Celebrate the Environment: Getting There in an Environmentally Friendly Way

Posted on November 24th, 2008 - 1:30 PM

About the Author: Mitch Greenberg is the manager of the EPA SmartWay Program in the Office of Air and Radiation.

Remember those ads that feature the surprise car in the driveway, complete with a big red bow on top? While I’m sure a new car is on many holiday wish lists this year, maybe even mine, in tight times like these we all have to be extra careful to make a wise investment in our wheels. If you have a shiny new car to buy for someone in your family, check out EPA’s Green Vehicle Guide to help you choose the cleanest, most fuel-efficient vehicles available.

No matter what size car, SUV or pickup you’re looking for, you may have smarter, greener options. Maybe you’ve seen our ads? You know, the ones for EPA’s SmartWay Leaf. If you haven’t seen them, the ads highlight the SmartWay brand and encourage all of us to look for the SmartWay leaf to help identify cars and trucks that are more environmentally friendly.

If you’ve been to a NASCAR race recently, you’ve probably already seen many of these cars. NASCAR and their auto company partners have been hosting auto shows at their tracks, allowing fans to get up close and personal with SmartWay-certified vehicles.

If you’re not in the market for a new car, you can still squeeze a few more miles per gallon out of the car you already own. During the holiday season, you can combine shopping trips to maximize efficiency. If you’re traveling out of town, carpool or take public transportation when possible. There are many ways to increase your car’s mileage (and reduce the amount of pollution it emits at the same time). Check out what you can do, but it all boils down to driving smart, taking care of your vehicle, and using it as little as possible.

To see what others are doing and to tell us how you’re traveling green this holiday season, check out this week’s  Question of the Week.

Remember green travel isn’t just for the holidays. You can do it year-round. Check out some of our previous posts to see how you can make your new holiday travel habits permanent.

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3 Responses to “Celebrate the Environment: Getting There in an Environmentally Friendly Way”

  1. Sven Says:

    It is great to see EPA doing a series of informative announcements and blogs on how to green your holiday season. Maybe they are finally putting the environment back in enviromental protection. I recommend checking out this site: http://www.begreenminded.com/
    There is a series of posts that expand on some of the ideas talked about in EPA’s series of blogs and announcements.


  2. Diesel Power Says:

    I can’t agree enough, my wife is now driving a toyota hybrid and I am running on ethanol. If everyone would just pitch in a little bit we can clean this country up slowly but surely.


  3. George Says:

    We recently took a 500 mile trip to DC and took the train (Amtrak). It was great, met some nice people and enjoyed the ride. We plan to use the train to NY next time.


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