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Current Bibliographies in Medicine 95-3

Asian/Pacific Islander American Health

CBM  95-3

Asian/Pacific Islander American Health

January 1990 through March 1995

1197 Citations

Prepared by

Loretta D. Ulincy, M.L.S., Reference Section,
National Library of Medicine

Fu-Sen Hu, Ph.D., Indexing Section,
National Library of Medicine

Albert Lock, Ph.D., Occupational Health and Safety Branch,
National Institutes of Health

Rita Liu, Ph.D., Office of Extramural Program Review,
National Institute of Drug Abuse

Jane S. Lin-Fu, M.D., Genetic Services Branch,
Health Resources and Services Administration

George A. Alexander, M.D., Special Populations Studies Branch,
National Cancer Institute

Public Health Service
National Institutes of Health

National Library of Medicine
Reference Section
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland  20894


National Library of Medicine Cataloging in Publication

Asian/Pacific Islander American health : January 1990 through
March 1995 : 1197 citations / prepared by Loretta D. Ulincy
... [et al.]. -- Bethesda, Md. (8600 Rockville Pike,
Bethesda 20894) : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services,
Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health,
National Library of Medicine, Reference Section ;
Pittsburgh, PA : Sold by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
-- (Current bibliographies in medicine ; 95-3)

Available from NLM at no cost through Internet FTP.

1. Asian Americans - bibliography  2.  Health Behavior -
ethnology - bibliography  3. Health Promotion - United
States - bibliography  4. Health Services Accessibility -
United States - bibliography  5. Health Services -
utilization - United States - bibliography  6. Health Status
- United States - bibliography  7. Preventive Health
Services - United States - bibliography  I. Ulincy, Loretta
D.  II. National Library of Medicine (U.S.).  Reference
Section  III. Title  IV. Series

02NLM: ZW 1 N272 no.95-3


Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation
in part of the National Library of Medicine's Literature
Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15.  In 1989
it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series.  Each
bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject
area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current
awareness function.  Citations are usually derived from
searching a variety of online databases.  NLM databases
CATLINE, HEALTH, POPLINE and TOXLINE.  The only criterion
for the inclusion of a particular published work is its
relevance to the topic being presented; the format,
ownership, or location of the material is not considered.

Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to:

Karen Patrias, Editor
Current Bibliographies in Medicine
Reference Section
National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, MD  20894
Phone: 301-496-6097
Fax: 301-402-1384

Ordering Information:

Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office, P.O. 371954, Pittsburgh, PA  15250-7954.  To order
the entire CBM series for calendar year 1995 (approximately
10 bibliographies), send $47.00 ($58.75 foreign) to the
Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM94.  For
your convenience an order blank is given inside the back
cover.  Orders for individual bibliographies in the series
($4.75, $5.94 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent
of Documents citing the title, CBM number, and the GPO List
ID given above.

Internet Access:

The Current Bibliographies in Medicine series is also
available at no cost to anyone with Internet access through
FTP (File Transfer Protocol).  FTP to
and login as anonymous.  The index file in the "bibs"
directory provides information on the bibliographies

Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved
by the Director
of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30,


In May 1994 the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
assisted by its Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA)
Advisory Committee, sponsored a symposium entitled, "Health
Research: An Asian/Pacific Islander American Perspective."
This was the first NIH symposium specifically focused on
health issues of concern to APIAs.  From the papers
presented at that highly successful conference and the
discussions that followed, it became clear to both
researchers and health service providers that a bibliography
dealing with APIA health issues was urgently needed.

APIAs are the fastest growing minority group in the United
States.  Between 1980 and 1990, this population rose by
108%.  This was more than ten times the rate for the total
U.S. population, yet APIAs are among the most poorly
understood minorities.  This minority is composed largely of
recent immigrants and refugees who face linguistic and
ethnocultural barriers in gaining access to health care and
other services.  In addition, many health issues of concern
to APIAs are not well documented.  More biomedical research
specific to APIAs, as well as increased accessibility to
health care services, are acutely needed.

