Celebrate the environment: My first holiday season in a radon-healthy, new home

Posted on December 19th, 2008 - 10:30 AM

About the author: Andrea Drinkard is Web Content Coordinator in EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation

From finding the right house to signing on the dotted line, buying my first home was an exciting, scary and nerve racking process. It may have been months ago when I made a life changing investment, but getting ready for the holidays in a home that’s mine has brought back those memories.

One thing that stands out, not for how much it scared me, but for its simplicity and its importance is the radon test. It’s one of those steps you barely notice, it took about five minutes for the radon testing company to place the kit and one week to get the results, but knowing that my house didn’t have a radon problem meant more than just peace of mind

Now as I wrap up my holiday shopping and make sure everything’s crossed off my list, I want to pass on the gift of good health to my friends and family. Those little radon test kits, dressed up with some festive wrapping paper and bow (of course), make great stocking stuffers. The best way to know if a home has high radon levels is to test for it. Your loved ones may not immediately know what the test kit is, but they’ll thank you every day they are healthy and happy.

Builders are going the extra mile to make sure your home is safe from radon, even before you move in. Many encourage new homes to be built radon-resistant and existing homes with high radon to be fixed.

It’s easy to protect your family from this invisible radioactive gas that seeps up from underground. So this holiday season, when you’re thinking about stuffing those stockings, consider including a radon test kit. With radon action month just around the corner in January, you’ll be ahead of the game and your friends will be ready to test their homes in the new year.

Radon test kits can be ordered online and in many hardware stores. You can also call 1-800-SOS-Radon to get a kit from the National Safety Council.

Learn more about radon at epa.gov/radon.

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2 Responses to “Celebrate the environment: My first holiday season in a radon-healthy, new home”

  1. Susan Says:

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



  2. Sally G Says:

    Great gift idea for homeowners.


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