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CT Magazine

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Community Transportation is the premiere magazine in its field. No other publication gets to the heart of the public and community transportation service, or so completely covers the people and communities it serves.

In recent months, Community Transportation Magazine has featured several special theme issues on such vital topics as employment transportation, medical transportation, senior transportation and universal access.

With each new edition, Community Transportation introduces its readers to innovative new transit financing ideas and service modes. It examines strategies to build ridership and support for transportation.

CT Fall 2008: Rural Issue

CT: Current Issue
"Transit for Rural America"
The current issue of CT explores how since 1978 the nation's network of rural public transit operators has grown and advanced beyond what many would have thought possible, making vital connections to health care, employment, social services and so much more.

As a bi-monthly publication, Community Transportation Magazine provides far more than news for its readers - it offers thoughtful analysis and the perspective of professionals from around the field. You'll turn to the magazine as soon as you get it and save back issues for future reference.


Scott Bogren
800.891.0590 x704


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