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Cover for Amber Waves April 2003 — Dynamics of Agriculture Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad

April 2003 — Dynamics of Agriculture Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad
Feature articles in the April 2003 issue include....Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons from Abroad; Methyl Bromide Phaseout: Users Request Exemptions; Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits; Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry. Other articles covers such topics as...Water Scarcity in China; China and WTO Commitments; Foodborne Illness Costs; Emergency Food Providers; Dietary Differences; Trends in Extension Service Resources, Invasive Species Research Initiative; Nonmetro Black Migration; "Digital Divide" and Rural Earnings; Retail Meat Scanner Data. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.

Up Front
         Spring …. A Season of Uncertainty

Feature Articles
         Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad

         Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users request Exemptions

         Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits

         Weighing incentives for food safety in meat and poultry

       Markets and Trade

         Will Water Scarcity Limit China's Agricultural Potential?

         China Slow in Meeting WTO Commitments

       Diet and Health

         Calculating the Cost of Foodborne Illness-A New Tool to Value Food Safety Risks

         Emergency Food Providers Supplement Federal Aid

         Dietary Differences Masked by Averages

       Resources and Environment

         Trends in Extension Resources

         ERS Launches Invasive Species Initiative

       Rural America

         Nonmetro Black Migration Reverses Trends of Earlier Decades

         Digital Divide Not to Blame for Rural Earnings Shortfall

       Current Activities

         Are Food Safety and International Trade Compatible?

         Environmental Review of Free Trade Agreements

         How a Nation’s Income Growth Affects Its Food Consumption Patterns

         How Rural Areas Differ

         The Market for Commodity-Based Agricultural Information

       Recent Meetings

         Education and Local Economic Development

         Performance-Based Environmental Policies

         ERS Hosts Meeting on Organic Sector Data

       New Releases

         Race and Ethnicity in Rural Areas

         Understanding Rural Population Loss and Growth

         Future Food Expenditures

         Future Food Consumption

         U.S. Organic Farming Small, But Growing

         Demand for Farm Credit Expands, But Farm Lenders Remain Cautious

         China’s Water Policies: Effects on Production and Trade

         Commodity Markets and Trade

         Competing in the 21st Century

Data Feature

         Estimating Consumption of Caloric Sweeteners

         Global Consumer Markets Team

         Mark Gehlhar & Anita Regmi
