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62. The President Addresses a Joint Session of Congress
7 days ago
President Obama lays out his comprehensive approach to addressing both the economic and fiscal crises facing the nation, and stresses the need to end the era of profound irresponsibility that has brought us to where we are today. Given on February 24, 2009, this was his first address to a joint session of Congress. (This video is public domain)
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  • Michael Perry plus 7 days ago
    this gave me goose bumps. way to keep it hellamega obama
  • I agree :)
  • v!Nc3sl4s plus 6 days ago
    grow and wake up sheeple, this was just a good all stand up performance with a record breaking standing ovations, I could have made that speech 8 years ago, we already knew what was coming, economically, environmentally and socially speaking.
    Wait until something has been accomplished before getting all emotional on his words. Just looking at the record of both people standing behind him gives me shivers.
  • Ted A. Borel plus 6 days ago
    'tru dat'
  • Kevin J 3 days ago
    Then why haven't you, v!Nc3sl4s?
  • interim_descriptor plus 7 days ago
    It'd be cool if these videos were downloadable at a higher resolution...

    ...or if you could save the country from imminent economic collapse.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 6 days ago
    or that, ha.
  • RDJim plus 4 days ago
    You would think Mr. Media would know enough to upload the video in HD. But you can't download what ain't uploaded. The whitehouse is uploading HD videos to YouTube - go figure.
  • deathvult 7 days ago
  • oba 7 days ago
    stresses, crisis, wars yes obama must end the era of profound irresponsibility that has brought us to where we are today
  • Ted A. Borel plus 6 days ago doubling the national debt within one month in office? The irresponsibility still continues...great speaker or or white....left or right.
  • Paul Davis plus 7 days ago
    We need a confident president.
  • Ted A. Borel plus 6 days ago
    Confident doesn't always mean right person for the job....just sayin'.
  • Paul Davis plus 6 days ago
    I'm not here to jump into a political tug-of-war. Leave your opinions with someone else. THANKS!
  • Video by Wes plus 5 days ago
    He has a right to comment on a comment.
  • Paul Davis plus 4 days ago
    Thank you peanut gallery. ;)
  • Over Flo 4 days ago
    why is it obama people love to talk but hate to listen?
  • Ted A. Borel plus 4 days ago
    Not trying to start anything. I'm just here to speak what's on my mind like everyone else. If you dont like MY opinions then don't read 'em.
    I'll post my opinions where ever I please as long as my 'First Amendment rights' finger can type.

    @Over Flo: I know. Just because the guy 'speaks so well' doesn't mean you have to always agree with him. That is the problem with a big portion of the U.S. right now- the 'what's cool now, fan-crazed mania' is out of control.
    It's great to respect your country's leader (no matter what-with in reason). I mean he is our leader show some respect...wait..we didn't do that for the last guy did we? Why not? Oh yeah, because it was cool to hate him because his views were different from others, and everyone else was doing it. And now all of a sudden someone is an asshole for dissagreeing with the current guy. It is easier to talk than to listen.
  • Paul Davis plus 3 days ago
    I think time will tell whether or not he's a great or even just a good president. Relatively speaking of course. I think, though, confidence is something any great leader needs. I like Obama's personality and his "let's get it done" approach.
  • Ted A. Borel plus 3 days ago
    Ok, we can agree on that - he is confident and that is a good quality for any president to have; however, my point is to not let well crafted words supercede and distract from what is actually being said or done.
    Yes, I agree though time will tell.
  • WVPT plus 6 days ago
    Obama was great. Not sure what Pelosi was on but Obama was great.
  • Stephen Burnett 6 days ago
    In a word, "electric".
  • v!Nc3sl4s plus 6 days ago
    For the moment only one thing has been accomplished on that day: breaking the world record for standing ovations.

  • Matt DL 6 days ago
    Umm actually Bush got 74 standing ovations in his SoTU last year. It is common part of procedure to give ovations throughout the speech. So, yeah, not a world record.
  • Michael Finn 6 days ago
    But, my friend v!Nc3sl4s, don't underestimate the power of confidence. There is a lot to be said about ambition and attitude. It is clearly what our country needs right now, so I suggest we let the man do his job. And just know that some people will get all caught up in it...that's okay.
  • v!Nc3sl4s plus 5 days ago
    that's ok...and anyways nobody's going to stop him from doing whatever he has decided to do. I obviously hope that going towards a "green society" is where we are heading with him, I've been personally pushing for this since ten years or so. But let me emit some doubts. Hope is good, but doubt helps you not to get blinded, your country needs that as well.
  • Lewis Jamieson 6 days ago
    joe biden looks a bit tired about 15 minutes in from having to stand up and clap too many times
  • MASSIVE ART plus 6 days ago
    Thx for this speech.
    Yes you can - Mr. President !!!
  • Gwell 6 days ago
    Wow! people just like the "St. Crispen's Day Speech" in Shakespeare's HENRY V and like so many other moving speeches before, it can and should stir a people to do great things, with a willingness to sacrifice to achieve a goal(s) - I believe we have wanted to be inspired for so long, by those chosen to lead us to do what it takes to get beyond the rhetoric of talking to "we the people" as though we were children and to be passive as events unfold around us in blind ignorance.

    This is a start at explaining things, and we, deciding on the merits, as opposed to pure dogma, Obama and every politician both local & federal will be gaged with a keener eye and a quicker response to incompetence by the populace, it is a participatory democracy, and that will always be true, now and as long as we abide by the constitution, whew!

