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Technical Assistance

Responding to the mobility and transit opportunities and challenges that surround us can be a daunting task. Eventually everyone needs some help in facing difficult or confusing situations. This is where we come.

Our mission is to help people come together and work toward solutions that are useful in that special place they call home. Here is how we do that:

  • Website: This website is a wealth of information, best practices and first hand accounts on how others have addressed these issues and responsibilities. Check here first.

    Also, visit our Events calendar to learn about upcoming webinars and training.

  • Contact Us: You can communicate directly with one of our experienced professionals who may be able to help you deal with the issues you are facing. We encourage you to ask us for help in areas like medical transportation, senior transportation, employment transportation, technology, rural transportation, urban transportation or any issue you may have.

    You can do this by emailing or by calling us at 800.891.0590 x732. We will respond by letting you know how our partners and we can help with your concerns.

  • Direct Technical Assistance: We also are available to provide more comprehensive activities that we call "direct technical assistance." This effort brings you into contact with experienced professionals who may be able to help you deal with other issues in almost any kind of community.

    Visit our current projects for some examples of how we have worked with communities across the country. This is just a sampling of the kind of help we can bring to your community.

Two ways to take action to receive Direct Technical Assistance

  1. Contact Technical Assistance Specialist Bob Carlson
  2. Fill out a short application

We will respond by letting you know how our partners and we can help with your concerns.

Notice for Qualified Consultants

The Community Transportation Association uses individuals and firms to provide technical assistance for various projects. If you are interested being considered for technical assistance assignments, submit a Consultant Qualification Form:


Bob Carlson
Technical Assistance Specialist
Community Transportation Association of America
toll free: 1.800.527.8279 extension 732


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