This bibliography lists selected references to monographs,
journal articles, conference proceedings and abstracts,
dissertations, and audiovisuals published from January 1990
through March 1995.  Foreign language material is included.
Several of the items chosen for this bibliography discuss
other minority groups in addition to Asian/Pacific Islander
Americans.  These references were included whenever the
Asian/Pacific Islander American community formed a part of
the study population.  The citations are arranged in subject
categories following the "Healthy People 2000" initiative of
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with some
modifications to accommodate issues specific to the
Asian/Pacific Islander American community.  Some citations
appear in more than one category.

This bibliography is intended to serve as a handy and useful
resource for health professionals, including policy makers,
administrators, researchers, and health service providers.
It is designed for those who are interested in gaining a
better understanding of health issues of special concern to
APIAs through published medical literature.  It is a joint
project of the NIH APIA Advisory Committee and the National
Library of  Medicine.  This project would not have come to
fruition without the dedication and commitment of Dr. Fu-Sen


A variety of online databases are usually searched in
preparing bibliographies in the CBM series.  To assist you
in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this
search, the strategy used for the NLM's MEDLINE database is
given below.  Please note that the search strategies
presented here differ from individual demand searches in
that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant
citations edited out prior to printing.




SS 4 = 1 OR 3

SS 5 = 2 AND NOT 4


SS 7 = 6 AND NOT 4







SS 12 = 10 OR 11





SS 17 = 14 OR 15 OR 16


SS 19 = 1 OR 5 OR 8 OR 9 OR 13 OR 18


To make online searching easier and more efficient, the
Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that
provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases.
This software was specifically developed for health
professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in
the blank" screens for easy search preparation.  GRATEFUL MED
runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a
Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem.
It may be purchased from the National Technical Information
Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per
order for shipping).  For your convenience, an order blank has
been enclosed at the back of this bibliography.


Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according
to the rules established for Index Medicus*.  Sample journal
and monograph citations appear below.  For journal articles
written in a foreign language, the English translation of the
title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is
given in the original language.  In both cases the language of
publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing
at the end of the citation.  Note also that a colon (:) may
appear within an author's name or article title.  The NLM
computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place
of a diacritical mark.

Journal Article:

          Authors               Article Title

      Mattson S, Lew L. Culturally sensitive prenatal care for
           Southeast Asians.
     J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 1992 Jan-Feb;21(1):48-54.

     Abbreviated Journal           Date     Volume Issue Pages


            Authors/Editors                   Title

Leslie, Charles M.; Young, Allan, editors. Paths to Asian    
         medical knowledge.                                  
Berkeley (CA): University of California Press; c1992. 296 p.

  Place of            Publisher           Date       Total No.
Publication                                          of Pages


*For details of the formats used for references, see the
following publication:

     Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended
     formats for bibliographic citation.  Bethesda (MD):  The
     Library; 1991 Apr.  Available from: NTIS, Springfield,
     VA; PB91-182030.


   Physical Fitness
   Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs
      - Tobacco
      - Alcohol
      - Drugs
   Mental Health and Mental Disorders
      - Suicide
      - Mental Disorders
      - Mental Health Services
   Violence and Abusive Behavior
   Educational and Community-Based Programs
   Health-Related Attitude and Behavior
   Family Planning

   Environmental Health
   Food Safety
   Oral Health

   Access to Health Care
   Publicly-Funded Programs
   Prescription Drugs
   Non-Prescription and Traditional/Folk Remedies
   Health Care Providers
   Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Care Providers

   Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke
   Infectious Diseases
      - Tuberculosis
      - Hepatitis B and Other Hepatitis
      - Parasitic Diseases
      - AIDS/HIV Infections
      - Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
      - Other Infectious Diseases
   Genetic Disorders and Genetics
   Other Diseases and Disorders

   Maternal and Infant Health
      - Maternal Health
      - Infant Health
   Women's Health
   Child Health
   Adolescent Health
   Elderly Health


   Social Demography
   Economic Demography
   Cross-Cultural Demography



Physical Fitness

Whittemore AS, Wu-Williams AH, Lee M, Zheng S, Gallagher RP, Jiao
DA, Zhou L, Wang XH, Chen K, Jung D, et al. Diet, physical
activity, and colorectal cancer among Chinese in North America
and China. J Natl Cancer Inst 1990 Jun 6;82(11):915-26.

