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53. Working with Faith
26 days ago
On Thursday, February 5, 2009, President Barack Obama delivered remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast then, he signed an executive order establishing the new White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. In a short video, Executive Director Joshua DuBois explains how the office will operate and what role faith-based and community groups have to play in the economic recovery.

(This video is public domain)
  • Vince Ream 15 days ago
    I answer a call to love one another, to understand one another, and to treat with dignity and respect the ones I share a brief moment with on this Earth. This is a law that binds all PEOPLE together. We do it because it makes life more enjoyable, and it allows us to live amongst each other. It is the basis for our definition of personal freedom. Why does this have to be highlighted as a religious trait? I am not religious, and I seek these qualities for myself because I care about people, not because I am afraid of what god might do to me if I don't.

    How about removing tax exemption for religious institutions? I don't think they definitively do more good than people in general. Looking at Proposition 8 in California, we all see quite a bit of money spent on marketing by the Mormon LDS church. They sought the proposition created to prevent citizens from participating in marriage based on their sexual orientation. This strays so far away from personal freedom our constitution was designed to protect. Why should this organization at the very least not have to contribute with taxes? It should be up to it's supporters to keep it financially afloat, not the American people.

    "I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." - George Bush Sr.

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