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This video shows you how to use Windows Movie Maker to edit a simple video and export a movie file you can upload to Vimeo.

Click download for a larger version that makes the screen easier to read.

See how to do it on a Mac here:

  • Paul McClintock 2 years ago
    Man, I'm glad I don't use Windows Movie Maker.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    Me too. It was not fun.
  • Janie 2 years ago
    Haha. That's all I've got! :( Sadness. Thanks for this clip though Dalas. WMM, represent.
  • Perez 2 years ago
    I�m a WMM hostage too. :-(
  • Jelen! 2 years ago
    you can tell from the beginning you're much less happy with this than imovie. i HATE wmm with a fiery passion, but that's all i've got.
  • Thomas K.K. 1 year ago
    oh man, how happy I would be if I got a mac with imovie...:(
  • Perez 2 years ago
    I wanted a video editing software for PC-windows that could support quicktime (.mov) files. Freeware, of course.

    Do you know of any?
  • ed 2 years ago
    I know people that like this free software called Wax. I sometimes have used it for special effects. I don't believe it exports to mov though.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    What about QuickTime Pro? Do they make that for PC? It's not quite as user friendly, but you can just copy and paste the parts you want from each clip into one big clip. I know a few people who edit their videos that way, including me. It's not free, but it's cheap.
  • ed 2 years ago
    I have Quicktime Pro, but I only use it for file conversion to and from.
  • Paul McClintock 2 years ago
    Yeah, I use Quicktime simply for conversion purposes. In Premiere I export to raw avi, and then in Quicktime I encode to h.264. It's an extra step I wish I didn't have to make, but Premiere sucks at encoding directly to Quicktime MOV's.
  • islebehere plus 2 years ago
    i, too, am i slave to WMM. mainly because i don't have time to learn anything cooler.
    anyways, once you get the hang of WMM, it's very easy to use.
    also, you can import more than 1 clip at a time and put them in your collections.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    I spent maybe half an hour trying to figure out how to import more than one clip at a time. Every clip I imported wanted to make its own collection.

    So, I figured I was having the typical first-time user experience and I ran with it.
  • islebehere plus 2 years ago
    no, you're right. it does import them individually, but if you're in "collections" view you can make one folder and move them all into that. the other folders can be deleted after the move.
  • islebehere plus 2 years ago
    OH! also, if you use a camcorder vs a digital camera movie function, you can "capture" whatever you just filmed, on WMM, and it will make it a collection automatically.
  • Thommy Browne plus 2 years ago
    I have windows movie maker at work but never use it. I might give it a shot now just for shits-n-giggles.
  • noshoes 2 years ago
    I still cannot figure it out but here is a free editor that has alot of advanced functionality. Maybe too advanced.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    Avid is solid. Worth figuring out. You can get books from the library on Avid that would probably apply to the free version as well.
  • ed 2 years ago
    There are a lot of tutorials for Windows Movie Maker here.
  • F.o.l.l.y 2 years ago
    There is a -cut clip- button just below the screen. Bottom, right side.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    What are you responding to?
  • F.o.l.l.y 2 years ago
    You were cutting your clips by going to the menu bar and dropping the menu, choosing the cut clip option. There is a cut clip button under the view screen.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    Ahh, I see. Thanks for pointing that out.
  • Mueleski 2 years ago
    Great video tutorial! I was doing something different to trim my sequences but what you showed me is a lot better! Thanks!
  • Still Pending 2 years ago
    nice - did you use camtasia to create this tutorial?
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    I used Snapz Pro X. Windows is running inside of OSX in this video.
  • VideoBug 2 years ago
    Have to agree, I expected Windows Movie Maker to be a little more versitile. What you show is very helpful for those who want to do all that. I on the other hand am looking for a way to send a video clip via e-mail to my friend. What and how do I do to accomplish this?
  • ed 2 years ago
    upload it here and send the URL of the video in the email. Vimeo has the option of downloading the original movie file.
  • zzz1492 2 years ago
    A great tutorial -- many thanks!
    I'll certainly watch all your tutorials now.
    I figured out MovieMaker enough to produce this:
    Then I watched your clip and saw how I should have done it!
    Thanks again.
  • ubizmo 2 years ago
    I don't think WMM is so bad, after the initial learning curve. I generally import all the clips into a collection at once, which takes a few minutes, so that's a good time to get a drink or something. Incidentally, you can use the same basic method to import sound files and still pictures. There's still a lot I don't know how to do but basic editing seems straightforward enough. Effects and transitions are also easy to apply, and there are web sites where you can download more effects.
  • - bekah - 2 years ago
    Thank you soooo much for doing this. It helps a ton! :-)
  • mimoody 2 years ago
    This was helpful when I first tried to use WMM, thanks.

    But one question: Why should we choose the save option of "video for broadband" instead of just the default recommended option? I've saved my videos using that default option and they work fine but am I missing out on something?
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    If it works for you, it works.
  • mimoody 2 years ago
    Okie dokie
  • Briantho 2 years ago
    Many thanks for that! I use PE3 and was using Ulead for the final conversion of the finished AVI but Ulead is being naughty. WMM is now doing the job :-)
  • Jeff Moulton 2 years ago
    Wow, very helpful. I wish learning basic things on software was always that simple!