    *we now return back to our program*
  • Alex Miller 6 days ago
    Having Pelosi in the background gave me goosebumps.
    I won't hide the fact that I despise her and what she tries to accomplish.
  • Samu Ainesmaa 5 days ago
    Fine speech as usual.... BUT.

    Why is this on vimeo? I came to vimeo not only for the high quality videos, but as an escape from the slur of 3rd party factors that were storming other places on the net. Everything was slowly becoming commercial or political, a sense of neutrality began to feel lost as front pages flooded with advertisements from bigshot firms or other groups/etc.

    As fine as this speech and its message is, I personally don't approve of it on vimeo. I've always thought and hoped of this place being a community of film makers, not another well-founded base for commercial and political movements.

    I'm even a tad disappointed at how this place has been going lately.. Oh well... And don't get me wrong i very much like Obama, but I hear this stuff elsewhere I don't personally need it on vimeo which I've set apart for film and creativity.
  • plus 5 days ago
    I plus your comment
  • v!Nc3sl4s plus 5 days ago
    I'm with Samu as well.
  • moriza plus 5 days ago
    You have the option on not clicking on it :)
  • Video by Wes plus 5 days ago
    Yeah, I'm surprised that politics has seeped in here.
    The issue is not the option to click or not to click, the issue is what's it doing here?
    And on Staff Picks.
    Are we supposed to now consider that someone on the Staff will not like you if you're a Conservative?
  • Jan-Hinrich Fehlis 5 days ago
    i like that your president is using the new media and social media power. this was one step towards his election.
    and i think it's okay that they post here... for me it's just a way to reach more people with confidence and hope!

    isn't it also a sign for freedom? and this video is maybe not soO important in the whole space of vimeo... see how many other videos are here... so just stop looking at the white house ones and maybe they will stop posting. ; )

    staff picks - hm - ja - that's a point. but vimeo is their project. maybe they just want to share what they think is 'good'. i am happy that i could find it here esp. because i am from germany and don't see so much about the president's actions here.

    and how important is the 'staff's pick' about the value of a video? and what is wrong if they maybe don't like conservatives - as long as they can post here.
    if vimeo will get a political 'marketing' platform we are free to do something. write to vimeo, to the people who post, or just leave. yes we can.
  • Samu Ainesmaa 3 days ago
    Intriguing views :P But Jan, even so as I am empowered to leave, it would be an inevitable fail as I'll have consciously given up on my last resort of online creative neutrality :D

    And yes, of course if I KNOW I'm not going to enjoy a video I'm not going to watch it just to say I don't enjoy it, this was a first :P

    But yeah the fact that it bumped up on my front page due to staff picks is what interested me in the first place. I think it's awesome that Obama uses fresh media platforms to spread his positive message it's just that.....nah, not vimeo if I had a say. Simply because I've thought of this place as strictly a creative space with an undisturbed mindset, unaffected by third parties and "the world outside". A creative sanctum of sorts, one might even say :)
  • walter louie 5 days ago
    I'm with Samu. I don't get why this is on here either.
  • Vince Cromley 5 days ago
  • Dean von Daniken 5 days ago
    I dont believe a word of it.

  • jay mcgrath 5 days ago
    I thought he seemed like an honest chap until I heard him say something about Americans being the hardest working people on earth. where the fuck did he come up with that statistic?
  • Pablo Manriquez 5 days ago
  • John McCauley 5 days ago
    i sure hope obama can sort out some shit...
  • MelD 4 days ago
    Let's not forget that your poster boy Reagan took the solar panels down from the roof of the White House when he became prez. The ideas aren't knew. Only Obama actually cares and wishes to implement them for the better of our people and our country. I can't understand the people that support all of his ideas but still will not support him. So used to being fucked in the ass by our past government and so unwilling to welcome a proponent of the truth.
  • slicemaster 4 days ago
    so glad that he trying two help us all
  • Evan Ace 3 days ago
    "Yes We Can" = Yes we can be Socialists

    "Change We Can Believe In" = We can believe in Socialism

    Every dollar Obama spends is debt we taxpayers have to pay in interest. He's spending so much, we, our children, our children's children, and our children's children's children will have to pay for it. What's even worse no one is asking where the money for Obamas spending is coming from, remember America is broke... The Federal Reserve is printing these trillions! Every dollar that is printed will devalue each dollar we have in our pocket. It will cause inflation that only few countries the world have seen, and that is Zimbabwe. This inflation is called hyperinflation. It will turn this recession into a depression! America is bankrupt, you can't fix it with more spending and borrowing. Why isn't our government following common sense??
  • ummm when you write an address by the president to congress I assumed it was the president of the USofA... but hey this guy is like waaaay better... maybe he’ll be pres one day!! :D
  • I know their is alot of arguing due to this video... i just have one question.. "When is President Obama going to STOP making campaign speeches and actually take action." Many of governments decisions are based on pork barreling and earmarks.... please look those two words up EVERYONE, This is how people such as us are supporting terrible politics. Thanks for reading this comment and think for yourself!
  • c son 2 days ago
    how's the DOW doing? oh 86 that sry.
  • dreamcrusher 1 day ago
    the best.
  • J Meyer 21 hours ago
    Why is this on here ? F-ing moron that's so full of crap and bs agendas !
  • David Waldman 11 minutes ago
    Chairman thanks.
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