Follow-Up: Do You Pay Attention to Where Your Food Comes From?

Posted on September 4th, 2008 - 3:30 PM

About the author: Dominic Bridgers was a summer intern in the Office of Public Affairs.

To be honest, I really don’t pay attention to where my food comes from. I usually eat whatever is in front of me.

I collected data from the July 14th Question of the Week: “Do you pay attention to where your food comes from?” Almost all of the commenters said they do pay attention to where their food comes from, and a handful of the bloggers are like me and just eat what is on their plate. The primary reason as to why people pay attention is health concerns. Something I found interesting was that everyone tends to buy their food from their local markets instead of purchasing foods from different countries.

Thanks for your time in responding to “Do you pay attention to where your food comes from?”

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One Response to “Follow-Up: Do You Pay Attention to Where Your Food Comes From?”

  1. Jan D Says:

    People in Portland, Oregon, have become very aware of where their food comes from. One big reason is to reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing food that has not been transported over long distances (though foodies complain late in the winter about being tired of root vegetables). Another reason is to support local agriculture, and especially local organic farming, which protects stream water, which, in turn, supports threatened and endangered salmon. Lots of restaurants feature seasonal PNW foods.


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