Water Quality Information Center of the National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Constructed Wetlands and Water Quality Improvement

   JANUARY 1992 - SEPTEMBER 1996
   201 citations from AGRICOLA
   Joe Makuch
   Water Quality Information Center
   This electronic bibliography is intended primarily to provide
   awareness of recent investigations and discussions of a topic
   and is not intended to be in-depth and exhaustive. The
   inclusion or omission of a particular publication or citation
   should not be construed as endorsement or disapproval.
   Send suggestions for electronic bibliographies related to
   water resources and agriculture to wqic@nalusda.gov
   To locate a publication cited in this bibliography, please
   contact your local, state, or university library.  If you are
   unable to locate a particular publication, your library can
   contact the National Agricultural Library (please see
   "Document Delivery Services" at http://www.nal.usda.gov/ddsb).
   Constructed Wetlands and Water Quality Improvement
   1. Accumulation of organic solids in gravel-bed constructed
   Tanner, C. C.; Sukias, J. P. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.229-239. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; schoenoplectus-; gravel-;
   waste-water-treatment; dairy-wastes; dairy-effluent;
   waste-water; deposition-; organic-matter; pollutants-;
   hydrology-; new-zealand; suspended-solids;
   schoenoplectus-validus; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   2. Actual experiences with the use of reed bed systems for
   wastewater treatment in single households.
   Perfler, R.; Haberl, R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.28, p.141-148. (1993).
   Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on, "Design
   and Operation of Small Wastewater Treatment Plants," June
   28-30, 1993,  Trondheim, Norway / edited by H. Odegaard.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; rural-areas; wetlands-;
   pollution-control; phragmites-australis; filter-beds;
   biological-treatment; chemical-oxygen- demand;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrogen-;
   phosphorus-; costs-; nutrient-removal
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   3. Agricultural best management practices and surface water
   improvement and management.
   Anderson, D. L.; Flaig, E. G. 
   Water-sci-technol v.31, p.109-121. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Integrated water resources management
   / edited by S.H. Hosper, R.D. Gulati, L. van Liere, and
   R.M.M. Rooijackers.
   Descriptors: water-pollution; phosphorus-; runoff-;
   runoff-water; drainage-; drainage-water; pollution-control;
   agricultural-land; farmland-; wetlands-; lakes-;
   national-parks; watershed-management; florida-;
   lake-okeechobee; everglades-national-park;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   4. Ammonium and nitrate removal in vegetated and unvegetated
   gravel bed microcosm wetlands.
   Zhu, T.; Sikora, F. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.219-228. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; gravel-; ammonium-;
   ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate-; nitrate-nitrogen; removal-;
   denitrification-; nitrification-; phalaris- arundinacea;
   phragmites-australis; scirpus-; typha-latifolia;
   nutrient-uptake; roots-; immobilization-; biomass-;
   microorganisms-; redox-potential; alabama-;
   scirpus-atrovirens; constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   5. Ammonium removal in constructed wetlands with
   recirculating subsurface flow: removal rates and mechanisms.
   Sikora, F. J.; Tong, Z.; Behrends, L. L.; Steinberg, S. L.;
   Coonrod, H. S. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.193-202. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; ammonium-; removal-; nutrient-uptake;
   aquatic-plants; typha-; scirpus-; scirpus-acutus;
   phragmites-australis; phalaris- arundinacea;
   ammonium-nitrogen; seasonal-variation; phosphorus-;
   sorption-; immobilization-; biomass-; microorganisms-;
   nitrification-; waste- water-treatment;
   chemical-oxygen-demand; denitrification-; alabama-;
   macrophytes-; scirpus-atrovirens; scirpus-cyperinus;
   vegetated-submerged-bed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   6. Artificial wetlands for the treatment of mill effluent.
   Schumann, G. T. 
   Proc-Annu-Congr-S-Afr-Sugar-Technol-Assoc p.228-232. (1991).
   Meeting held on June 10-12, 1991, Durban and Mount Edgecombe,
   South Africa.
   Descriptors: sugar-factory-waste; waste-water-treatment;
   factory-effluents; roller-mills; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; phragmites-australis; typha- latifolia
   NAL Call No.: 65.9-SO83
   7. Artificial wetlands for wastewater treatment.  University
   of Nebraska--Lincoln thesis : Civil Engineering.
   Streckfuss, T. H. 
   1991. vi, 169 leaves : ill..
   Thesis (M.S.)--University of Nebraska--Lincoln, 1991.
   NBU LD3656-1991-S774
   8. An assessment of the root zone method of wastewater
   Conley, L. M.; Dick, R. I.; Lion, L. W. 
   Res-j-Water-Pollut-Control-Fed v.63, p.239-247. (1991).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; aquatic-plants;
   waste-water-treatment; biochemical-oxygen-demand; removal-;
   roots-; water-flow; design-; waste-water; scirpus- ; typha-;
   phragmites-; constructed-wetlands; subsurface-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   9. Benefits from restoring wetlands for nitrogen abatement :
   a case study of Gotland.
   Gren, I. M. 
   Stockholm, Sweden : Beijer Internantional Institute of
   Ecological Economics, 1992. 19 p..
   Cover title.
   Descriptors: Wetlands-Sweden-Gotland; Nitrogen-;
   NAL Call No.: QH87.3.G73--1992
   10. Benefits to downstream flood attenuation and water
   quality as a result of constructed wetlands in agricultural
   De Laney, T. A. 
   J-soil-water-conserv v.50, p.620-626. (1995).
   Special issue on wetlands.
   Descriptors: agricultural-land; wetlands-; construction-;
   geographical-distribution; flood-control; pollution-control;
   agricultural-chemicals; sediment-; water-quality
   NAL Call No.: 56.8-J822
   11. Biochemical treatment of metal-chloride-enriched
   wastewater by simulated constructed wetlands by Linda Kay
   Mitchell, L. K. 1. 
   1992. ix, 129 leaves : ill..
   Includes vita and abstract.
   Descriptors: Wetlands-; Water-reuse; Water-Purification
   NAL Call No.: KyU Thesis-1992-Mitchell
   12. Biogeochemical characteristics of wetlands developed
   after strip mining for coal.
   Sistani, K. R.; Mays, D. A.; Taylor, R. W. 
   Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.26, p.3221-3229. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; disturbed-soils; mined-land;
   reclamation-; biogeochemistry-; characterization-;
   chemical-composition; wetland-soils; comparisons-; alabama-;
   Abstract: Since the costly practice of toxic spoil burial and
   topsoil replacement during surface mine reclamation are
   mandated by law, it has become  feasible to consider creation
   of constructed wetlands for wildlife habitat as an
   alternative mined land reclamation practice on active or 
   abandoned mine sites. This is also a novel approach for
   metigation of lost natural wetland in the past.
   Implementation of this concept will  require proper baseline
   information from the biogeochemical properties of constructed
   wetlands developed on surface mined sites. Baseline  data
   were collected from two wetlands developed on strip mined
   sites in Alabama. We took samples from each wetland in April
   and September  1992. Since the naturalization of these
   wetlands with regard to the spatial variabilities within each
   wetland were the main objective of this work,  a natural
   wetland developed on undisturbed soil was sampled at the same
   time so that it could be used as a reference to wetlands
   developed on  disturbed soils. The natural wetland was
   dominated by cattail (Typha latifolia) and smartweed
   (Polygonum sp.) while the dominant emergent  vegetation of
   the stripmined site wetlands was bulrush (Scirpus sp.) and
   cattail. The pH of the mineral and organic substrate in the
   natural  wetland ranged from 7.7 to 7.8 while in the
   mined-site wetlands, pH ranged from 6.7 to 7.4. Dry soil
   adjacent to mined site wetlands had pHs of  4.1 and 5.0,
   compared to 6.5 for dry soil adjacent to the natural wetland.
   Higher levels of extractable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg),
   potassium  (K), sodium (Na), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe),
   manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were measured in April than
   September for all wetlands. Metal  concentrations did not
   show any consistent trend.  coal will gain biogeochemical
   characteristics similar to those of natural wetlands
   regardless of the initial chemical characteristics of the
   mined  spoil materials. However, more studies with regard to
   the direct comparison of constructed versus natural wetlands
   at different locations is  warranted.
   NAL Call No.: S590.C63
   13. Busch wildlife area constructed wetland.
   Schneider, J. H. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1991. (912505) 29 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1991 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 17- 20, 1991, Chicago, Illinois.
   Descriptors: water-quality; wetlands-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   14. Carcoar Wetland--a wetland system for river nutrient
   White, G. C.; Smalls, I. C.; Bek, P. A. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.169-176. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; nutrients-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   nutrient-uptake; aquatic-plants; design-; new-south-wales;
   constructure-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   15. Case studies of wetland filtration of mine waste water in
   constructed and naturally occurring systems in Northern
   Noller, B. N.; Woods, P. H.; Ross, B. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.257-265. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; filtration-; waste-water;
   drainage-water; mined-land; mine-spoil; metals-; metal-ions;
   removal-; northern-territory; constructed-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   16. Challenges for the development of advanced constructed
   wetlands technology.
   Bavor, H. J.; Roser, D. J.; Adcock, P. W. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.13-20. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   structural-design; nutrients-; removal-; expert-systems;
   decision-making; databases-; sewage-effluent; waste-water;
   aquatic-plants; cycling-; aquatic-organisms; microorganisms-;
   microbial-degradation; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   17. Cleopatra's bathwater: an informal introduction to the
   art and science of bioremediation.
   Ausubel, K. 
   Arid-Lands-Newsl. Tucson, Ariz. : Office of Arid Lands
   Studies, University of Arizona. Spring/Summer 1992. v. 32 p.
