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Yearbook - Definition of Terms


Preparation | Definition of Terms | NGC Objectives

Format | Scale of Points





CLUB YEARBOOK: A Club Yearbook is a booklet published annually, composed of a selected number of pages stapled or otherwise bound together within covers.


CATEGORY: A category is a division of award entries to provide equitable competition among states, according to financial resources, and among clubs, according to total paid club membership. A paid membership is one for which a State Garden Club has forwarded the required per capita dues to NGC Headquarters. State yearbook categories are: (1) with advertisements; (2) without advertisements. Club membership categories are: (I) clubs under 20 members; (2) clubs 20-29 members; (3) clubs 30-44 members; (4) clubs 45-69 members; (5) clubs 70-99 members; (6) clubs 100-299 members; (7) clubs of 300 or more.


ACTIVITY: An activity is a specific deed, action, function, or sphere of action.


An activity may be a single function whose direct purpose is to further one or more of NGC's objectives, without being involved in a specific project, or major undertaking.


Example: A field trip to a botanical garden is an activity in pursuit of the objective of advancing the study of horticulture.


Activities are also the means for accomplishing accepted projects, undertaken for the purpose of fulfilling one of or more of NGC's objectives.


Example: Preparing suet ball bird feeders for the winter season is an activity planned as part of the project to provide backyard bird sanctuaries, fulfilling the objective of aiding in the protection and conservation of natural resources. Page 1.


PROJECT: A project is a large or major undertaking especially involving considerable money, personnel, and equipment.


In garden club programming, a project is accomplished through related activities, which are necessary to complete the major undertaking, and is accepted by the membership for the purpose of furthering one or more NGC objectives.


Example: Hosting the annual district meeting is a project. It may require a number of activities, such as visiting and selecting a meeting site, to solicit door prizes, to provide funds for amenities (table decorations, corsages), etc. The purpose of the objective is to coordinate and further the interests of the State Garden Club at the district level.


OBJECTIVE: An objective is something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish.


NGC's objectives are stated in broad terms, permitting the clubs the freedom of choosing specific projects to promote these objectives, as appropriate for their membership.


Example: Furthering the objective of horticultural education scholarships may be accomplished through a project to establish a state scholarship funds with activities planned to raise funds, and to provide promotional programs at the student level and to recognize student accomplishments, etc.




Copyright © 2002 National Capital Area Federation of Garden Clubs



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