Bring Vimeo's technology to your community, and bring the Vimeo community to your site.

Vimeo is different from other video sharing sites: it is the only place where people truly connect through video. If you want to engage your users through video, or if you have a robust community that wants to engage each other through video, Vimeo is the video partner for you. Here are some options:

Advanced API

If you want to put video on your site for just 1 user to upload, our Advanced API is probably right for you. The good news is, you don’t have to talk to a single person to implement it. Just visit our Advanced API page. You can also check out our API forum and contact us if you need help.

Partnership Opportunities

If you want more than one user posting video to your site, we can help:

  • • Power video on your site.
  • • Allow multiple users to upload video on your site.
  • • Deploy all Vimeo functionality on your site, including threaded comments, advanced privacy and sharing options.
  • • Create a home on Vimeo for your community to share video and connect with other Vimeo users.

Contact us to talk about how we can partner.

Promotion Opportunities

If you have an idea for a video promotion or contest, we can host it and help with design and development as well. Contact us to talk about how we can help promote your brand.

Learn more about Vimeo

Vimeo by the numbers

  • 7M+
    Avg. # of XML pages served per day
  • 35,998,245
    Number of API calls made so far
  • 01000001. 01010000. 01001001.
    A.P.I. in binary code

Contact us