Julia Quinn
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Hi! I really like this site.
I work at vimeo programming stuff here and there.

I had to take all my videos down that had copyrighted music on them on 2/6/09. Sorry : (

Recent activity

Video requests

Use this box to ask Julia Quinn to make a video for you. You can also send her a private message.

Open Requests

  • Arya Torkzadeh 2 months ago
    Whoa, Julia. I just realized how many likes you have.
  • Gary Lew 2 months ago
    Hey. I'm new to Vimeo but I'm not new to the online culture. I'm running for office here in Palm Beach and wanted to use Vimeo to help me create a television commercial or two for the campaign. What I plan to do is have numerous members of Vimeo simply say "I'm voting for Lew. Are you?". These would then be compiled into the ad. Thank you so much. Oh, and feel free to shoot me any questions you may have.

  • ali 3 months ago
    hi any body thank onthis line
  • Marky B 7 months ago
    hey found your stuff through the CH guys blogs and i really like it. you're super talented
  • Patrick P. ™ 8 months ago
    nice work, deleting flagged videos hehe XD
  • Patrick P. ™ 8 months ago
    more videos :)
  • Ryan S 2 years ago
    Julia quinn ftw! =]
  • Elemeno Pee 2 years ago
    Playing Ball 2: A Boy's Revenge
  • HelenDavis 2 years ago
    so where's that movie?? hmmm? i like the idea below me...creative...i dig it
  • Clefairy 2 years ago
    monkeys dancing in an open field filled with wildflowers and blueberry bushes. oh yeah

Filled Requests

  • HelenDavis 2 years ago
    actually correction: "i want to see the movie of julia" ...make a movie of yourself for the baby...that's a command.
    Replied! Watch the video

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