Big wheel: Caterpillar announced Friday that it is cutting another 2,100 jobs, bringing total company layoffs to more than 22,000 out of 113,000 employees worldwide. (Photo by Smithsonian/AP)


Big wheel: Caterpillar announced Friday that it is cutting another 2,100 jobs, bringing total company layoffs to more than 22,000 out of 113,000 employees worldwide.

Drop in GDP reflects significant problems in the world economy

President Obama names new task force to strengthen the middle class.

Republicans name an African American as their party chairman

GOP leaders acknowledge they have a lot of rebuilding to do in order to confront a Democratic Party which won 95 percent of the black vote in the presidential election.

Palestinians to get $20 million in US aid, but leadership in disarray

US envoy George Mitchell made the announcement today in Jerusalem.


New poll shows risks to opponents of Obama's economic stimulus plan

When economic stimulus legislation supported by President Obama moves to the Senate next week, opponents of the plan face political risks, according to new polling data.

Why Zimbabwe opposition agreed to join Mugabe's government

Under the agreement reached this week, brokered by South African president Motlanthe, Mugabe and Tsvangirai have agreed to share control of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Congress advances new law expanding children's health insurance program

Some 4 million more children would bring the total to more than 11 million covered.

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Pat Murphy talks with reporter Linda Feldmann

The President, Republicans and economic stimulus.

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The world grapples with shortages and rising prices in food
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