Local Government Guide to the Internet
Chapter 12: Economic Development
Local Government 
Guide to the Internet 
Home Page

Overview Of Development Strategies
Specific Economic Development Strategies
        Entrepreneurship, Business Start-Ups, Microenterprise
        Business Retention and Expansion
        Business Recruitment
        Financial Assistance to Businesses
        Workforce Development
        Telecommunications and E-commerce
        Conservation-Based and Sustainable Development
        Value-Added Processing and Marketing
        Tourism and Main Street Programs
Miscellaneous Sites

Economic Development Directory of Listings in USA

National and State Economic Development Links, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

State Economic Development Agencies, Construction Market Research

University Economic Development Centers and Programs, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

Overview of Developmemt Strategies
American Chamber of Commerce Research Association
Includes an Economic Development Handbook, links to sources of community data, community case studies, economic development publications, discussion forums, and much more.

Center for Urban Economic Development, University of Illinois at Chicago
Executive summaries of reports on various subjects related to economic development, such as cost-benefit analysis and industry analysis.

Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED)
CFED promotes asset-building strategies, primarily in low-income and distressed communities, that bring together practice, public policy, and private markets in new ways.

The Council for Urban Economic Development
Tools, resources, contacts, legislative support, and reports of recent research findings in economic development. Includes an online Economic Development Newsletter.

Development Ideas That Work, Rural Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Database of successful rural development projects.

Economic and Rural Development Resources, Rural Information Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Links to a variety of economic development organizations and resources, including funding and program assistance, data resources, and useful publications.

Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Information about Economic Development Administration programs, news and speeches, and grants.

Economic Development and Local Labor Markets, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Guide to economic development strategies, with emphasis on what works in different situations.

Economic Development Directory, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Information about the Economic Development Directoryís development activities around the country.

Economic Development Strategies, Urban and Regional Economic Development Course, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student-authored descriptions of over 30 economic development strategies, including overviews, key elements and issues, examples, and resources.

FORUM for Applied Research and Public Policy
Quarterly policy journal that focuses on energy, the environment, economic development, and science and technology issues. Current and past issues are online.

Growth Strategies Organization, Inc.
Access to newsletters, an annual survey of local economic development organizations, specialized research, and consulting services for local and state economic development organizations.

Innovator Awards, Community and Rural Development Institute, Cornell University
Information about Innovation Award winners in the areas of community and economic development, environmental management, human services, and local government.

Interactive Economic Development Network
A value-added, member driven, electronic community specifically designed to service the economic development industry. Site includes special publications, Economic Development Intelligent Reports, discussion forums, and more.

John J. Gunther Blue Ribbon Practices, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Examples of best practices in economic development related to citiesí efforts to create a suitable living environment.

National Association of Development Organizations
Represents regional development organizations in nonmetropolitan America. Website provides training and information with an emphasis on regional approaches as opposed to community-specific, local development strategies. See link to Innovation Awards.

National Community Development Association
Membership organization comprised of over 550 local governments that administer federally-supported community and economic development, housing, and human service programs. Members have access to technical support and information about federal housing and community development programs.

National Congress for Community Economic Development
Represents over 3,600 community development corporations, which produce affordable housing and create jobs through business and commercial development activities. Site includes breaking news, funding information, links to state associations, publications, and more.

Office of Community Planning, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Information on Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities, community and individual investment corporations, brownfield development and opportunities for youth.

TVA Rural Studies Program, University of Kentucky
Publications on the effectiveness of economic development strategies.

Regional Rural Development Centers
Four centers that coordinate rural development research, extension efforts, and education.

Rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Community Program, U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Background, purpose, resources, and regulations of rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities (EZ/EC). Includes a link to urban EZ/ECs.

State and Local Policy Program, The Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
Key principles of good development strategies, studies on industry clusters and economic development tools, data sources, economic development resources, and a framework for industry analysis.

Studies on Local Economic Development Strategies, Center for Community Change, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Detailed reports on four successful economic development strategies.

Texas Rural Communities, Inc.
A resource manual on ten successful economic development strategies, with descriptions, examples, needed resources, and advantages and disadvantages.

W.K. Kellogg Collection of Rural Community Development Resources, University of Nebraska
Library with extensive guidebooks, manuals, workshop materials, and other materials related to economic development. Site includes annotations and instructions on how to access materials.