   Descriptors: biotechnology-; water-resources; wetlands-;
   waste-water-treatment; marshes-; arizona-
   NAL Call No.: S612.A753
   18. Cold-climate constructed wetlands.
   Maehlum, T.; Jenssen, P. D.; Warner, W. S. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.95-101. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-treatment;
   waste-water-treatment; nutrients-; removal-; phosphorus-;
   nitrogen-; chemical-oxygen-demand; biochemical-
   oxygen-demand; water-flow; horizontal-flow; organic-matter;
   norway-; artificial-wetlands; subsurface-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   19. The combination of a flood-retarding basin and a wetland
   to manage the impact of urban runoff.
   Breen, P. F.; Mag, V.; Seymour, B. S. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.103-109. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; flood-control; runoff-; runoff-water;
   urban-areas; aquatic-plants; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; victoria-; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   20. Comparing microbial parameters in natural and constructed
   Duncan, C. P.; Groffman, P. M. 
   J-environ-qual v.23, p.298-305. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; pollution-control; water-quality;
   microbial-activities; biomass-production;
   soil-organic-matter; soil-ph; soil-water; denitrification-;
   enzyme-activity; mineralization-; nitrification-;
   massachusetts-; rhode-island
   Abstract: Microbial biomass C, soil respiration,
   denitrification enzyme activity (DEA), and potential net N
   mineralization and nitrification were  compared in two
   constructed and three natural wetlands in Massachusetts and
   Rhode Island.  The constructed wetlands studied had marsh and 
   wet meadow vegetation and received storm water discharge
   directly from a large shopping mall and its associated
   parking lots.  The natural  sites encompassed three soil
   drainage classes (moderately well drained, poorly drained,
   and very poorly drained) across an upland to wetland 
   transition zone with red maple (Acer rubrum L.) swamps and
   mixed oak (Quercus sp.) forests in the transition zone.  Our
   objective was to  determine if microbial biomass and activity
   were similar in the constructed wetlands and the most common
   type of natural wetland in our area.  Microbial biomass C,
   DEA, and potential net N mineralization and nitrification
   were similar among the constructed and natural wetland sites. 
    In all cases, levels of these parameters in the constructed
   wetlands fell within the range of variability observed in the
   natural wetlands.  Denitrification enzyme activity was higher
   (p < 0.05) in the constructed wetlands than in the moderately
   well drained soils at the natural sites.  Soil respiration
   was generally lower (p < 0.05) in the constructed wetlands
   than in the natural wetlands. The results suggest that the
   constructed  wetlands have a significant and active microbial
   community that facilitates nutrient cycling and water quality
   maintenance functions similar to  natural wetlands.  The
   successful development of the microbial community n these
   wetlands was likely due to the use of organic substrates.
   NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
   21. Constructed reed beds: appropriate technology for small
   Green, M. B.; Upton, J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.339-348. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; runoff-water;
   sewage-; sewage-effluent; phragmites-australis; nutrients-;
   pollutants-; removal-; nitrogen-; biochemical-oxygen-demand;
   ammonium-nitrogen; suspended-solids; constructed-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   22. Constructed "source" wetland concepts applied to urban
   Hopkins, B.; Argue, J. R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.133-140. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; water-management; runoff-;
   urban-areas; groundwater-recharge; aquifers-;
   south-australia; constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands;
   urban-runoff; stormwater-
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   23. Constructed wetland design--the first generation.
   Reed, S. C.; Brown, D. S. 
   Water-Environ-Res v.64, p.776-781. (1992).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: refuse-; industrial-wastes;
   waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; construction-; design-;
   environmental-protection; federal-government; public-
   agencies; inventories-; performance-appraisals; usa-;
   environmental-protection-agency; constructed-wetland-systems;
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   24. Constructed wetland for treating swine lagoon effluent.
   Payne, V. W. E.; McCaskey, T. A.; Eason, J. T. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1992. (92-4526) 6 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1992 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 15- 18, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
   Descriptors: pigs-; lagoons-; effluents-;
   waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; construction-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   25. Constructed wetland-pond systems for treating
   agricultural runoff in Northern Maine.  CIVIL ENGINEERING -
   Higgins, M. J. 1. 
   Orono, Me., 1992. vi, 113 leaves : ill..
   Includes vita.
   Descriptors: Agricultural-pollution;
   NAL Call No.: MeU Univ.-1992-H54
   26. Constructed wetland site design and installation.
   Ulmer, R.; Cathcart, T.; Strong, L.; Pote, J.; Davis, S. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1992. (92-4528) 8 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1992 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 15- 18, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
   Descriptors: dairy-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   wetlands-; construction-; lagoons-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   27. Constructed wetland systems for water pollution control
   in North China.
   Li, X. F.; Jiang, C. C. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.349-356. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; sewage-;
   sewage-effluent; water-flow; pollution-control;
   water-pollution; lagoons-; ponds-; phragmites- australis;
   xinjiang-; liaoning-; beijing-; yunnan-; shandong-;
   artificial-wetlands; surface-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   28. Constructed wetland treatment of animal waste in Indiana:
   management implications.
   Reaves, R. P.; DuBowy, P. J.; Jones, D. D.; Sutton, A. L. 
   Clean water, clean environment, 21st century  team
   agriculture, working to protect water resources  conference
   proceedings, March 5-8,  1995, Kansas City, Missouri /. St.
   Joseph, Mich. : ASAE, c1995.. v. 2 p. 179-182. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; aquatic-plants;
   waste-water-treatment; waste-treatment; dairy-effluent;
   piggery-effluent; lagoons-; indiana-; swine-lagoon-effluent
   NAL Call No.: TD365.C54-1995
   29. Constructed wetland treatment of swine wastewater.
   Hunt, P. G.; Humenik, F. J.; Szogi, A. A.; Rice, J. M.;
   Stone, K. C.; Cutts, T. T.; Edwards, J. P. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1993. (93-2601/93-3510) 12 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1993 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 14- 17, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; animal-wastes;
   glycine-max; oryza-sativa; nitrogen-; redox-potential;
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   30. Constructed wetlands: an approach for animal waste
   Rieck, A.; Langston, J.; VanDevender, K. 
   FSA-Coop-Ext-Serv-Univ-Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark. : The
   Service. Apr 1993. (3005) 4 p. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: animal-wastes; waste-treatment; wetlands-;
   regulations-; state-government; arkansas-
   NAL Call No.: S37.F72
   31. Constructed wetlands clean up: they could be an
   inexpensive, low-tech cure for farm pollution headaches.
   Becker, H. 
   Agric-res p.20. (1993).
   Descriptors: dairy-farming; waste-water; water-management;
   NAL Call No.: 1.98-Ag84
   32. Constructed wetlands for acid drainage control in the
   Tennessee Valley.
   Brodie, G. A. 
   [Chattanooga, Tenn.? : Tennessee Valley Authority?, 1987?] 1
   v. (unpaged).
   Caption title.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.B76-1987
   33. Constructed wetlands for animal waste management :
   proceedings of workshop, 4-6 April 1994, Lafayette, Indiana.
   Dubowy, P. J. P. J. 1.; Reaves, R. P. R. P. 1. 
   West Lafayette, In. : Department of Forestry and Natural
   Resources, Purdue University, c1994. vi, 188 p. : ill..
   Includes bibliographical references.
   Descriptors: Animal-waste-Management-Congresses;
   NAL Call No.: TD930.C644--1994
   34. Constructed wetlands for animal wastewater treatment.
   Humenik, F.; Zublena, J.; Barker, J. 
   AG-NC-Agric-Ext-Serv. Raleigh : North Carolina Agricultural
   Extension Service,. Oct 1993. (473-13) 3 p. 
   In subseries: Water Quality & Waste Management.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; construction-; design-;
   waste-water-treatment; water-quality; simulation-;
   NAL Call No.: S544.3.N6N62
   35. Constructed wetlands for dairy wastewater treatment.
   Davis, S. H.; Ulmer, R.; Strong, L.; Cathcart, T.; Pote, J.;
   Brock, W. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1992. (92-4525) 11 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1992 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 15- 18, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
   Descriptors: dairy-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   wetlands-; construction-; nitrification-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; dissolved-oxygen; mississippi-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   36. Constructed wetlands for industrial wastewater.
   Gillette, B. 
   Biocycle v.35, p.80, 82-83. (1994).
   Descriptors: waste-water; waste-water-treatment; wetlands-;
   NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
   37. Constructed wetlands for milkhouse wastewater treatment.
   Zimmerman, T.; Lefever, J. L.; Warns, M. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-1075/94-2020) 12 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1994 International Summer Meeting
   sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   June 19-22,  1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   38. Constructed wetlands for river water quality improvement.
   Kadlec, R. H.; Hey, D. L. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.159-168. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; water-quality; sediment-;
   phosphorus-; nitrogen-; removal-; atrazine-; nutrients-; -;
   hydrology-; water-pollution; watersheds-; illinois-;
   non-point-source-pollution; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   39. Constructed wetlands for treating agricultural
   United States. Environmental Protection Agency. 
   West Lafayette, IN : The Center, [1993?] 1 sheet.
   Caption title.
   Descriptors: Wetland-ecology; Agricultural-pollution
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.M3C66--1993
   40. Constructed wetlands for treatment of acid mine drainage
   : a preliminary review.
   Girts, M. A. 
   [Morgantown, WV? : West Virginia University?, 1986?] p.
   Caption title.  December 8-11, 1986.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.G57-1986
   41. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and
   wildlife habitat : 17 case studies.
   United States. Environmental Protection Agency. 
   [Washington, DC] : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency :
   [Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor, 1993] iv, 174 p. :
   ill. (some col.),  maps.
