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You are here: Agspace /AgSpace Submission Stop Page
AgSpace submissions are restricted to USDA employees.
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If you're seeing this page, our system did not recognize your computer as belonging to a USDA network.

If you're a USDA employee and have a proxy account, simply click on the "Login" button above to connect.

If you're a USDA employee without a proxy account or are having trouble connecting, follow the appropriate instructions provided in the blue boxes on the right.

I want to...
AgSpace submissions are available to USDA employees only.

If you are a USDA employee and want to submit to AgSpace from outside a USDA network, such as when working from home, when on travel, or if stationed on a college campus, request a proxy account by
e-mailing Proxy and providing the following information:

  • Your name
  • Agency
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • City and state where you work
National Agricultural Library Catalog

If you are a USDA employee and believe you have reached this page in error, check with your IT staff to verify that your computer is located within a USDA domain or has a USDA-issued IP address.

If your computer has the appropriate configuration and you still are not able to access our services, contact Us for assistance.

Please provide the following:

  • Your name
  • Agency
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • City and state where you work
  • IP Address
    [See bottom of page.]
  • A description of the problem you are encountering
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