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Searched:  Issue Date Before (3/4/2009)
Issue Date After (9/4/2008)
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Results:  1–4 of exactly 4 matches.
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  Patent Title Inventor(s) Issue Date Patent Number Full Text
Oxidation resistant organic hydrogen getters Shepodd, Timothy J. , Buffleben, George M. 09/09/2008 7,422,701
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Apparatus for raising or tilting a micromechanical structure Allen, James J. 09/09/2008 7,421,924
View USPTO link (Link will open in a new window)
Acoustic system for communication in pipelines Martin, II, Louis Peter , Cooper, John F. 09/09/2008 7,423,931
View USPTO link (Link will open in a new window)
Biological preconcentrator Manginell, Ronald P. , Bunker, Bruce C. , Huber, Dale L. 09/09/2008 7,422,724
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