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UC Davis Biotechnology Program
University of California
307 Life Sciences
One Shields Avenue
Davis CA 95616

Tel: +1 (530) 752 8228
Fax: +1 (530) 752 4125

The Seed Biotechnology Center at the University of California Davis
recognizes University Research Partner
Dr. Judith A. Kjelstrom

Dr. Kjelstrom is the Director of the UC Davis Biotechnology Program, which encompasses both the Designated Emphasis in Biotechnology (DEB) and the Advance Degree Program (ADP) graduate programs. The DEB program strives to supplement a student’s Ph.D. program with cross-disciplinary training in critical areas of biomolecular technology and includes a student internship in a biotechnology company. For corporate employees, the ADP enables scientists and engineers of regional bioscience corporations to purse a doctoral degree at UC Davis without quitting their jobs. The Biotechnology Program works to link academia to biotechnology industries and government agencies through involvement in many other activities.

Dr. Kjelstrom serves as:

  • Co-founder and member of the advisory board for BioTech SYSTEM, a regional biotech consortium and home of the Teen Biotech Challenge (TBC);

  • Program coordinator for the NIH graduate training program in Biomolecular Technology and the DEB;

  • Senior Personnel for the NSF CREATE (Collaborative Research & Education in Agricultural Technologies & Engineering)-IGERT Graduate Training Program; 

  • Co-instructor for two graduate seminars: MCB 294 (Current Progress in Biotechnology) and MIC 292 (From Discovery to Product: an Introduction to Biotechnology at the Industrial Level);

  • Co-PI on several joint projects with American River College involving applied biotechnology for high school teachers and community college faculty.

The DEB currently has close to 180 graduate students from 27 disciplines across the campus, so new company involvement for internships is always welcome.

For further discussions with Dr. Kjelstrom, please contact her directly at
The Program website can be viewed at


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