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header:  US Forest Service, Fire and Aviation Mangement

The Fire Equipment page is all about equipment. It’s initial primary purpose is to share with the field what is being accomplished within the fire fleet program area.

The Fire and Aviation Management community identified a need in 2006 to begin looking at standardizing our engines. This ambitious effort received attention from the Chief and the Under Secretary when it was submitted as one of the 47 management efficiencies for Fire and Aviation.

In January 2008 a charter was completed and a group was officially formed to begin the process to develop new engine standards. This group worked through the data and made recommendations to the Regional Fire Directors and Regional Foresters last Fall.

Commitment from the Regional Foresters was received and in the end we now have new engine standards for Types 3 through 7.

The Forest Service will benefit a great deal from this initiative and it will continue as we commit to looking at standardizing all of our fire fleet.



About Us:

Engine Standardization:

Engine Models

Fire Shelters






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