  • Aiden Pyne 2 years ago
    eh. i never knew about trim points.
    i just split the video where i didn't need it and deleted what i didn't need.
    gosh. i am an idiot.
  • Aiden Pyne 2 years ago
    oh and i used to always select best quality.
    thanks for showing the extra options.
    reduces the size quite a fair bit.
  • Kevin Black 1 year ago
    All the mystery has evaporated. I guess I will go back to watching columbo.
  • tyler ifejfi 1 year ago
    Are you kidding me!!!! ive tried everything possible and this stupid little windows movie maker dosent even let me import videos ive tried everything i f***ing hate it what a waste of time!!!!! you should have made a video telling every one how it dosent ork and youll end up snapping your computer in half!!
  • ruperthowe 1 year ago
    Hey Tyler. I don't know if this is your problem, but WMM doesn't import MP4 files because it considers them the competition.
    Thanks a lot for this tutorial. I am using it to teach kids how to use WMM. Kids who don't have Macs and wouldn't be able to afford to go out and buy one just to make little videoblogs, when this is all they need. This saves a lot of time and confusion. You rock.
  • Christian 1 year ago
    Some of you mentioned Avid Free, so I checked it out. Looks good, unfortunately the free version has been discontinued.
  • shams 10 months ago
    thanks for this vedio and i need more
    im shams
  • Ali B 10 months ago
    So, is it true that I can't add music from itunes to Windows Movie Maker??? Is there a way around this one?
  • QUIX - NZ 26 days ago
    ANALOGUE (something I ONLY use)...

    Try a simple "voice_recorder" option...
    (which is a function on your main menu)
    This is readily available in Windows XP...

    all programs>


    A simple "lossless" .WAV file recorder
    But - don't just suck the 60sec option - as I first did...
    This little baby can record the MAXIMUM content available - in your ram...

    Mine could DO - some 2100 secs worth in the beginning
    (until I used to much MAIN memory)
    Now I often "run" audio files - to around 1500 secs worth - in (any) "One_Remixing'... thus with JUST four of these - FILL an enter 79.45 "minutes worth" on a CD.

    Thus - a simple .WAV file - is created from ANY AUDIO - & allows one to "PLAYBACK" those remixings or plain COPIES... in mega_multiple_channel "analogue" - of around ten or more channels worth... if a stereo source is used - (oh_yeah... that's right SORRY. I keep forgetting - that most of you ONLY have those silly wee 2.1, 5.1 & split 7.1/9.1 low_quality "virtual_surround" sound system things?).
    Anyway - the .WAV recorder - should do "your swap"...
  • kruzer 9 months ago
    wmm is OK to use and no learning curve.
    Use the righ click on the timeline for a bunch of options and not the menu bar.

    I made this in WMM with a digital STILL CAMERA!
    Not a camcorder... and it looks just fine :)
  • ingestuprenda 9 months ago
    why do i loose so much quality in my videos with windows movie maker?
    ilove vimeo
  • Lyall Furphy 8 months ago
    You are a masochist.

    Thanks for taking one for the team.
  • PJ Szabo 7 months ago
    Thanks for getting that done. I had no idea how to cut stuff on there and always had to use my school's mac. gracias.
  • Neil Duckett 7 months ago
    Looked pretty easy to me, all i know so something good to start with .... just need to convert MP4 into something so i can use it first!
  • Jessica Parsons 7 months ago
    I teach kids to make stop-motion movies with both WMM and iMovie (depending on what computers are available at each class location). Having used both programs extensively and seen many new users learning them, I have found that each program has its advantages and disadvantages. Any problems you had with WMM really had more to do with your lack of familiarity, and I find students having similar issues on their first time on iMovie. "Intuitive" is really in the eye of the beholder. Windows users, more familiar with right-click menus and OK/Apply buttons, usually adapt well to WMM's workflow, and get confused with iMovie's drag-and-drop interface ("OK, I picked my transition, where's the button to put it in the movie? Oh, I have to drag this little icon there? I never would have thought of that!"). Mac users, on the other hand, familiar with dragging and dropping for just about anything, fall into the trap you did when importing video clips. ("I can only import one at a time? This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen!")

    If we had to import each picture individually for our stop-motion projects, we'd never finish. I work more with photos than video clips, so I tested your technique. I know that I've imported multiple videos into WMM before without trouble, but when I tried it today, I did have the each-movie-has-its-own-collection problem, at least on the XP version. In the Vista version, and with photos or audio in any version, either of these methods work fine:
    A. Open the folder where the files are, select the ones you want, and drag them into the Collections pane; OR
    B. Select multiple files when in the Import Video dialog box, then click Import. All selected will then be imported.
  • ayumi 7 months ago
    hi guys, I have uploaded many windows movie maker tutorials for newbies and experts. Check them out in my channel! Click on my name to visit.

    If you are running windows XP, get an update to 2.1 for stable version. windows vista is good too (vista operating system)

  • jeroen 3 months ago
    you can also import more files at ones
    just select them all

    keyboard shortcut
  • That's Great Food! 2 months ago
    That was super helpful and well done. Thanks for getting right to the point!
  • isupportEmilyOsment 1 month ago
    Thats Kinda like what I do to get my videos here from One True Media only I download the video to save it
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