Specific Economic Development Strategies
Entrepreneurship, Business Start-ups, Microenterprise
Association for Enterprise Opportunity
National association for microenterprise development organizations. Site includes information about microenterprise programs, a newsletter, links to State Microenterprise Associations, and more.

Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Clearinghouse on Entrepreneurship Education
Abstracts of materials on entrepreneurship education, and links to organizations dealing with entrepreneurship.

Corporation for Enterprise Development
Workshops and technical assistance in the design, management, and evaluation of microenterprise programs.

Fast Company
Online magazine covering entrepreneurship and business in the ìnew economy.î Site also includes a newsletter and discussion forums.

Fort Collins Virtual Business Incubator
Good example of an innovative incubator program. Truly virtual, without walls, and focused on business assistance.

Fostering Entrepreneurship through Business Incubators: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, University of California at Berkeley
Nine case studies of incubators operating in urban, suburban, and rural settings.

Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership
List of research reports and guides related to entrepreneurship. Also includes funding opportunities.

Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation
Information on increasing the entrepreneurial capacity of communities.

National Business Incubation Association
Description of business incubation, selected statistics, publications, links to online member business incubators, and a members-only area with more information and services.

Office of Womenís Business Ownership, U.S. Small Business Administration
Background information and publications related to womenís business issues.

Public Webmarket
Helps small and low-income businesses and microenterprises by offering them a space to sell their goods on the Internet. Features locally grown and produced goods.

Regional Business Incubators, Regional Reporter, National Association of Regional Councils
Overview of business incubators and case studies of three regional projects.

Supporting Entrepreneurship, entreworld
Information about centers for entrepreneurship, incubators, recent research, publications, and organizations that support entrepreneurship.

Business Retention and Expansion
Business Incentives Reform Clearinghouse, Corporation for Enterprise Development
Overview of business incentives for attracting new firms, case studies of business location decisions, and alternatives to business incentives.

Business Retention and Expansion International
Annotated bibliography of retention and expansion publications and research. Also, certification workshops for retention and expansion consultants.

Business Retention Technologies
Consulting organization that works with local, regional, and state development agencies on the retention and expansion of existing businesses. Also, articles on business retention.

Ohio Business Retention and Expansion Program, College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University
Tools and approaches to business retention and expansion, including a software program to assist local officials.

Business Recruitment
American Economic Development Council
Economic development association that provides technical assistance, publications and newsletters, legislative updates, a quarterly journal, and professional development courses.

Bizsites-OnLine Advisor for Location Strategies
Tool to help companies expand or relocate facilities. Good introduction to the site location process with statistics about each state and major region in the country.

Business Incentives Reform Clearinghouse, Corporation for Enterprise Development
Overview of business incentives and needed reforms, case studies, alternatives to incentives, policy models and legislation, and other links and resources.

Economic Development, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Examples of successful projects in the areas of recruiting businesses, providing access to capital, and growing new businesses.

Recruiting Manufacturing Firms as a Community Development Strategy, Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University
Report on the effectiveness of business recruitment as a development strategy.

Financial Assistance to Businesses
Coalition of Community Development Finance Institutions
Members are private financial intermediaries engaged in community-based development. Website provides contact information, news, and legislative updates.

Community Reinvestment Fund
Secondary market for economic development loans as well as portfolio management, training, and technical assistance.

Corporation for Enterprise Development
Designs and evaluates revolving loan funds. Helps federal, state, and local governments develop policy related to revolving loan funds. See Counting on Local Capital: A Research Project on Revolving Loan Funds, a comprehensive overview.

Economic Development Finance Service, National Association of Development Organizations
Members receive recent information on developments in the field. Also includes an annual conference and training workshops on revolving loan funds.

Workforce Development
Enterprise Resource Database, The Enterprise Foundation
Includes a comprehensive collection of tools and resources for community development practitioners. Economic development topics include asset building, access to capital, individual development accounts, and retail development. Housing and workforce development information is also available.

MDC, Inc.
Publications, resources, and guidebooks related to rural economies and the workforce.

National Workforce Assistance Collaborative, College of Education, Pennsylvania State University
Reports and newsletters on employee training, labor management relations, business assistance, and workforce literacy.

Southern Growth Policy Board
Public-private partnership to promote economic development in the South. Provides publications and training information on workforce development, the Southern International Trade Council, and more.

Telecommunications and e-commerce
Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce
Created by Congress to study federal, state, local, and international taxation of electronic transactions. Includes press releases and reports on e-commerce. The Issue and Policy Options Paper synthesizes major policy issues.

AeRie--Applied Rural Telecommunications
Rural telecom resource guide with a directory of economic development resources, an overview of basic telecommunications concepts, and background information on rural telecom infrastructure.

Closing the Digital Divide, National Telecommunications Infrastructure Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Reports on the digital divide and the digital workforce are available here.
www.digitaldivide.gov or

Economic TeleDevelopment Forum
Introduction to key concepts in telecommunications development, telecom as an economic development strategy, and a fourteen-point checklist to determine progress toward participating in the global economy.

Electronic Commerce: Reports and Resources, National League of Cities
Reports and resources on e-commerce issues facing local governments.

Electronic Commerce: Revenue Implications for States, Council for State Governments
Report summarizing key issues related to e-commerce revenues.

E-Quality: Ensuring a Level Playing Field for American Business, National Governorsí Association
Strategies to help ìMain Streetî compete with Internet retailers. Also includes charts of statesí revenues and expenditures, e-commerce resources, and reports on e-commerce and small business.

Framework for Global Electronic Commerce, The Presidentís Information Infrastructure Task Force, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Report on legal, financial, and market access issues related to global e-commerce.

Government Online
Information service that links state and local government to the information technology industry and provides government executives with information about successful telecom programs.

Rural Telecommunications, Center for Rural Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts
Information about telecommunications planning in rural communities and community technology centers as a tool for rural development.

Rural Telecommunications Congress
Includes a catalog of existing rural telecommunications projects.

ìRural Telecommunications: Why Your Community Isnít Connected and What You Can Do About It,î TVA Rural Studies Program, University of Kentucky
Obstacles to telecommunications development, and steps for increasing telecommunications capacity.

Shaping Our Communities: The Impact of Information Technology, Planning Commissionersí Journal
Resource guide about the impacts of telecommunications and information technology on community development. Provides basic information on telecom and online resources.

Tracks important state policy issues, including e-commerce taxation.

Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute, University of Texas at Austin
Research reports on the role of state and local government in telecommunications infrastructure development.

United States Government Electronic Commerce Policy, Secretariat for Electronic Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce
Documents, press releases, and examples of e-commerce in action.

Conservation-Based and Sustainable Development
Brownfields and Economic Development: Theory and Practice, Good Jobs First, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Description of brownfield redevelopment and its role in economic development, with links to resources on sustainable development.

Communities by Choice
Resources for fostering sustainable communities and tools for community assessment.

Conservation Based Development
Description of conservation-based development, project profiles, a tool box, news, list of conservation-based development organizations, and more.

Conservation Fund
Information about conservation-based development, a Conservation Leadership Network, sustainable communities, greenways, Civil War battlefields, newsletter and publications, and more.

Nonprofit group focused on building a conservation economy along North America's rain forest coast. Site includes information about economic development and the organizationís programs and publications.

Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Provides technical assistance and information on environmentally sound economic development strategies.

Rocky Mountain Institute
Information on how to create more wealth and employment while protecting and enhancing natural and human capital. Site includes research, consulting, education and outreach, and more.

Sonoran Institute
Community Stewardship Exchange includes conservation-based strategies and tools available to local governments, funding strategies and tools, case studies, publications, and other useful links.

Sustainable Communities Network
Links to websites related to creating community, growing a sustainable economy, protecting natural resources, and living and governing sustainably.

Value-Added Processing and Marketing
Appalachian Center for Economic Networks
Works to create a healthy regional economy and help people with low incomes move out of poverty through employment or business ownership. Site includes a Market Link and information about community and regional-national collaboration. Also, see their Foodnet site.

Food Processing Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Marketing services and technical assistance in value-added food processing.

Forest Products Laboratory, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Wood research laboratory that conducts research and transfers technology. Provides useful links to forest-related information sources and wood and forestry trade associations and publications.

Yellow Wood Associates, Inc.
Consulting firm specializing in natural resource-based economic development, community capacity and business development.

Tourism and Main Street Programs
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Information about the National Historic Preservation Program, publications, links to state and tribal historic preservation councils, and more.

Community Tourism Assessment Handbook, Western Rural Development Center, Utah State University Extension
Nine-step guide to help determine whether tourism development is right for your community.

Downtown Research and Development Center, Alexander Communications Group, Inc.
Detailed product information, monthly articles, links to valuable information about downtowns, special offers for web customers, and more, all related to downtown development.

The Ecotourism Society
Information on ecotourism, including publications, workshops, and training.

Frankfort, Indiana, Mainstreet
Good example of a Main Street program. Includes local, state, and national information about the Main Street approach.

Heritage Tourism Program, National Trust for Historical Preservation
Technical assistance for states and communities. Includes strategic planning, preservation, interpretation, heritage tourism development, and marketing.

International Council on Monuments and Sites
Works to conserve historical monuments and sites. Website includes a newsletter, reports on sustainable tourism development and cultural tourism, and a list of relevant links.

International Downtown Association
Publications, conferences, and legislative issues related to downtown development and revitalization.

National Main Street Center, National Trust for Historical Preservation
Helps communities establish a Main Street program. Site provides information, technical assistance, research, and advocacy for preservation-based ìMain Streetî revitalization, and links to online local and state Main Street programs.

Rural Heritage Program, National Trust for Historical Preservation
Educational forums, publications, technical assistance, and public policy efforts related to rural historic preservation. Focus is on revitalizing small towns and rural areas, promoting commerce and tourism, and pursuing land conservation to prevent unwanted development.

Miscellaneous Sites
The Aspen Institute Bookstore, The Aspen Institute
Publications on economic development.

Bookstore and More, International City/County Management Association
Search for ìeconomic developmentî for useful publications.

The Center for Rural Development, Purdue University
Publications on rural economic development and economic impact analysis, and links to data sources.

Center for Rural Studies, University of Vermont
Includes guides and training materials for citizens and community leaders involved in community and economic development, as well as information about community development projects in Vermont.

Center Publications, The Center for Community Economic Development, University of Wisconsin Extension
Publications and newsletters with recent research findings in economic development.

City Limits CED Workbook
A resource guide for community-based economic development that includes ideas, tools, contacts, and potential collaborators. Primary focus is on models and resources available in New York City, but it is also useful to readers in other parts of the country.

Community and Rural Development Institute, Cornell University
Research-based articles of interest to policymakers and economic development professionals, and economic and community development links.

Community Development Extension, Ohio State University Extension
Publications on community economics, small business, industrial attraction, and more.

Cooperative Development and Its Economic Purpose, National Cooperative Business Association
Site contains description of cooperative development and economic reasons behind the strategy. A guide to cooperative development centers and their key components is also available.

Links to information on entrepreneurship, finance, advisory services, policy, incubators, cyberbusiness, women entrepreneurs, community development, enterprise development, and more.

National Association for County Community and Economic Development
A nonprofit national organization composed of county government agencies that administer community development, economic development, and affordable housing programs. Includes links to other development sites.

Planning Resource Directory, Cyburbia
Provides links to resources on several topics including economic development, land use, and housing.

Publications and News Services, National League of Cities
Publications on economic development.

Publications, National Association of Counties
Publications on economic development, telecommunications, local government, and more.

Reports and Publications, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Publications on the effectiveness of economic development strategies.

A Review of State Economic Policy, National Conference of State Legislatures
Executive summary of a report on state economic development policy. Includes discussion of advantages and disadvantages of state economic incentives.

Rural Information Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Site includes funding resources, economic revitalization information, local government planning projects, technical assistance programs, research studies, and more.

Small Business Administration (SBA)
Includes an online library with SBA publications, forms, reports, and statistics.

Communities by Choice
Topic Covered: Fostering sustainable communities. Bulletin board.
To subscribe, visit:

Economic Development Forum
Topic Covered: Economic development bulletin board. Current messages are open for viewing and opportunities to create your own messages are also available.
To subscribe, visit: cyburbia.ap.buffalo.edu/pairc/wwwboard_economic_development.html

Online Resources for Rural Community Economic Development, The Aspen Institute
Topic Covered: Economic development websites. Group mailing lists, bulletin boards, and newsgroups.
To subscribe, visit: www.aspeninst.org/csg/csg_online.asp

National Business Incubation Association
Topic Covered: Business incubators discussion group.
To subscribe, visit: www.nbia.org

Please send any comments or questions about this site to ukrs@rural.org.