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Inspector, Investigation, and Compliance Officer (Series 1801)

The Bureau of Reclamation has several Law Enforcement Specialist positions.

  1. Where do Law Enforcement Specialists Work?
  2. What do Law Enforcement Specialists do?
  3. How do I become a Law Enforcement Specialist?
  4. Are there any special requirements?
  5. What opportunities exist for training and career advancement?
  6. What benefits do Law Enforcement Specialists earn?

1. Where do Law Enforcement Specialists Work?

These positions are stationed in Denver, Colorado at the Bureau’s Office of Security, Safety, and Law Enforcement.

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2. What do Law Enforcement Specialists do?

These positions provide operational and technical oversight, guidance, and coordination for the Bureau of Reclamation’s law enforcement program.

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3. How do I become a Law Enforcement Specialist?

Vacancies for Law Enforcement Specialist positions occur periodically.  When there is a vacancy the position will be announced by Reclamation’s Human Resource Office in Denver, Colorado.  Individuals seeking information about Law Enforcement Specialist position vacancies can check the Office of Personnel Management’s web site at USAJOBS. 

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4. Are there any special requirements?

Law Enforcement Specialists must be citizens of the United States. Applicants must certify being registered with the Selective Service System or are exempt from having to do so. A Top Secret level security clearance will be required for the Law Enforcement Specialist positions. The applicant will participate in an oral interview during the hiring process. Applicants should have a strong background in Federal, State, or local law enforcement. An emphasis in conducting and/or overseeing criminal investigations or intelligence functions would be useful.  These positions are subject to a drug test prior to entrance on duty and random drug tests while the position is occupied.  The position requires the operation of a motor vehicle and therefore a valid state driver’s license is required.  A high school diploma or equivalent certification is required. The incumbents will be required to file a Confidential Financial Disclosure Report, OGE-450, within thirty days of entrance on duty.

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5. What opportunities exist for training and career advancement?

The entry grades for the Law Enforcement Specialist positions vary depending on the job requirements and the incumbent’s qualifications and experience.  Full performance level for the position is usually GS-13.  A variety of training opportunities exist. Training received will depend on the needs of the individual and the agency.   Formalized training may be provided at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center at Glynco, Georgia and other similar facilities.  In addition, specialized on-the-job training will be provided by Reclamation.  Specialized training may include information about the various types of dams and how the facilities operate, their vulnerabilities, and methods of protecting Reclamation’s facilities, its employees, and the public against criminal activity and terrorist acts.

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6. What benefits do Law Enforcement Specialists earn?

Law Enforcement Specialists enjoy all the benefits of Federal employment. This includes Federal retirement benefits, however, the position is not included in the special law enforcement retirement program. Denver is considered a high-cost geographical area so the incumbent will receive locality pay in addition to the base salary.  Health and life insurance may be obtained through the Federal employee programs and are available to immediate family members.  Financial protection is provided, without cost, in the event of a job-related injury or death.  Annual leave accrues at the rate of 13 to 26 days per year, based on length of employment.  Prior Federal civilian or military service is credible.  Sick leave is earned at the rate of 13 days per year and there are 10 paid Federal holidays per year. 

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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Law Enforcement, Security & Emergency Management (OLESEM)
Last Updated on 09/09/08