Wolf AM, Gortmaker SL, Cheung L, Gray HM, Herzog DB, Colditz GA.
Activity, inactivity, and obesity: racial, ethnic, and age
differences among schoolgirls. Am J Public Health 1993

Xu W, Stinner WF, Berry EH. Multiple social roles and health-
related risk taking behavior. Paper presented at: 13th World
Congress of Sociology; 1994 Jul 18-23; Bielefeld, Germany.


Adsen, Michelle Aurora. Comparison of nutrient intake and
physical activity among Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and
white children aged 10-12 years [masters thesis]. Long Beach
(CA): California State University, Long Beach; 1992. 153 p.

Ballew C, Liu K, Levinson S, Stamler J. Comparison of three
weight-for-height indices in blood pressure studies in children.
Am J Epidemiol 1990 Mar;131(3):532-7.

Chau P, Lee HS, Tseng R, Downes NJ. Dietary habits, health
beliefs, and food practices of elderly Chinese women. J Am Diet
Assoc 1990 Apr;90(4):579-80.

Chyou PH, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN. A prospective study of diet,
smoking, and lower urinary tract cancer. Ann Epidemiol 1993 May;

Chyou PH, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN, Hankin JH. A prospective
study of alcohol, diet, and other lifestyle factors in relation
to obstructive uropathy. Prostate 1993;22(3):253-64.

Chyou PH, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN, Kato I. Lung cancer: a
prospective study of smoking, occupation, and nutrient intake.
Arch Environ Health 1993 Mar-Apr;48(2):69-72.

Denni SB, Zhou B, Zhang K, Zhong M, Buzzard IM, Stamler J. A
methodological comparison of calculated nutrient intake of
Chinese survey participants using Chinese and American nutrient
databases. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;59(1 Suppl):302S.

Egusa G, Murakami F, Ito C, Matsumoto Y, Kado S, Okamura M, Mori
H, Yamane K, Hara H, Yamakido M. Westernized food habits and
concentrations of serum lipids in the Japanese. Atherosclerosis
1993 May;100(2):249-55.

Goodman MT, Kolonel LN, Wilkens LR. The association of body size,
reproductive factors and thyroid cancer. Br J Cancer 1992

Hankin JH, Wilkens LR, Kolonel LN, Yoshizawa CN. Validation of a
quantitative diet history method in Hawaii. Am J Epidemiol 1991
Mar 15;133(6):616-28.

Hankin JH, Yoshizawa CN, Kolonel LN. Reproducibility of a diet
history in older men in Hawaii. Nutr Cancer 1990;13(3):129-40.

Hankin JH, Zhao LP, Wilkens LR, Kolonel LN. Attributable risk of
breast, prostate, and lung cancer in Hawaii due to saturated fat.
Cancer Causes Control 1992 Jan;3(1):17-23.

Hartman TJ, McCarthy PR, Park RJ, Schuster E, Kushi LH. Focus
group responses of potential participants in a nutrition
education program for individuals with limited literacy skills. J
Am Diet Assoc 1994 Jul;94(7):744-8.

Ikeda, Joanne P. Hmong American food practices, customs, and
holidays. Chicago (IL): American Dietetic Association; 1992. 24

Kato I, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN, Chyou PH. Vitamin supplement
use and its correlates among elderly Japanese men residing on
Oahu, HI. Public Health Rep 1992 Nov-Dec;107(6):712-7.

Khomsan, Ali. Food frequency and nutritional status of Asian
children in the WIC program [dissertation]. [Ames (IA)]: Iowa
State University; 1991. 101 p.

