Climate For Action: Introducing New Student Bloggers

Posted on February 3rd, 2009 - 3:00 PM

About the authors: Michelle Gugger and Loreal Crumbley will work as a team to continue the New Climate for Action Blog.

Michelle graduated from Rutgers University in 2008. She is currently spending a year of service at EPA’s Region 3 Office in Philadelphia, PA as an AmeriCorps VISTA.

image of authorI’m so glad that I have been given the opportunity to continue the great work that Ashley Sims has done with this blog. I work at the EPA in Philadelphia in the Water Protection Division. Here I am known as the VISTA in the office. VISTAs are volunteers in service to America. It is kind of like the PeaceCorps in that we volunteer our time working for social, economic and environmental issues. As a VISTA, I have chosen to spend my time working to protect human health and the environment. I have had a great opportunity to do this at the EPA. I spend most of my time supporting environmental initiatives and educating the public on water protection. So far, it has been a lot of fun and a great learning experience. There are so many people interested in making positive environmental changes. I would love to share some of the things that they have taught me and hope that you will share some of the things that you do for your environment. I have been following Ashley’s blog for a while now and it is a great way for students to educate each other on important environmental issues. I hope you continue sharing and I look forward to reading your great ideas!

Loreal, a senior at George Mason University, is an intern with EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Protection and Environmental Education through EPA’s Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP).

image of co-authorI currently work with the EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Protection and Environmental Education. I am very excited to work with Michelle in carrying on Ashley’s blog entries. I live in Virginia and am a native of the Washington D.C. area. I am in my fourth year at George Mason University and am pursuing a degree in Government and International Politics. I have extensive work experience in the environmental field, including an internship with the EPA’s Office of Cooperative Environmental Management, a student mentor at Science, Engineering and Technology Camp (a program dedicated to helping young girls excel in science fields), and the National Hispanic Environmental Council Minority Youth Training Institute (a scholarship to receive training from experts in environmental and science fields).

I look forward to writing blog entries on global climate change and hearing your goals and projects on the many environmental issues.

Look for next week’s Climate for Action Blog entry on recycling CDs and DVDs

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2 Responses to “Climate For Action: Introducing New Student Bloggers”

  1. Lina-EPA Says:

    looking forward to your blog entries. Welcome to Greenversations!


    Michelle reply on February 9, 2009 4:27 pm:

    Thank you!


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