Jip Eilbracht
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The Netherlands
Hello. I'm Jip. Making moving images. From VJ'ing to shorts. I purely love to be behind any camera.
Video is such an odd medium, as you can do so much with it.
24 photos per second can tell a story. Or just be beautiful.
And I want to make that.

Recent activity

  • Video comment
    3 days ago
    Jip Eilbracht commented on ORANGE BIKES TAKE MANHATTAN

    Nice. Well made.
    I love bikes.

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    3 days ago
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    3 days ago
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    3 days ago
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  • Video comment
    3 days ago
    Jip Eilbracht commented on My bike, Kronan

    Yeah, only I haven't used mine for months now.. everytime I ride it something gets broke, and I don't feel like repairing... It's a shame, I know, but my mothers bike will do.
    I'll start looking for a new or a different one..

Video requests

Use this box to ask Jip Eilbracht to make a video for you. You can also send him a private message.

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