Kim KK, Yu ES, Liu WT, Kim J, Kohrs MB. Nutritional status of
Chinese-, Korean-, and Japanese-American elderly. J Am Diet Assoc
1993 Dec;93(12):1416-22.

Kraak V, Stricker JD, Utermohlen V. Determining the nutrition
needs of an ethnically diverse urban population with HIV/AIDS
[abstract]. Int Conf AIDS 1994 Aug 7-12;10(2):226. Abstract no.

Lee MM, Lee F, Ladenla SW, Miike R. A semiquantitative dietary
history questionnaire for Chinese Americans. Ann Epidemiol 1994
May;4(3):188-97. Comment in: Ann Epidemiol 1994 May;4(3):257-8.

Levander OA. Scientific rationale for the 1989 recommended
dietary allowance for selenium. J Am Diet Assoc 1991

Ludman EK, Kang KJ, Lynn LL. Food beliefs and diets of pregnant
Korean-American women. J Am Diet Assoc 1992 Dec;92(12):1519-20.

Ma, Kee Maggie. Chinese American food practices, customs, and
holidays. Chicago (IL): American Dietetic Association; 1990. 36

Malla, Muhammad Akil. Dietary changes of Muslims in the United
States [dissertation]. Pullman (WA): Washington State University;
1990.  209 p.

Newman V, Norcross W, McDonald R. Nutrient intake of low-income
Southeast Asian pregnant women.  J Am Diet Assoc 1991

Nomura AM, Kolonel LN, Hankin JH, Yoshizawa CN. Dietary factors
in cancer of the lower urinary tract. Int J Cancer 1991 May

Nomura AM, Marchand LL, Kolonel LN, Hankin JH. The effect of
dietary fat on breast cancer survival among Caucasian and
japanese women in Hawaii. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1991 May;18
Suppl 1:S135-41.

Rasbridge, Lance Andres. Infant/child feeding among resettled
Cambodians in Dallas: intracultural variation in reference to
iron nutrition. Dallas (TX): Southern Methodist University; 1991.
390 p.

Sharp DS, Rodriguez BL, Shahar E, Hwang LJ, Burchfiel CM. Fish
consumption may limit the damage of smoking on the lung. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med 1994 Oct;150(4):983-7.

Shintani T, Beckham S, O'Connor HK, Hughes C, Sato A. The Waianae
Diet Program: a culturally sensitive, community-based obesity and
clinical intervention program for the Native Hawaiian population.
Hawaii Med J 1994 May;53(5):136-41, 147.

Shintani TT, Hughes CK, Beckham S, O'Connor HK. Obesity and
cardiovascular risk intervention through the ad libitum feeding
of traditional Hawaiian diet. Am J Clin Nutr 1991 Jun;53(6
Suppl):1647S- 1651S.

Skelton WP 3d, Skelton NK. Vitamin B deficiency neuropathy. Case
reports. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1990 May;80(5):254-6.

Tong A. Eating habits of elderly Vietnamese in the United States.
J Nutr Elder 1991;10(2):35-48.

Tsunehara CH, Leonetti DL, Fujimoto WY. Diet of second-generation
Japanese-American men with and without non-insulin-dependent
diabetes. Am J Clin Nutr 1990 Oct;52(4):731-8.

Tuttle CR, Dewey KG. Determinants of infant feeding choices among
southeast Asian immigrants in northern California. J Am Diet
Assoc 1994 Mar;94(3):282-6.

Wada JY, Grivetti LE. Maintenance of Japanese festival foods
comparison between elderly Japanese and elderly Japanese-
Americans [abstract]. FASEB J 1990;4(3):A794.

Wang, May-Choo Wong. Environmental influences on growth and
health status in ehtnic Chinese populations. Berkeley (CA):
University of California, Berkeley; 1993. 303 p.

Wang MC, Sabry ZI. A culturally-sensitive method for the
assessment of diet in a group of American Chinese children
[abstract]. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;59(1 Suppl):290S.

