Pinus strobus L.

White pine

Species recognized by Aljos Farjon, Conifer Database in 
IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC) external link Switch to common names

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Pinus strobus L.


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Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus L.
Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus L.
Pinus strobus L.
Pinus strobus L.

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Classification : Text | Graphic |


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Until recently, the taxonomic classification of Little and Crutchfield (1969) was still widely used, which involved subdivision of the genus into three subgenera and a complex series of sections and subsections. Subsequent studies, including analysis of molecular data resulted in the recognition of only two subgenera (Price et al., 2003), the so-called Soft or Haploxylon, Pines (subgenus Strobus) and the so-called Hard or Diploxylon Pines (subgenus Pinus), each of which still is divided into a complex series of sections and subsections. In either classification, P. strobus is the type of Pinus subgenus Strobus section Strobus subsection Strobi.