need to bolster law enforcement in Indian Country: (Text)


Archived Audio Releases

Interior Department Radio News Service is from the United States Department of the Interior. For questions or feedback, please call (202)208-5089.