Whittemore AS, Wu-Williams AH, Lee M, Zheng S, Gallagher RP, Jiao
DA, Zhou L, Wang XH, Chen K, Jung D, et al. Diet, physical
activity, and colorectal cancer among Chinese in North America
and China. J Natl Cancer Inst 1990 Jun 6;82(11):915-26.

Wiecha JM, Hebert JR, Lim M. Diet measurement in Vietnamese
youth: concurrent reliability of a self-administered food
frequency questionnaire.  J Community Health 1994

Yeung KS, McKeown-Eyssen GE, Li GF, Glazer E, Hay K, Child P,
Gurgin V, Zhu SL, Baptista J, Aloe M, et al. Comparisons of diet
and biochemical characteristics of stool and urine between
Chinese populations with low and high colorectal cancer rates. J
Natl Cancer Inst 1991 Jan 2;83(1):46-50.

Yip R, Parvanta I, Scanlon K, Borland EW, Russell CM, Trowbridge
FL. Pediatric nutrition surveillance system--United States,
1980-1991. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ 1992 Nov 27;41(7):1-24.

Yu H, Harris RE, Gao YT, Gao R, Wynder EL. Comparative
epidemiology of cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate and breast
in Shanghai, China versus the United States. Int J Epidemiol 1991

Tobacco,  Alcohol,  and  Drugs

Bachman JG, Wallace JM Jr, O'Malley PM, Johnston LD, Kurth CL,
Neighbors HW. Racial/ethnic differences in smoking, drinking, and
illicit drug use among American high school seniors, 1976-89. Am
J Public Health 1991 Mar;81(3):372-7.

Chung CS, Tash E, Raymond J, Yasunobu C, Lew R. Health risk
behaviours and ethnicity in Hawaii. Int J Epidemiol 1990

Chyou PH, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN, Hankin JH. A prospective
study of alcohol, diet, and other lifestyle factors in relation
to obstructive uropathy. Prostate 1993;22(3):253-64.

Ellickson PL, Hays RD, Bell RM. Stepping through the drug use
sequence: longitudinal scalogram analysis of initiation and
regular use. J Abnorm Psychol 1992 Aug;101(3):441-51.

Gillmore MR, Catalano RF, Morrison DM, Wells EA, Iritani B,
Hawkins JD. Racial differences in acceptability and availability
of drugs and early initiation of substance use. Am J Drug Alcohol
Abuse 1990;16(3-4):185-206.

- Tobacco

Anton Culver H, Lee Feldstein A, Taylor TH. The association of
bladder cancer risk with ethnicity, gender, and smoking. Ann
Epidemiol 1993 Jul;3(4):429-33.

Chen VW. Smoking and the health gap in minorities. Ann Epidemiol
1993 Mar;3(2):159-64.

Cigarette smoking among Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hispanics--
California, 1989-1991. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1992 May

Cigarette smoking among Southeast Asian immigrants--Washington
state, 1989. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1992 Nov 13;41(45):854-5,

Chyou PH, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN. A prospective study of the
attributable risk of cancer due to cigarette smoking. Am J Public
Health 1992 Jan;82(1):37-40.

Chyou PH, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN. A prospective study of diet,
smoking, and lower urinary tract cancer. Ann Epidemiol 1993 May;

Chyou PH, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN, Kato I. Lung cancer: a
prospective study of smoking, occupation, and nutrient intake.
Arch Environ Health 1993 Mar-Apr;48(2):69-72.

Curb JD, Marcus EB, Reed DM, MacLean C, Yano K. Smoking,
pulmonary function, and mortality. Ann Epidemiol 1990

Fujimoto WY, Leonetti DL, Bergstrom RW, Shuman WP, Wahl PW.
Cigarette smoking, adiposity, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, and
coronary heart disease in Japanese-American men. Am J Med 1990

Gilpin EA, Pierce JP, Johnson M, Bal D. Physician advice to quit
smoking: results from the 1990 California Tobacco Survey. J Gen
Intern Med 1993 Oct;8(10):549-53.