   Cover title.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands-United-States-Case-studies;
   Sewage-Purification-Biological-treatment-United-States-Case-studies; Habitat-Ecology-
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.C65--1993
   42. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in the
   Czech Republic--State of the art.
   Vymazal, J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.357-364. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; sewage-;
   sewage-effluent; phragmites-australis; phalaris-arundinacea;
   glyceria-maxima; biochemical- oxygen-demand;
   chemical-oxygen-demand; pollutants-; water-flow;
   czechoslovakia-; reed-bed-system; artificial-wetlands;
   suspended-solids; susburface-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   43. Constructed wetlands for water quality improvement.
   Moshiri, G. A. 
   Boca Raton : Lewis Publishers, c1993. 632 p. : ill., maps.
   Papers presented at the Pensacola conference.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands-Congresses;
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.M67--1993
   44. Constructed wetlands handle waste.
   Taylor, S. 
   Soil-Water-Conserv-U-S-Dep-Agric-Soil-Conserv-Serv v.11,
   p.5-6. (1991).
   Descriptors: wetlands-; animal-wastes; planting-; georgia-
   NAL Call No.: aS622.S6
   45. Constructed wetlands in Europe.
   Haberl, R.; Perfler, R.; Mayer, H. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.305-315. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; water-flow;
   horizontal-flow; dewatering-; sewage-sludge; nutrients-;
   removal-; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; europe-;
   artificial-wetlands; subsurface-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   46. Constructed wetlands in water pollution control:
   fundamentals to their understanding.
   Wood, A. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.21-29. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   pollution-control; aquatic-plants; nutrient-uptake;
   nutrients-; removal-; aquatic-organisms; microorganisms-;
   microbial-degradation; cycling-; surface-flow-wetlands;
   subsurface-flow-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   47. Constructed wetlands successfully treat swine wastewater.
   McCaskey, T. A.; Eason, J. T.; Hammer, D. A.; Pullin, B. P.;
   Payne, V. W. E.; Bransby, D. I. 
   Highlights-Agric-Res-Ala-Agric-Exp-Stn v.39, p.13. (1992).
   Descriptors: pigs-; waste-water; waste-water-treatment;
   wetlands-; aquatic-plants; ammonia-; nitrogen-content;
   NAL Call No.: 100-AL1H
   48. Constructed wetlands to control nonpoint source
   Wengrzynek, R. J. 
   United States Department of Agriculture patents. [Washington,
   D.C.? : The Department, 1900?-. Dec 29, 1992. (5,174,897) 1
   Copies of USDA patents are available for a fee from the
   Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, U.S. Patents and
   Trademarks Office,  Washington, D.C. 20231.
   Descriptors: soil-pollution; pollution-control; patents-;
   usda-; wetlands-; ponds-; vegetation-; detoxification-; usa-;
   Abstract: Abstract: The construct containing in hydraulic
   order a sediment basin, level-lip spreader, grassy filter,
   wetland, and deep pond can be  used to remove pollutants from
   nonpoint source runoff. Wetlands are planted with vegetation
   that encourages growth of aerobic and anaerobic  bacteria
   which are helpful in removing and detoxifying contaminants.
   NAL Call No.: aT223.V4A4
   49. Coupling wetland treatment to land treatment: an
   innovative method for nitrogen stripping.
   Cooper, A. B. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.141-149. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-;
   typha-orientalis; carex-; azolla-filiculoides; nitrate-;
   removal-; nutrient-uptake; denitrification-; new- zealand
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   50. Created and natural wetlands for controlling nonpoint
   source pollution.
   Olson, R. K.; United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
   Office of Research and Development. 
   Boca Raton, Fla. : C.K. Smoley, c1993. v, 216 p. : ill.,
   "U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development, and Office of
   Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds.".
   Descriptors: Water-quality-management-United-States;
   Wetland-conservation-United-States; Constructed-wetlands-
   NAL Call No.: TD223.C73-1993
   51. Denitrification in constructed wastewater wetlands
   receiving high concentrations of nitrate.
   Van Oostrom, A. J.; Russel, J. M. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.7-14. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; glyceria-maxima; meatworks-effluent;
   denitrification-; nitrate-; nitrogen-; removal- ;
   nutrient-uptake; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   52. Design and construction of a wetland to treat milkhouse
   Holmes, B. J.; Massie, L. R.; Bubenzer, G. D.; Hines, G. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1992. (92-4524) 18 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1992 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 15- 18, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
   Descriptors: milking-parlors; waste-water-treatment;
   wetlands-; construction-; wisconsin-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   53. Design and performance of the Champion pilot-constructed
   wetland treatment system.
   Knight, R. L.; Hilleke, J.; Grayson, S. 
   Tappi-j v.77, p.240-245. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: pulp-and-paper-industry; kraft-mill-effluent;
   waste-water-treatment; water-quality;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; wetlands-; florida-
   NAL Call No.: 302.8-T162
   54. Design criteria and practice for constructed wetlands.
   Crites, R. W. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.1-6. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; design-;
   water-flow; hydrology-; biological-treatment; aquatic-plants;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   55. Design models for nutrient removal in constructed
   Kadlec, R. H. 
   Animal waste and the land-water interface /. Boca Raton :
   Lewis Publishers, c1995.. p. 173-184. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; design-;
   nutrients-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   water-pollution; pollution-control; multivariate- analysis;
   NAL Call No.: TD930.A55-1995
   56. Design of constructed wetlands for dairy waste water
   treatment in Louisiana.
   Chen, S.; Cothren, G. M.; DeRamus, H. A.; Langlinais, S.;
   Huner, J. V.; Malone, R. F. 
   Animal waste and the land-water interface /. Boca Raton :
   Lewis Publishers, c1995.. p. 197-204. 
   Descriptors: dairy-wastes; waste-water-treatment; water-flow;
   wetlands-; water-systems; design-; pollution-control;
   NAL Call No.: TD930.A55-1995
   57. Design of submerged flow wetlands for individual homes
   and small wastewater flows.
   Sievers, D. M.; University of Missouri  Columbia.
   Agricultural Experiment Station. 
   Columbia, MO : Missouri Small Wastewater Flows Education &
   Research Center, Agriculture Experiment Station, College of
   Agriculture  Food & Natural Resources, University of
   Missouri--Columbia, [1993] 11 p. : ill..
   Cover title.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands; Sewage-Purification;
   Septic-tanks; Typha-; Aquatic-weeds
   NAL Call No.: 100--M693Sp-no.457
   58. Designing constructed wetlands for nitrogen removal.
   Hammer, D. A.; Knight, R. L. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.15-27. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; design-; nitrification-; denitrification-;
   nitrogen-; removal-; ammonium-; anaerobic- conditions;
   aerobiosis-; aerobic-treatment; anaerobic-treatment;
   aquatic-plants; nutrient-uptake; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   59. Developing artificial wetlands to benefit wildlife and
   Olson, R. 
   Bull-Wyo-Univ-Coop-Ext-Serv. Laramie, Wyo. : The Service. May
   1990. (938) 21 p. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; habitat-selection;
   environmental-protection; wildlife-conservation;
   construction-; grazing-; wyoming-
   NAL Call No.: 275.29-W99B
   60. Development of guidelines for and demonstration of
   efficient treatment of swine lagoon wastewater by constructed
   McCaskey, T. A. 
   Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education SARE research
   projects Southern Region. [1988-. 1995. 34 p. 
   SARE Project Number AS94-16. Record includes floppy disk.
   Date of report December 1995.
   Descriptors: pig-slurry; waste-water-treatment;
   nitrogen-content; ammonia-; nitrate-; nitrogen-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; chemical-oxygen-demand;
   phosphorus-; streptococcus-; water-quality; wetlands-;
   bioremediation-; water-pollution; pollution-control;
   guidelines-; alabama-
   NAL Call No.: S441.S8552
   61. Diagenesis of organic matter in a wetland receiving
   hypereutrophic lake water. II. Role of inorganic electron
   acceptors in nutrient release.
   D'Angelo, E. M.; Reddy, K. R. 
   J-environ-qual v.23, p.937-943. (1994).
   Paper presented at the symposium, "Wetland Processes and
   Water Quality," November 3-4, 1992, Minneapolis, MN.
   Descriptors: organic-matter; sediment-; peat-soils;
   decomposition-; cycling-; oxygen-; nitrate-nitrogen;
   ammonium-nitrogen; sulfate-; water-pollution; water-quality;
   marshes-; pollution-control
   Abstract: Constructed marshes are currently being used as a
   low-cost alternative for treatment of nutrient-enriched
   waters. These marshes may  function as net sinks for
   nutrients, especially for particulate organic forms of N and
   P. However, decomposition of organic matter and nutrient 
   release may influence the ability of the marsh to function
   for this purpose. One of the main factors affecting
   decomposition is the availability of  inorganic electron
   acceptors (e.g., O2, NO3(-), and SO4(2-). The role of
   electron acceptor consumption on N and P regeneration and
   release  was investigated using batch incubation experiments
   with recently deposited organic matter (floc sediment) and
   peat soils collected from the  constructed marsh. In electron
   acceptor-amended soil cores, electron acceptor consumption
   proceeded rapidly in the order O2 > NO3(-) >  SO4(2-). Mean
   oxygen reduction rate (OR) was 1.6 g O2 m-2 d-1 (2025 g O2
   m-3 d-1), with corresponding values for NO3(-) and SO4(2-) of 
   0.23 g N m-2 d-1 (60 g N m-3 d-1) and 0.086 g S m-2 d-1 (5.4
   g S m-3 d-1), respectively. If electron acceptor consumption
   was coupled to  decomposition of organic matter in Hoc
   sediment with a C/N/P ratio of 190:14:1, aerobic catabolism
   accounted for 92% of NH4+, and soluble  P regenerated in the
   soil, with anaerobic activity (NO3(-) and SO4(2-) reduction)
   accounting for the remaining 8%. In the constructed marsh 
   receiving allochthonous inputs of labile organic matter,
   however, anaerobic decomposition was expected to be the
   dominant mechanism for  nutrient regeneration. Under
   SO4(2-)-reducing conditions, net rates of organic N and P
   mineralization were 3.3 to 14 mg N L-1 sediment d-1  and 0.5
   to 0.6 mg P L-1, respectively, and were highly.  the water
   column by diffusion and advection (e.g., gas ebullition),
   thus impacting water quality.
   NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
   62. Domestic wastewater treatment through constructed wetland
   in India.
   Juwarkar, A. S.; Oke, B.; Juwarkar, A.; Patnaik, S. M. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.291-294. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: phragmites-; phragmites-karka; typha-latifolia;
   wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; sewage-effluent; removal-;
   nutrients-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; pathogens-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; waste-water; orissa-;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   63. The economic and environmental feasibility of using
   constructed wetlands for treatment of municipal wastewater in
   small communities in  Maine.
   Hesketh, P. S. 1. 
   Orono, Me., 1990. viii, 256 leaves : ill..
   Includes vita.
   MeU Univ.-1990-H461
   64. Effects of acidification on metal accumulation by aquatic
   plants and invertebrates. 1. Constructed wetlands.
   Albers, P. H.; Camardese, M. B. 
   Environ-Toxicol-Chem v.12, p.959-967. (1993).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: aquatic-plants; aquatic-insects; uptake-;
   aluminum-; cadmium-; calcium-; copper-; iron-; lead-;
   magnesium-; manganese-; nickel-; zinc-; acidification-;
   wetlands-; pollution-; ph-; adverse-effects;
   freshwater-biology; maryland-
   NAL Call No.: QH545.A1E58
   65. The efficiency of constructed wetland-pond systems in the
   reduction of sediment and nutrient discharges from
   agricultural watersheds.
   Jolley, J. W. 1. 
   Orono, Me., 1990. ix, 180 leaves : ill., map.
   Includes vita.
   MeU Univ.-1990-J683
   66. Efficient and low cost effluent treatment using an ash
   disposal dam.
   Vermeulen, P. L. M.; Vawda, A. S. 
   Proc-Annu-Congr-S-Afr-Sugar-Technol-Assoc p.48-51. (1989).
   Meeting held on June 5-8, 1989, Durbon and Mount Edgecombe,
   South Africa.
   Descriptors: roller-mills; sugar-industry; sugar-refineries;
   fly-ash; waste-water; waste-water-treatment; effluents-;
   wetlands-; biological-treatment; dams- ; sugar-factory-waste;
   NAL Call No.: 65.9-SO83
   67. Engineered reed-bed systems for wastewater treatment.
   Gray, K. R.; Biddlestone, A. J. 
   Trends-biotechnol v.13, p.248-252. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-;
   phragmites-australis; typha-latifolia; scirpus-lacustris;
   biological-treatment; waste-water; microbial- degradation;
   NAL Call No.: TA166.T72
   68. Enhancement of nitrogen removal in subsurface flow
   constructed wetlands employing a 2-stage configuration, an
   unsaturated zone, and  recirculation.
   White, K. D. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.59-67. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; nitrogen-;
   removal-; denitrification-; nitrification-; water-flow;
   waste-water; factory-effluents; food- industry; seafoods-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; aeration-; hydraulics-;
   ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate-; passive-aeration;
   hydraulic-retention-time; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   69. Establishing wetland plants in artificial systems.
   Chambers, J. M.; McComb, A. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.79-84. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; aquatic-plants; rhizomes-; transplanting-;
   seed-germination; establishment-; western-australia;
   constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands; macrophytes-
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   70. European design and operations guidelines for reed bed
   treatment systems.
   Cooper, P. F. P. F.; Water Research Centre (Great Britain). 
   Swindon : Water Research Centre, 1990. viii, 27, 10 p. (1
   folded) : ill..
   Rev. Dec. 1990.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands; Water-Purification
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.E97--1990
   71. Evaluation of a diked natural wetland for the treatment
   of sugar mill effluent.
   Batubara, D. S. 1. 
   1992. viii, 204 leaves : ill. (some col.), maps.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: LU 378.76-L930-1992-batu
   72. Evaluation of ARS and SCS constructed wetland/animal
   waste treatment project at Hernando, Mississippi : interim
   report 1991-1992.
   Cooper, C. M.;  Testa, S. 1.;  Knight, S. S.; National
   Sedimentation Laboratory (U.S.). 
   Oxford, Miss. : Water Quality/Ecologoy & Watershed Process
   Units, National Sedimentation Laboratory, [1993] vii, 55
   leaves : ill..
   "April 1993.".
   Descriptors: Dairy-waste-Mississippi-Hernando; Sewage-;
   NAL Call No.: aTD899.D3C66--1993
   73. An evaluation of pollutant removal from secondary treated
   sewage effluent using a constructed wetland system.
   Thomas, P. R.; Glover, P.; Kalaroopan, T. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.87-93. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; juncus-; schoenoplectus-; sewage-;
   waste-water-treatment; sewage-effluent; pollutants-;
   nutrients-; removal-; biochemical- oxygen-demand;
   chemical-oxygen-demand; ammonium-; nitrate-; phosphorus-;
   victoria-; schoenoplectus-validus; suspended-solids;
   artificial-wetlands; juncus-ingens
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   74. Experiences with two constructed wetlands for treating
   milking center waste water in a cold climate.
   Holmes, B. J.; Doll, B. J.; Rock, C. A.; Bubenzer, G. D.;
   Kostinec, R.; Massie, L. R. 
   Animal waste and the land-water interface /. Boca Raton :
   Lewis Publishers, c1995.. p. 223-230. 
   Descriptors: dairy-wastes; wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   water-quality; typha-latifolia; survival-; water-pollution;
   pollution-control; temperate- climate; maine-; wisconsin-
   NAL Call No.: TD930.A55-1995
   75. Factors affecting nitrogen removal in horizontal flow
   reed beds.
   Platzer, C.; Netter, R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.319-324. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: sewage-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; wetlands-; nitrogen-; removal-;
   nutrient-uptake; aquatic-plants; evapotranspiration-;
   nitrification-; aquatic-plants; evapotranspiration-;
   nitrification-; denitrification-; environmental-temperature;
   austria-; germany-; constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   76. A field-scale, natural gradient solute transport
   experiment in peat at a Newfoundland blanket bog.
   Hoag, R. S.; Price, J. S. 
   J-hydrol v.172, p.171-184. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; bogs-; solutes-; contaminants-;
   transport-processes; hydraulic-conductivity; rain-;
   evaporation-; pollution-control; newfoundland-
   Abstract: A field-scale, natural gradient solute transport
   experiment conducted at a Newfoundland blanket bog resulted
   in an asymmetrical plume  owing to solute retardation in the
   dual-porosity matrix. An order of magnitude decrease in
   hydraulic conductivity 10-20 m downslope of the  spill caused
   the transport rate to decrease and lateral dispersion to
   increase. Most transport occurred near the watertable and the
   transport rate  increased as the watertable rose. Hydraulic
   conductivity between a depth of 0 and 0.2 m was 1.6 X 10(-2)
   m s-1, whereas at a depth of 0.5 m it  was 5-6 orders of
   magnitude lower owing to greater compaction and humification
   of the peat with depth. At a depth of 0.4-0.45 m diffusion
   may  have become the dominant transport mechanism. In spite
   of the retardation process, the solute front's rate of
   movement was relatively high,  about 2.3 m day-1, owing to a
   combination of the high watertable during the study and a
   relatively steep hydraulic gradient of 0.055. Rain  caused
   dilution and mixing of solute near the watertable.
   Evaporation did not have an appreciable effect on solute
   concentration, which is  attributable to the high transport
   NAL Call No.: 292.8-J82
   77. Flow characteristics of planted soil filters.
   Netter, R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.37-44. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; water-flow; measurement-; aquatic-plants;
   tracers-; constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   78. A four-year mass balance for a natural wetland system
   receiving domestic wastewater.
   Hosomi, M.; Murakami, A.; Sudo, R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.30, p.235-244. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Water quality international '94. Part
   8: Anaerobic digestion; sludge management; appropriate
   technologies / edited  by D. Ballay. Proceedings of a
   conference held July 24-30, 1994, Budapest, Hungary.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; waste-water;
   water-quality; aquatic-plants; chemical-oxygen-demand;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   organic-matter; honshu-; gray-water; domestic-waste-water;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   79. Freshwater wetlands, urban stormwater, and nonpoint
   pollution control : a literature review and annotated
   bibliography. 2nd ed., rev. and  updated.
   Stockdale, E. C.; Washington (State). Dept. of Ecology. 
   Olympia, WA : Washington State Dept. of Ecology, [1991] v,
   267 p. : ill..
   "February 1991.".
   Descriptors: Wetlands-Bibliography;
   Urban-runoff-Bibliography; Water-Pollution-Bibliography;
   NAL Call No.: Z6004.S94S76-1991
   80. The function of a coastal wetland as an efficient remover
   of nutrients from sewage effluent: a case study.
   Soukup, A.; Williams, R. J.; Cattell, F. C. R.; Krogh, M. H. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.295-304. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: sewage-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; wetlands-; ammonia-; nitrogen-;
   phosphorus-; removal-; nutrient-uptake; aquatic-plants;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   81. Functions of macrophytes in constructed wetlands.
   Brix, H. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.71-78. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; aquatic-plants; hydraulic-conductivity;
   nutrient-uptake; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   82. General design, construction, and operation guidelines :
   constructed wetlands wastewater treatment systems for small
   users including  individual residences. 2nd ed.
   Steiner, G. R.;  Watson, J. T.; Tennessee Valley Authority.
   Water Management Resources Group. 
   Chattanooga, Tenn. : Tennessee Valley Authority, Resource
   Group, Water Management, [1993] vi, 42 leaves : ill..
   "May 1993.".
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands; Sewage-Purification
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.S74--1993
   83. Glyceria maxima for wastewater nutrient removal and
   forage production.
   Sundblad, K.; Wittgren, H. B. 
   Biol-Wastes v.27, p.29-42. (1989).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: refuse-; waste-water-treatment; glyceria-maxima;
   fodder-crops; biomass-production; crop-yield;
   nutrient-uptake; crop-quality; lysimeters-; nutritive-value;
   sweden-; wetland-filter
   NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
   84. Gravel media filtration as a constructed wetland
   component for the reduction of suspended solids from
   maturation pond effluent.
   Sapkota, D. P.; Bavor, H. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.55-66. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; gravel-; filtration-; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   85. Growth characteristics of three macrophyte species
   growing in a natural and constructed wetland system.
   Adcock, P. W.; Ganf, G. G. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.95-102. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; phragmites-australis; aquatic-plants; triglochin-;
   nutrient-uptake; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   south-australia; artificial-wetlands; baumea-articulata;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   86. A handbook of constructed wetlands : a guide to creating
   wetlands for: agricultural wastewater, domestic wastewater,
   coal mine drainage,  stormwater in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
   Davis, L.; United States. Natural Resources Conservation
   Washington, D.C. : For sale by the U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
   [1995]. 5 v. : ill. (some col.).
   "This document was prepared by Luise Davis"--P. [2] of cover. 
   v.1. General considerations -- v.2. Domestic wastewater --
   v.3. Agricultural wastewater -- v.4. Coal mine drainage --
   v.5. Stormwater.
   Constructed-wetlands-Middle-Atlantic-States-Handbooks,-manuals,-etc; Sewage-Purification-Handbooks,-manuals,-etc;
   Agricultural- pollution-Handbooks,-manuals,-etc;
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.D39--1995
   87. High temporal resolution measurement of nitrate uptake
   from flowing solutions.
   Raman, D. R.; Spanswick, R. M.; Walker, L. P. 
   Bioresour-technol v.53, p.113-123. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: oryza-sativa; nitrate-; nutrient-uptake;
   ion-uptake; measurement-; specific-ion-electrodes;
   nutrient-availability; pretreatment-; applications-;
   wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; constructed-wetlands
   Abstract: The nitrate (NO3-) uptake rates of intact, 23 day
   old rice plants were measured to determine the relationship
   between the plant's NO3-  nutrition history and the NO3-
   uptake rate. A system for measuring NO3- uptake was designed,
   built and tested. Specific design goals, which  were met,
   include: low handling shock to the plants, high measurement
   accuracy (4%), high temporal resolution (10 min) and minimal
   mass- transfer limitations to uptake. Important design
   factors were identified and the overall uncertainties in the
   reported measurements were  computed. The observed uptake
   rates were dependent on the NO3- concentration ([NO3-]) to
   which the plants were exposed for the 24 h prior  to testing;
   plants pretreated at higher [NO3-] had lower uptake rates
   from 200 micromolar NO3- solutions than plants pretreated at
   lower [NO3- ].
   NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
   88. Hydraulic properties of bed media for constructed
   Turner, G. A.; Lesikar, B. J.; Fipps, G. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-1075/94-2020) 14 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1994 International Summer Meeting
   sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   June 19-22,  1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; hydrological-factors
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   89. Hydrologic network design for a constructed wetland.
   Abtew, W.; Guardo, M.; Roy, J.; Obeysekera, J. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1993. (932553) 18 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1993 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 14- 17, Chicago, Illinois.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; phosphorus-; drainage-; monitoring-;
   hydrology-; florida-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   90. Influence of hydrologic loading rate on phosphorus
   retention and ecosystem productivity in created wetlands.
   Mitsch, W. J.;  Cronk, J. K.; United States. Army. Corps of
   [Vicksburg, Miss. : U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
   Station, 1995] xii, 84 p. : ill., maps.
   At head of title: Wetlands Research Program.
   Descriptors: Wetland-conservation; Constructed-wetlands;
   Freshwater-productivity; Water-Phosphorus-content;
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.M3M57--1995
   91. Integrated constructed wetland for small communities.
   Urbanc Bercic, O.; Bulc, T. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.41-47. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; water-flow;
   waste-water; sewage-effluent; horizontal-flow; nutrients-;
   removal-; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate-nitrogen;
   organic-nitrogen-compounds; phosphorus-; cycling-;
   chemical-oxygen-demand; pollutants-; phragmites-australis;
   microbial- degradation; microorganisms-; aquatic-organisms;
   denitrification-; yugoslavia-; slovenia-; vertical-flow;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   92. Inventory of constructed wetlands in the United States.
   Brown, D. S.; Reed, S. C. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.309-318. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; surveys-; sewage-effluent; usa-;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   93. Investigation into the use of constructed reedbeds for
   municipal waste dump leachate treatment.
   Urbanc Bercic, O. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.289-294. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: landfill-leachates; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; phragmites-australis; gravel-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; chemical-oxygen-demand;
   waste-water-treatment; yugoslavia-; artificial-wetlands;
   slovenia-; constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   94. Iron and manganese release in coal mine drainage wetland
   Tarutis, W. J. J.; Unz, R. F. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.187-192. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: iron-oxides; manganese-oxides;
   manganese-dioxide; hematite-; iron-; manganese-; release-;
   mushroom-compost; sulfate-; reduction-; simulation-;
   wetlands-; wetland-soils; waste-water-treatment;
   drainage-water; coal-mine-spoil; coal-mined-land
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   95. The kinetics of nitrate uptake from flowing solutions by
   rice: influence of pretreatment and light.
   Raman, D. R.; Spanswick, R. M.; Walker, L. P. 
   Bioresour-technol v.53, p.125-132. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: oryza-sativa; nitrate-; nutrient-uptake;
   ion-uptake; kinetics-; nutrient-solutions; depletion-;
   nutrient-availability; pretreatment-; light-; applications-;
   wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; michaelis-menten-kinetics;
   Abstract: The kinetics of nitrate (NO3-) uptake by intact 23
   day old rice plants was studied by measuring the depletion of
   NO3- in solutions flowing  over the plant roots. A
   Michaelis-Menten kinetic model was applied, allowing the
   uptake kinetics to be characterized by two parameters: the 
   apparent half-velocity constant, Km, and the apparent maximum
   uptake rate, Vmax. A propagation of uncertainty calculation
   revealed that the  kinetic parameters could be determined
   with a high degree of accuracy; the standard deviation in Km
   was typically 15% of the Km value; the  standard deviation in
   Vmax was typically 7% of the Vmax value. The plants were
   exposed to full nutrient solutions containing NO3- at 50,
   200,  500 and 800 micromolar for 24 h prior to kinetic
   testing, and both Km and Vmax were found to vary with
   pretreatment NO3- concentration,  [NO3-]; plants pretreated
   at high [NO3- had lower Vmax and higher Km values than plants
   pretreated at lower [NO3-]. However, the variations  in Vmax
   were more consistent than those in Km. These changes in the
   kinetic parameters reflect an uptake system which is capable
   of  compensating for changes in the external [NO3-] to
   maintain a virtually constant NO3- uptake rate in the range
   studied. Changes in Km and  Vmax begin within 4 h of a change
   in [NO3-]. Light deprivation during pretreatment in 200
   micromolar NO3- resulted in a complete cessation  of NO3-
   uptake; 4-8 h of illumination were required before the uptake
   resumed, and uptake rates had not yet reached normal levels 8
   h after the  resumption of illumination.
   NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
   96. Limited response of cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) to soil
   amendments in a constructed marsh.
   Gibson, K. D.; Zedler, J. B.; Langis, R. 
   Ecol-appl v.4, p.757-767. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: spartina-; ammonium-sulfate; straw-; alfalfa-;
   organic-amendments; green-manures; decomposition-;
   biomass-production; plant-density; nitrogen-;
   nutrient-availability; soil-fertility; sandy-soils;
   nutrient-uptake; salt-marshes; wetlands-;
   dry-matter-accumulation; salt-marsh-soils; california-;
   NAL Call No.: QH540.E23
   97. Long-term impacts of sewage effluent disposal on a
   tropical wetland.
   Osborne, P. L.; Totome, R. G. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.111-117. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   sewage-effluent; wetlands-; tropics-; nutrient-uptake;
   nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-; aquatic-plants;
   botanical-composition; papua-new-guinea
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   98. MAFES on solid ground with wastewater cleanup project.
   Drapala, P. 
   MAFES-Res-Highlights-Miss-Agric-For-Exp-Stn v.54, p.5.
   Descriptors: waste-water; waste-water-treatment;
   water-purification; wetlands-; mississippi-;
   NAL Call No.: 100-M69MI
   99. Methods to assess the water quality impact of a restored
   riparian wetland.
   Vellidis, G.; Lowrance, R.; Smith, M. C.; Hubbard, R. K. 
   J-Soil-Water-Conserv v.48, p.223-230. (1993).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: water-pollution; animal-wastes; bioremediation-;
   water-quality; runoff-; riparian-forests; wetlands-;
   reclamation-; pollution-control; georgia-;
   wetland-restoration; nonpoint-source-pollution
   NAL Call No.: 56.8-J822
   100. Microbial ecology of constructed wetlands used for
   treating pulp mill wastewater.
   Hatano, K.; Frederick, D. J.; Moore, J. A. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.233-239. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: pulp-mill-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; wetlands-; typha-latifolia;
   scirpus-acutus; microbial-degradation; bacteria-; fungi-;
   actinomycetales-; oregon-; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   101. Mineralisation and pathogen removal in gravel bed
   hydroponic constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.
   Williams, J.; Bahgat, M.; May, E.; Ford, M.; Butler, J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.49-58. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-treatment; sewage-; gravel-;
   phragmites-australis; biochemical-oxygen-demand; removal-;
   ammonium-nitrogen; pollutants-; pathogens-; fecal-coliforms;
   indicator-species; bacteriophages-; bacteria-;
   coliform-bacteria; egypt-; england-; coliphages-;
   artificial-wetlands; suspended-solids
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   102. Mineralogy of iron precipitates in a constructed acid
   mine drainage wetland.
   Karathanasis, A. D.; Thompson, Y. L. 
   Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-j. [Madison, Wis.] Soil Science Society of
   America. Nov/Dec 1995. v. 59 (6) p. 1773-1781. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; mine-spoil; drainage-;
   waste-treatment; mineralogy-; iron-; chemical-precipitation;
   solubility-; mineralogy-; constructed-wetlands
   Abstract: Precipitates forming at various stages of acid mine
   drainage treatment in a high metal load (approximately 1000
   mg L-1 Fe) and low pH  (approximately 3) constructed wetland
   were characterized by chemical dissolution, X-ray
   diffraction, thermal analysis, and scanning electron 
   microscopy. Minerals precipitating in flumes and in entry
   wetland cells lacking vegetation included poorly crystalline
   ferrihydrite,  lepidocrocite, goethite, possibly an
   akaganeite-like mineral, and high Fe/S ratio Fe
   oxyhydroxysulfates (similar to schwertmannite). Within 
   vegetated wetland cells lined with crushed limestone,
   well-crystallized gypsum, lepidocrocite, and
   Fe-oxyhydroxysulfate minerals with low Fe/S  ratios were
   accompanied by gradual reductions in ferrihydrite and
   akaganeite. The Fe/S molar ratios of Fe oxyhydroxysulfates in
   flume  precipitates averaged 5.2 +/- 0.3, while those of cell
   precipitates averaged approximately 3.5 +/- 0.5. The
   oxalate-extractable (Fe(ox)) to total  (Fe(t)) Fe fraction of
   the precipitates was considerably higher in wetland cells
   (1.1 +/- 0.3), where organic C was 10-fold higher than in
   entry  flumes (0.7 +/- 0.1). Scanning electron micrographs of
   flume precipitates showed a fiber-like morphology of densely
   aggregated spherical  particles, 1.5 to 2.0 mm in diameter,
   with a closely packed microcrystalline matrix. Precipitates
   collected from vegetated wetland cells formed  aggregates of
   somewhat smaller diameter spherical particles with grassy
   surfaces or finger-like projections entangled with bacterial
   cells. The  overall composition of the precipitates suggested
   that the Fe chemistry is controlled primarily by the
   solubility of Fe oxyhydroxides in flumes  and by S-enriched
   Fe oxyhydroxysulfates.  inhibited by the presence of organics
   and the precipitation of Fe oxyhydroxysulfates and gypsum.
   NAL Call No.: 56.9-So3
   103. A modified procedure for design of constructed wetlands.
   Chen, S.; Malone, R. F.; Fall, L. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1992. (92-4527) 19 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1992 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 15- 18, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; construction-;
   design-calculations; models-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   104. A multidisciplinary wetlands research facility.
   Kenimer, A. L.; Mitchell, F. L.; Lasswell, J. L. 
   Clean water, clean environment, 21st century  team
   agriculture, working to protect water resources  conference
   proceedings, March 5-8,  1995, Kansas City, Missouri /. St.
   Joseph, Mich. : ASAE, c1995.. v. 2 p. 95-98. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; aquatic-plants; waste-treatment;
   runoff-; watersheds-; fields-; arachis-hypogaea;
   food-industry; cheesemaking-; factory-effluents;
   dairy-effluent; dairy-wastes; waste-water-treatment; texas-;
   NAL Call No.: TD365.C54-1995
   105. Natural treatment processes and on-site processes.
   Kruzic, A. P. 
   Water-environ-res v.67, p.470-475. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   application-to-land; infiltration-; wetlands-;
   literature-reviews; soil-infiltration-systems;
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   106. Natural treatment systems.
   Kruzic, A. P. 
   Water-environ-res v.66, p.357-361. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; aquatic-environment;
   systems-; aquatic-plants; wetlands-; literature-reviews;
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   107. Natural wetland polishing effluent discharging to
   Wooloweyah Lagoon.
   Patruno, J.; Russell, J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.185-192. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; sewage-effluent; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   nutrient-uptake; aquatic-plants; lagoons-; new-south-wales
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   108. A new concept in treating wastewater--constructed
   Karathanasis, A. D. 
   Soil-Sci-News-Views-Coop-Ext-Serv-Univ-Ky-Coll-Agric-Dep-Agron. Lexington, Ky. : The Department. 1991. v. 12 (3) 3 p. 
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-;
   biological-treatment; construction-; costs-; mine-spoil;
   agricultural-wastes; kentucky-
   NAL Call No.: S591.55.K4S64
   109. Nitrate removal from a synthetic groundwater using a
   constructed wetland.
   Rock, J. 
   1993. ix, 251 leaves : ill. (some col.).
   Thesis (M.S.)--University of Nebraska--Lincoln, 1993.
   NBU LD3656-1993-R635
   110. Nitrogen removal from pretreated wastewater in surface
   flow wetlands.
   Wittgren, H. B.; Tobiason, S. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.69-78. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; nitrification-; nitrogen-; removal-;
   waste-water-treatment; waste-water; sewage-effluent;
   denitrification-; hydraulics-; water- flow; phosphorus-;
   sweden-; hydraulic-loading; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   111. Nitrogen removal from reclaimed water applied to
   constructed and natural wetland microcosms.
   Gale, P. M.; Reddy, K. R.; Graetz, D. A. 
   Water-Environ-Res v.65, p.162-168. (1993).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; florida-;
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   112. Nitrogen removal from waste treatment pond or activated
   sludge plant effluents with free-surface wetlands.
   Horne, A. J. 
   Waste stabilisation ponds and the reuse of pond effluents 
   selected proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on
   Waste Stabilisation  Ponds and the Reuse of Pond Effluents,
   held in Berkeley, California, USA, 30 Nov-3 Dec 1993 /
   International Symposium on Waste  Stabilisation Ponds and the
   Reuse of Pond Effluents. 1st ed. Oxford, U.K. ; Tarrytown,
   New York, U.S.A. : Pergamon : Elsevier Science,  1995.. p.
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   sewage-effluent; activated-sludge; ponds-; nitrogen-;
   nitrate-; removal-; denitrification-; constructed-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7-v.31,-no.12
   113. Nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands treating
   nitrified meat processing effluent.
   Van Oostrom, A. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.137-147. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   meatworks-effluent; nitrification-; nitrogen-; removal-;
   glyceria-maxima; denitrification-; nutrient- uptake;
   biomass-; new-zealand; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   114. Nutrient partitioning in a clay-based surface flow
   Adcock, P. W.; Ryan, G. L.; Osborne, P. L. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.203-209. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; nutrients-; removal-; release-;
   cycling-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; organic-matter; sediment-;
   nutrient-content; mineral-content; plant-composition;
   aquatic-plants; water-; clay-; adventitious-roots;
   waste-water-treatment; sewage-effluent; wetland-soils;
   new-south-wales; artificial-wetlands; constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   115. Nutrient reduction in an in-series constructed wetland
   system treating landfill leachate.
   Martin, C. D.; Moshiri, G. A. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.267-272. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; biological-treatment;
   water-purification; landfill-leachates; aquatic-plants;
   phosphorus-; nitrogen-; removal-; florida-;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   116. Nutrient removal and disinfection performance in the
   Byron Bay constructed wetland system.
   Bavor, H. J.; Andel, E. F. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.201-208. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: sewage-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; wetlands-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-;
   fecal-coliforms; removal-; nutrient- uptake; aquatic-plants;
   new-south-wales; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   117. The nutrient retention by ecotone wetlands and their
   modification for Baiyangdian Lake restoration.
   Yin, C. Q.; Lan, Z. W. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.159-167. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; nutrients-; removal-; nitrogen-;
   phosphorus-; lakes-; pollution-control; water-flow;
   phragmites-australis; biomass-; harvesting-; wetland-soils;
   soil-fertility; hubei-; total-nitrogen; total-phosphorus;
   surface-flow; subsurface-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   118. Nutrient transformations in a natural wetland receiving
   sewage effluent and the implications for waste treatment.
   Cooke, J. G. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.209-217. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: sewage-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; wetlands-; phosphorus-; nitrogen-;
   removal-; nutrient-uptake; aquatic-plants; denitrification-;
   nitrification-; nitrate-; new-zealand
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   119. On-site wastewater treatment : proceedings of the
   Seventh International Symposium on Individual and Small
   Community Sewage Systems,  11-13 December 1994, Atlanta,
   Georgia.  On-site waste water treatment.
   International Symposium on Individual and Small Community
   Sewage Systems (7th : 1994 : Atlanta, Ga. 
   St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of Agricultural
   Engineers, c1994. xiv, 578 p. : ill..
   "Vol. 7.".  Implementing on-site technologies -- Design and
   performance of constructed wetlands -- Impacts of on-site
   systems -- Mechanics of soil- based systems -- Field
   evaluation of alternative technologies -- Design and
   evaluation of sand filters -- Small community options --
   Presure  distribution systems -- On-site systems for nitrogen
   removal -- New research results.
   Descriptors: Sewage-disposal,-Rural-Congresses;
   NAL Call No.: TD929.I567--1994
   120. Operating experience with constructed wetlands for
   wastewater treatment.
   Knight, R. L. 
   Tappi-J v.75, p.109-112. (1993).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; water-quality;
   pulp-and-paper-industry; pulp-mill-effluent
   NAL Call No.: 302.8-T162
   121. An operational survey of a natural lagoon treatment
   plant combining macrophytes and microphytes basins.
   Vandevenne, L. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.79-86. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; aquatic-plants; algae-;
   waste-water-treatment; waste-water; sewage-; sewage-effluent;
   waste-treatment; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; nutrients-;
   removal-; nutrient-uptake; lagoons-; belgium-;
   artificial-wetlands; constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   122. Orange County Florida Eastern Service Area reclaimed
   water wetlands reuse system.
   Schwartz, L. N.; Wallace, P. M.; Gale, P. M.; Smith, W. F.;
   Wittig, J. T.; McCarty, S. L. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.273-281. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; water-reuse; waste-water-treatment;
   sewage-effluent; nutrients-; removal-; nutrient-uptake;
   florida-; constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   123. Organic priority pollutants in wetland-treated leachates
   at a landfill in central Florida.
   Chen, C. S.; Zoltek, J. Jr. 
   Chemosphere v.31, p.3455-3464. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: landfill-leachates; groundwater-pollution;
   runoff-water; landfills-; pollutants-; volatile-compounds;
   organic-compounds; waste-water- treatment;
   biological-treatment; wetlands-; microbial-degradation;
   sorption-; water-quality; aromatic-hydrocarbons; florida-
   NAL Call No.: TD172.C54
   124. Overview: surface flow constructed wetlands.
   Kadlec, R. H. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.1-12. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; marshes-; waste-water-treatment;
   aquatic-plants; nutrients-; removal-; cycling-;
   nutrient-uptake; sorption-; microbial- degradation;
   water-flow; aquatic-organisms; microorganisms-;
   artificial-wetlands; macrophytes-; surface-flow-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   125. Performance of an artificial wetlands filter treating
   facultative lagoon effluent at Carville, Louisiana.
   Zachritz, W. H. I.; Fuller, J. W. 
   Water-Environ-Res v.65, p.46-52. (1993).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; lagoons-; wetlands-;
   sagittaria-; species-
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   126. Performance of subsurface flow wetlands with batch-load
   and continuous-flow conditions.
   Burgoon, P. S.; Reddy, K. R.; DeBusk, T. A. 
   Water-environ-res v.67, p.855-862. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; scirpus-; waste-water-treatment;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; waste-water; sewage-effluent;
   carbon-; nitrogen-; oxidation-; ammonium-; water-flow;
   microbial-degradation; oxygen-; transfer-; scirpus-pungens;
   waste-water-flow; artificial-wetlands; constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   127. Phosphorus removal in constructed wetlands using gravel
   and industrial waste substrata.
   Mann, R. A.; Bavor, H. J. 
   Water-Sci-Technol-J-Int-Assoc-Water-Pollut-Res-Control v.27,
   p.107-113. (1993).
   In the series analytic: Appropriate waste management
   technologies / edited by G. Ho and K. Mathew. Proceedings of
   the International  Conference, held November 27-28, 1991,
   Perth, Australia.
   Descriptors: sewage-effluent; waste-treatment; wetlands-;
   phosphorus-; new-south-wales
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   128. Phosphorus retention and distribution in constructed
   Cronk, J. K.; Mitsch, W. J. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1993. (932579) 10 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1993 International Winter Meeting of
   the American Society of Agricultural Engineers," December
   14-17, 1993,  Chicago, Illinois.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; pollution-; phosphorus-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   129. Phosphorus retention by wetland soils used for treated
   wastewater disposal.
   Gale, P. M.; Reddy, K. R.; Graetz, D. A. 
   J-environ-qual v.23, p.370-377. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetland-soils; phosphorus-; sorption-;
   kinetics-; sorption-isotherms; physicochemical-properties;
   Abstract: Wetlands function as buffers for nutrients loaded
   from terrestrial ecosystems through drainage and surface
   discharges. The objectives of  our study were to (i)
   determine the P retention capacity of representative wetlands
   soils being used for disposal of treated wastewater and (ii) 
   relate P retention characteristics to selected
   physicochemical properties to evaluate likely of P removal in
   the soils. Intact soil cores (0-40 cm)  and bulk soil samples
   (0-15 cm) were collected from a system of natural and
   constructed wetlands currently being used for disposal of
   treated  wastewater. Floodwater P concentrations of the
   intact soil cores were monitored over time to determine the
   rate of P removal. Batch  experiments were conducted to
   determine maximum P retention capacity of the soils. Soil
   samples were analyzed for inorganic P pool sizes, and 
   selected properties. During a 21 d hydraulic retention time,
   the constructed wetlands (sandy, low organic matter soils)
   retained 52 to 66% of  added P, as compared with 46 to 47%
   retained by the natural wetlands (high organic matter soils).
   The P retention as estimated using the  Langmuir model,
   ranged from 196 to 1821 mg P kg(-1) (aerobic incubations) and
   from 32 to 1415 mg P kg(-1) (anaerobic incubations). The P 
   sorption maximum for the soils could be by batch
   equilibration with a single high P solution. Anaerobic
   conditions increased P solubility.   Organic P pools and the
   Fe-Al-bound fraction seemed to control P chemistry in these
   natural and wetlands.
   NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
   130. Phosphorus retention in constructed freshwater riparian
   Mitsch, W. J.; Cronk, J. K.; Wu, X. Y.; Nairn, R. W.; Hey, D.
   Ecol-appl v.5, p.830-845. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: water-pollution; phosphorus-; pollution-control;
   water-purification; river-water; marshes-; aquatic-plants;
   nutrient-uptake; wetlands-; water- quality;
   geological-sedimentation; nutrient-content; biomass-;
   phytoplankton-; water-flow; illinois-; experimental-wetlands;
   constructed-marshes; low-flow-wetlands; high-flow-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: QH540.E23
   131. Phosphorus uptake in Florida marshes.
   Kadlec, R. H. 
   Water-sci-technol v.30, p.225-234. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Water quality international '94. Part
   8: Anaerobic digestion; sludge management; appropriate
   technologies / edited  by D. Ballay. Proceedings of a
   conference held July 24-30, 1994, Budapest, Hungary.
   Descriptors: marshes-; aquatic-plants; phosphorus-; removal-;
   nutrient-uptake; waste-water-treatment; pollution-control;
   wetlands-; mathematical- models; florida-;
   artificial-wetlands; constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   132. A pilot study of vertical flow wetlands at Coffs
   Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.
   Chick, A. J.; Mitchell, D. S. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.103-109. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-treatment;
   waste-water-treatment; sewage-; sewage-effluent; water-flow;
   nutrients-; removal-; pollutants-; biochemical-
   oxygen-demand; fecal-coliforms; hydraulics-; phosphorus-;
   new-south-wales; suspended-solids; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   133. Planted soil filter--a wastewater treatment system for
   rural areas.
   Netter, R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.28, p.133-140. (1993).
   Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on, "Design
   and Operation of Small Wastewater Treatment Plants," June
   28-30, 1993,  Trondheim, Norway / edited by H. Odegaard.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; water-systems;
   rural-areas; wetlands-; filter-beds; aquatic-plants;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; chemical-oxygen- demand;
   purification-; nutrients-; particle-size-distribution;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   134. Pollution filtration by plants in wetland-littoral
   Mickle, A. M. 
   Proc-Acad-Nat-Sci-Phila. Philadelphia, Pa. : The Academy. Apr
   7, 1993. v. 144 p. 282-290. 
   Literature review.
   Descriptors: aquatic-plants; bog-plants; filtration-;
   purification-; waste-water; waste-water-treatment; wetlands-;
   coastal-areas; literature-reviews
   NAL Call No.: 500-P53
   135. Pollution solution: build a marsh.
   MacDonald, L. 
   Am-for v.100, p.26-29. (1994).
   Descriptors: water-pollution; pollution-control; marshes-;
   wildlife-; wetlands-; california-;
   NAL Call No.: 99.8-F762
   136. Potential use of constructed wetlands for wastewater
   treatment in Northern environments.
   Jenssen, P. D.; Maehlum, T.; Krogstad, T. 
   Water-sci-technol v.28, p.149-157. (1993).
   Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on, "Design
   and Operation of Small Wastewater Treatment Plants," June
   28-30, 1993,  Trondheim, Norway / edited by H. Odegaard.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; cold-zones;
   temperate-climate; aquatic-plants; freezing-; purification-;
   biodegradation-; constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   137. Preliminary effectiveness of constructed wetlands for
   dairy waste treatment.
   Cooper, C. M.; Testa, S. I.; Knight, S. S. 
   Environmentally sound agriculture  proceedings of the second
   conference  20-22 April 1994 / p.439-446. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: dairy-wastes; waste-water;
   waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; scirpus-validus;
   on-farm-processing; water-quality; improvement-; mississippi-
   NAL Call No.: S589.7.E57-1994
   138. Processes of iron and manganese retention in laboratory
   peat microsomes subjected to acid mine drainage.
   Henrot, J.; Wieder, R. K. 
