FSC supports the conservation of forests and helps people lead better lives.


FSC GA 2008 Update - Highlights & News 5 November
FSC GA 2008 Update - Highlights & News 4 November
FSC General Assembly 2008 - GA program underway in South Africa

FSC General Assembly 2008
FSC General Assembly 2008
Join us at the FSC General Assembly - Nov. 3-7 2008 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Sponsor FSC
Sponsor FSC
Partner with FSC and ensure a successful General Assembly 2008.
Donate & Support FSC
Donate & Support FSC
Discover how you can be part of the solution as an FSC donor.

FSC in numbers

102.79 million 
ha certified
10'472  CoC certificates
FSC certificates in 81  countries

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