Horning GM, Hatch CL, Cohen ME. Risk indicators for periodontitis
in a military treatment population. J Periodontol 1992

Jenkins CN, McPhee SJ, Bird JA, Bonilla NT. Cancer risks and
prevention practices among Vietnamese refugees. West J Med 1990
Jul;153(1):34-9. Published erratum appears in West J Med 1990

Kato I, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN, Chyou PH. Prospective study of
the association of alcohol with cancer of the upper aerodigestive
tract and other sites. Cancer Causes Control 1992

Le Marchand L, Wilkens LR, Kolonel LN. Ethnic differences in the
lung cancer risk associated with smoking. Cancer Epidemiol
Biomarkers Prev 1992 Jan-Feb;1(2):103-7.

Li DK, Daling JR. Maternal smoking, low birth weight, and
ethnicity in relation to sudden infant death syndrome. Am J
Epidemiol 1991 Nov 1;134(9):958-64.

Mili F, Flanders WD, Boring JR, Annest JL, Destefano F. The
associations of race, cigarette smoking, and smoking cessation to
measures of the immune system in middle-aged men. Clin Immunol
Immunopathol 1991 May;59(2):187-200.

Montner P, Bennett G, Brown C. An evaluation of a smoking
cessation training program for medical residents in an inner-city
hospital. J Natl Med Assoc 1994 Sep;86(9):671-5.

Reed D, Marcus E, Hayashi T. Smoking as a predictor of
atherosclerosis in the Honolulu Heart Program. Adv Exp Med Biol

Stemmermann GN, Nomura AM, Chyou PH. Cancer incidence following
subtotal gastrectomy. Gastroenterology 1991 Sep;101(3):711-5.

Stemmermann GN, Nomura AM, Chyou PH, Hankin J. Impact of diet and
smoking on risk of developing intestinal metaplasia of the
stomach. Dig Dis Sci 1990 Apr;35(4):433-8.

Stemmermann GN, Nomura AM, Chyou PH, Yoshizawa C. Prospective
study of alcohol intake and large bowel cancer. Dig Dis Sci 1990

Vander MR, Cummings SR, Coates TJ. Ethnicity and smoking:
differences in white, black, Hispanic, and Asian medical patients
who smoke. Am J Prev Med 1990 Jul-Aug;6(4):194-9.

Xu W, Stinner WF, Berry EH. Multiple social roles and health-
related risk taking behavior. Paper presented at: 13th World
Congress of Sociology; 1994 Jul 18-23; Bielefeld, Germany.

- Alcohol

Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (US),
Office for Substance Abuse Prevention.  Ad Hoc Task Force
recommendations for ethnic minorities on alcohol and other drug
abuse.  Rockville (MD): The Administration; 1992.  12 p.
Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA.; PB92-186725XSP.

Chan RJ, McBride AW, Thomasson HR, Ykenney A, Crabb DW. Allele
frequencies of the preproenkephalin A (PENK) gene CA repeat in
Asians, African-Americans, and Caucasians: lack of evidence for
different allele frequencies in alcoholics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res
1994 Jun;18(3):533-5.

Cheung YW. Beyond liver and culture: a review of theories and
research in drinking among Chinese in North America. Int J Addict
1993 Dec;28(14):1497-513.

Chin KL, Lai TF, Rouse M. Social adjustment and alcoholism among
Chinese immigrants in New York City. Int J Addict

Cho YI, Faulkner WR. Conceptions of alcoholism among Koreans and
Americans. Int J Addict 1993 Jun;28(8):681-94.

D'Avanzo CE, Frye B, Froman R. Culture, stress and substance use
in Cambodian refugee women. J Stud Alcohol 1994 Jul;55(4):420-6.

Derr RF. Simulation studies on ethanol metabolism in different
human populations with a physiological pharmacokinetic model. J
Pharm Sci 1993 Jul;82(7):677-82.

