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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Family Bryaceae

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Division  Bryophyta – Mosses
Subdivision  Musci
Class  Bryopsida – True mosses
Subclass  Bryidae
Order  Bryales
Family  Bryaceae
Contains 11 Genera and 129 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Genus  Anomobryum Schimp. – anomobryum moss P
Genus  Brachymenium Schwägr. – brachymenium moss P
Genus  Bryum Hedw. – bryum moss P
Genus  Epipterygium Lindb. – epipterygium moss P
Genus  Leptobryum (Bruch & Schimp.) Wilson – leptobryum moss P
Genus  Mielichhoferia Nees & Hornsch. – copper moss P
Genus  Orthodontium Schwägr. – orthodontium moss P
Genus  Plagiobryum Lindb. – plagiobryum moss P
Genus  Pohlia Hedw. – pohlia moss P
Genus  Rhodobryum (Schimp.) Hampe – rhodobryum moss P
Genus  Roellia Kindb. – Roell's moss P

The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose.