National Center for Charitable Statistics
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National Center for Charitable Statistics

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NCCS makes data available for non-commercial research purposes through our NCCS Data Web. Anyone can create their own summary reports. Registered users can also extract data for downloading into a variety of software database, spreadsheet, and statistical programs including dBase, Microsoft Excel,... Read More Here

  • NCCS Files Overview
  • The NCCS Data Web & Other NCCS Online Tools (6/2006 Powerpoint)
  • NCCS Data Guide
  • Getting Started with the NCCS Data Web
  • Data Dictionaries
  • Overview of NCCS Resources and the NCCS Data Web (Powerpoint presentation, 11/2003)
  • Registration

  • Statistics

    NCCS Statistics include a wide array of tables on U.S. nonprofits including public charities, private foundations, business leagues, trade unions, and others. The State Profiles section offers a range of tables broken out by state. Resources from INDEPENDENT SECTOR, AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy, an... Read More Here

  • NCCS Quick Facts on the Nonprofit Sector
  • US and State Profiles -- Overview
  • Table Wizard
  • State Profiles in Depth
  • Profiles of Individual Charitable Contributions by State, 1999 - 2002
  • FC Stats (The Foundation Center)
  • Johns Hopkins University's Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project (international statistics)
  • Giving USA (AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy)
  • The New Nonprofit Almanac IN BRIEF (INDEPENDENT SECTOR)

    • NCCS Quick Facts on the Nonprofit Sector

      Click here for a two-page summary of facts on the nonprofit sector compiled by NCCS.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2006-05-26 16:25:52


      2006-05-26 16:42:03

    • US and State Profiles -- Overview

      You can select one of these one-page overviews, which summarize statistics on the nonprofit sector, for the U.S. as a whole or for a specific state.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2004-11-15 13:53:31


      2006-05-26 16:43:18

    • Table Wizard

      The Table Wizard gives users access to a broad set of national reports on nonprofits and charitable activities in the U.S. Users can customize the report filters to select from specific types of nonprofit organizations.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2003-03-11 11:23:47


      2004-11-15 13:50:34

    • State Profiles in Depth

      State Profiles let you pick a state, and then view any of the wide range of reports available on nonprofits and charitable activities within the state.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2003-03-11 11:24:19


      2004-11-15 13:50:27

    • Profiles of Individual Charitable Contributions by State, 1999 - 2002

      These short reports document and compare charitable giving, as reported by individuals itemizing their deductions, by state.

      File: stgive_02.pdf

      File: stgive_01.pdf

      File: stgive_00.pdf

      File: stgive_99.pdf

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2003-07-16 14:36:14


      2006-09-14 13:37:58

    • FC Stats (The Foundation Center)

      The Foundation Center's FC Stats online system provides a wealth of tables on private foundation finances and activities.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2003-10-07 15:00:29


      2003-10-08 11:19:11

    • Johns Hopkins University's Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project (international statistics)

      This multi-year study examined the size and scope of the nonprofit sector in many countries around the world.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2004-12-13 16:36:15


      2007-05-07 13:15:00

    • Giving USA (AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy)

      The AAFRC (American Association of Fundraising Counsel) Trust for Philanthropy has made annual estimates of national giving to nonprofit organizations since 1962 using a combination of survey information, tax data, and mathematical modeling. Their Giving USA publication breaks out giving by major source (foundations, corporations, individuals, etc.) and by major type of nonprofit (arts, education, etc.). Click here for the latest Giving USA press release.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2003-10-06 14:36:02


      2007-05-07 13:15:59

    • The New Nonprofit Almanac IN BRIEF (INDEPENDENT SECTOR)

      This 20-page booklet available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file summarizes findings from the "The New Nonprofit Almanac" (a joint project of Independent Sector and NCCS) on U.S. giving, volunteering, nonprofit employment and revenues through 1997 or 1998.

      Added by: tpollak

      Date added: 2003-10-06 14:11:02


      2003-10-08 11:50:36

    NCCS Projects

    NCCS is involved in a wide array of activities involving data collection and the development of the information and data to meet the needs of the nonprofit sector.

      Nonprofit Organization and Program Classifications

      - Search NTEE codes
      - Read More Here


        These links provide access to resources on nonprofit research, statistics, regulation, and management tools.


          NCCS also offers a FAQ, an online bibliography, IRS forms, Data Guide and other resources of use to researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers.

        • FAQ+/KnowledgeBase
        • NCCS Match Program -- Find EINs for organization names
        • Search Form 990 Images

          • FAQ+/KnowledgeBase

            This search tool gives you access to the full range of NCCS technical notes and information.

            Added by: tpollak

            Date added: 2003-07-01 13:41:55


            2004-09-02 10:15:43

          • NCCS Match Program -- Find EINs for organization names

            This program provides an efficient tool for automatically identifying likely matches based on names (and addresses, if available). These matches can then be verified through an easy-to-use and quick verification process screen. Experienced users can comfortably verify several hundred organizations per hour.

            Please contact NCCS directly with pricing questions. There is typically a nominal charge for non-commercial research use. (The files are password-encrypted.)

            File: MTCH_DOC-v2.doc



            File: NCCS-match-program.ppt

            Added by: tpollak

            Date added: 2003-12-03 16:25:28


            2004-09-02 10:15:19

          • Search Form 990 Images

            Through a partnership with Economic Research, Inc. (ERI), we can now offer Form 990 images to the research community through a very fast and easy-to-use searchable interface.

            Added by: tpollak

            Date added: 2006-10-25 11:51:29


            2006-11-06 10:25:41

            Generated on: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 15:45:19 - CPU Time: 0.06 seconds