Harford TC. Family history of alcoholism in the United States:
prevalence and demographic characteristics. Br J Addict 1992

Higuchi S, Parrish KM, Dufour MC, Towle LH, Harford TC.
Relationship between age and drinking patterns and drinking
problems among Japanese, Japanese-Americans, and Caucasians.
Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1994 Apr;18(2):305-10.

Izuno T, Miyakawa M, Tsunoda T, Parrish KM, Kono H, Ogata M,
Harford TC, Towle LH. Alcohol-related problems encountered by
Japanese, Caucasians, and Japanese-Americans. Int J Addict 1992

Ja DY, Aoki B. Substance abuse treatment: cultural barriers in
the Asian-American community.  J Psychoact Drugs 1993 Jan-

Johnson RC, Nagoshi CT. Asians, Asian-Americans and alcohol. J
Psychoact Drugs 1990 Jan-Mar;22(1):45-52.

Johnson RC, Weatherspoon AJ, Danko GP. Chinese-American and
Korean-American alcoholism in Hawaii. Behav Genet 1992;22(6):728.

Kato I, Nomura AM, Stemmermann GN, Chyou PH. Prospective study of
the association of alcohol with cancer of the upper aerodigestive
tract and other sites. Cancer Causes Control 1992

Kitano HH, Chi I, Rhee S, Law CK, Lubben JE. Norms and alcohol
consumption: Japanese in Japan, Hawaii and California. J Stud
Alcohol 1992 Jan;53(1):33-9.

Klag MJ, Moore RD, Whelton PK, Sakai Y, Comstock GW. Alcohol
consumption and blood pressure: a comparison of native Japanese
to American men.  J Clin Epidemiol 1990;43(12):1407-14.

Langer RD, Criqui MH, Reed DM. Lipoproteins and blood pressure as
biological pathways for effect of moderate alcohol consumption on
coronary heart disease. Circulation 1992 Mar;85(3):910-5.

Legge C, Sherlock L. Perception of alcohol use and misuse in
three ethnic communities: implications for prevention
programming. Int J Addict 1990-91;25(5-6):629-53.

Maddahian E, Newcomb MD, Bentler PM. Risk factors for substance
use: ethnic differences among adolescents. J Subst Abuse

Mungas D, Ehlers CL, Wall TL. Effects of acute alcohol
administration on verbal and spatial learning. Alcohol Alcohol
1994 Mar;29(2):163-9.

Nakawatase TV, Yamamoto J, Sasao T. The association between fast-
flushing response and alcohol use among Japanese Americans. J
Stud Alcohol 1993 Jan;54(1):48-53.

Parrish KM, Higuchi S, Stinson FS, Dufour MC, Towle LH, Harford
TC. Genetic or cultural determinants of drinking: a study of
embarrassment at facial flushing among Japanese and Japanese-
Americans. J Subst Abuse 1990;2(4):439-47.

Parrish KM, Higuchi S, Stinson FS, Towle LH, Dufour MC, Harford
TC. The association of drinking levels and drinking attitudes
among Japanese in Japan and Japanese-Americans in Hawaii and
California. J Subst Abuse 1992;4(2):165-77.

Stemmermann GN, Nomura AM, Chyou PH. Cancer incidence following
subtotal gastrectomy. Gastroenterology 1991 Sep;101(3):711-5.

Stemmermann GN, Nomura AM, Chyou PH, Yoshizawa C. Prospective
study of alcohol intake and large bowel cancer. Dig Dis Sci 1990

Tsunoda T, Parrish KM, Higuchi S, Stinson FS, Kono H, Ogata M,
Harford TC. The effect of acculturation on drinking attitudes
among Japanese in Japan and Japanese Americans in Hawaii and
California. J Stud Alcohol 1992 Jul;53(4):369-77.

Wall TL, Ehlers CL, Gallen CC, Thomasson R.
Electroencephalographic correlates of alcohol-induced flushing in
Asian American men [abstract]. Alcohol Clin Exp Res

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following placebo and alcohol in Asians with different ALDH2
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