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Report Sick Farm Birds at 1-866-536-7593
Don't wait! Early detection can make a difference. If your birds are sick or dying, call USDA's Veterinary Services toll free at 1-866-536-7593, or your State Veterinarian or local extension agent to find out why.

Report Sick Or Dead Wild Birds
Find out how to contact your state Department of Wildlife to report sick or dead wild birds.

Topics on this Page


Worldwide, there are many strains of avian influenza virus that can be spread by migratory fowl. These viruses can cause varying degrees of illness in poultry.

The spread of a highly pathogenic avian H5N1 virus across eastern Asia and into Europe and Africa represents a significant threat, with health professionals concerned about a potential human pandemic. This virus has passed from infected poultry to humans and other mammals, and has had devastating impacts on poultry farming in several nations.

 Interagency Screening Plan

Interagency Screening Plan: An Early Detection System for Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza in Wild Migratory Birds

The interagency strategic plan, developed by wildlife disease biologists, veterinarians and epidemiologists, provides a unified national system for conducting H5N1 HPAI monitoring of wild migratory birds throughout the United States. The plan serves as a guide to all federal, state, university and non-governmental organizations involved in avian influenza monitoring by providing standard procedures and strategies for data sampling, diagnostics, and management.

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 Protecting People Exposed to Animals

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 Protecting Pets

  • H5N1 in Cats (Food and Agriculture Organization)

    Provides information for the general public and veterinarians about the risk of cats contracting H5N1 virus and the role of cats in the spread of avian influenza H5N1.
  • H5N1 Avian Influenza in Domestic Cats (World Health Organization (WHO))

    News story from WHO on the domestic cat in Germany that died from avian flu. Includes discussion of cat-to-cat transmission of avian flu, and the probable source of infection in cats.

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 State Contacts

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