   J-Environ-Qual v.19, p.312-320. (1990).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: peat-; acid-mine-drainage; iron-; manganese-;
   retention-; binding-; iron-oxides; exchangeable-cations;
   microbial-activities; ph-; temperature-; solubilization-;
   reduction-; acid-deposition; constructed-wetlands;
   complexation-; photoreduction-
   Abstract: Despite increasing use of constructed wetlands for
   treatment of metal-enriched acid coal mine drainage (AMD),
   the biotic and abiotic  mechanisms of metal retention in such
   wetlands are poorly understood. The present study was
   conducted to evaluate the processes responsible  for Fe and
   Mn retention in peat and the effects of microbial activity,
   pH temperature, and metal concentration in AMD on these
   processes.  Experimental units consisted in 30 g (wet wt.) of
   fresh Sphagnum peat, which was repeatedly flushed with
   synthetic AMD at pH 3.5. Of the four  major processes of
   metal cation retention in peat (cation exchange, complexation
   with peat organic precipitation as oxides, and precipitation
   as  sulfides), Fe oxidation and Fe binding on peat organics
   were predominant, with Fe oxides and organically bound Fe
   making up, respectively, 62  and 22% of the total Fe in the
   peat at the end of the experiment. Whereas Fe complexation
   was a finite process, reaching saturation at 12 mg Fe  g-1
   dry peat, Fe-oxide concentration in peat increased steadily
   throughout the experiment. At pH 3.5, Fe-oxide precipitation
   was depressed by  the addition of an antiseptic
   (formaldehyde) to AMD, suggesting that the process was
   microbially mediated. Iron oxide precipitation was higher  at
   pH 5.5 than 3.5 and less depressed at pH 5.5 than 3.5 by the
   presence of formaldehyde in AMD. The efficiency of peat to
   remove Fe from  AMD was diminished at low temperature (< 15
   degrees C) and high Fe concentration in AMD (> 100 mg L-1).
   Manganese retention in peat  was small compared with that of
   Fe, and Mn was retained in peat almost exclusively as
   exchangeable Mn2+. Retention of Fe2+ in peat was not 
   affected by the presence of Mn2+ in AMD. Iron oxides that had
   accumulated in peat subjected to AMD were not readily
   resolubilized by any of  three processes investigated:
   photoreduction, microbial FE(III) reduction under reducing
   conditions, and exposure to simulated acid  precipitation.
   These findings suggest that constructed wetlands may be an
   appropriate technology to remove Fe from AMD with low soluble
   Fe  concentration, but are inadequate for treating drainage
   waters rich in soluble Mn.
   NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
   139. Project end report, development of high mountain plant
   communities as wetland mitigation systems for copper mine
   Kastning Culp, N.;  Lockwood, J. A. 1.;  DeBrey, L.;
   University of Wyoming. Dept. of Plant, S. a. I. S. 
   [Laramie] : Dept. of Plant, Soil and Insect Sciences,
   University of Wyoming, [1993] viii, 141 p. : ill. (some
   Cover title.
   -and-Wyo; -Waste-disposal;
   Constructed-wetlands-Little-Snake-River- Watershed-Colo;
   NAL Call No.: TD899.C59K37--1993
   140. The purification efficiency of planted soil filters for
   wastewater treatment.
   Netter, R. 
   Water-Sci-Technol-J-Int-Assoc-Water-Pollut-Res-Control v.26,
   p.2317-2320. (1992).
   In the series analytic: Water Quality International '92. Part
   5 / edited by M. Suzuki, et.al. Proceedings of the Sixteenth
   Biennial  Conference of the International Association on
   Water Pollution Research and Control held May 24-30, 1992,
   Washington, D.C.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; soil-; filters-;
   wetlands-; water-purification; efficiency-
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   141. The reality of sewage treatment using wetlands.
   Hiley, P. D. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.329-338. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   waste-treatment; sewage-; sewage-effluent; water-flow;
   ammonium-; phosphorus-; nitrogen-; removal-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; pollutants-;
   yorkshire-and-lancashire; surface-flow; subsurface-flow;
   suspended-solids; constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   142. Reed-bed treatment for municipal and industrial
   wastewater in Beijing, China.
   Li, S. R.; Ding, T.; Wang, S. 
   J-Inst-Water-Environ-Manag v.9, p.581-588. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: phragmites-australis; wetlands-;
   waste-water-treatment; waste-water; sewage-effluent;
   beijing-; artificial-wetlands; constructed-wetlands
   Abstract: The reed-bed system is a cost-effective and
   environmentally friendly method of treating sewage from small
   treatment works. A pilot-scale  plant, which treated 500 m3/d
   of municipal and industrial wastewater, was studied in
   Beijing, China. The aim of the project was (i) to test the 
   ability of the reed beds to remove pollutants for long-term
   operation in cold weather conditions, and (ii) to evaluate
   its environmental,  ecological and financial values. The
   results of operation demonstrated that this system has the
   ability to remove the pollutants. One of the  attractive
   features is that the reed beds can partly convert the
   pollutants into plant biomass with the natural energy from
   sunlight. The reeds can  (a) be harvested each year, (b)
   provide a wildlife habitat, and (c) improve the quality of
   the ecosystem. Capital and operating costs of the system  are
   comparatively low.
   NAL Call No.: TD420.W374
   143. Reed bed treatment systems for sewage treatment in the
   United Kingdom--the first 10 years' experience.
   Cooper, P.; Green, B. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.317-327. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: phragmites-australis; wetlands-;
   waste-treatment; waste-water-treatment; sewage-;
   sewage-effluent; gravel-; nitrification-; water-flow;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; pollutants-; ammonium-nitrogen;
   nitrogen-; phosphorus-; uk-; artificial-wetlands;
   gravel-beds; vertical-flow; suspended-solids
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   144. Removal efficiency of the constructed wetland wastewater
   treatment system at Bainikeng, Shenzhen.
   Yang, Y.; Xu, Z. C.; Hu, K. P.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, G. Z. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.31-40. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; nutrients-;
   removal-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; microbial-degradation;
   pollutants-; biochemical-oxygen- demand;
   chemical-oxygen-demand; aquatic-plants; aquatic-organisms;
   sewage-effluent; gravel-; guangxi-; organic-pollutants;
   suspended-solids; artificial-wetlands; vegetated-gravel-beds
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   145. Removal of pathogens from wastewaters by the root zone
   method (RZM).
   Rivera, F.; Warren, A.; Ramirez, E.; Decamp, O.; Bonilla, P.;
   Gallegos, E.; Calderon, A.; Sanchez, J. T. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.211-218. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; roots-; root-systems;
   phragmites-australis; typha-; pathogens-; removal-;
   escherichia-coli; coliform-bacteria; fecal-coliforms;
   salmonella-; shigella-; giardia-; entamoeba-;
   sarcomastigophora-; ascaris-lumbricoides;
   waste-water-treatment; sewage-; sewage-effluent; mexico-;
   england-; pathogenic-free-living-amoebae;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   146. Restoration of our lakes and rivers with wetlands--an
   important application of ecological engineering.
   Mitsch, W. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.31, p.167-177. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Integrated water resources management
   / edited by S.H. Hosper, R.D. Gulati, L. van Liere, and
   R.M.M. Rooijackers.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; aquatic-plants; water-pollution;
   pollution-control; sediment-; rivers-; streams-; phosphorus-;
   nutrient-uptake; ohio-; manmade-wetlands; riparian-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   147. A Review of literature concerning the establishment and
   maintenance of constructed wetlands using Scirpus,
   Sparganium, and other  wetland species.
   Mandel, R.;  Koch, P. L.; United States. Soil Conservation
   [Washington, D.C.? : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil
   Conservation Service], 1992. iii, 114 p..
   Cover title.
   Descriptors: Wetland-plants-Great-Lakes-Region;
   NAL Call No.: aQK130.R48--1992
   148. Riparian forest buffer system research at the Coastal
   Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA.
   Hubbard, R. K.; Lowrance, R. R. 
   Water-air-soil-pollut v.77, p.407-432. (1994).
   In the special issue: Wetlands of the interior southeastern
   United States / edited by C.C. Trettin, W.M. Aust, and J.
   Wisniewski.  September 28-30, 1993, Knoxville, Tennessee.
   Descriptors: riparian-forests; riparian-vegetation; grasses-;
   vegetation-management; clearcutting-; selective-felling;
   wetlands-; biological-treatment; waste-water-treatment;
   dairy-wastes; pig-slurry; aldicarb-; insecticide-residues;
   nutrients-; removal-; nutrient-uptake; simulation-models;
   nitrate-; denitrification-; water-quality; runoff-;
   groundwater-; groundwater-pollution; water-pollution;
   NAL Call No.: TD172.W36
   149. Riparian forest restoration to control agricultural
   water pollution.
   Lowrance, R.; Hubbard, R. K.; Vellidis, G. 
   Clean water, clean environment, 21st century  team
   agriculture, working to protect water resources  conference
   proceedings, March 5-8,  1995, Kansas City, Missouri /. St.
   Joseph, Mich. : ASAE, c1995.. v. 3 p. 179-182. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: riparian-forests; wetlands-; dairy-effluent;
   lagoons-; waste-water-treatment; application-to-land;
   pollution-control; removal-; sediment-; nitrogen-;
   phosphorus-; nitrates-; denitrification-; water-quality;
   groundwater-pollution; georgia-; riparian-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD365.C54-1995
   150. Riparian wetlands and water quality.
   Gilliam, J. W. 
   J-environ-qual v.23, p.896-900. (1994).
   Paper presented at the symposium, "Wetland Processes and
   Water Quality," November 3-4, 1992, Minneapolis, MN.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; riparian-vegetation; water-quality;
   pollutants-; water-pollution; pollution-control
   Abstract: Because of wet soils adjacent to the streams,
   riparian buffers are frequently present between farming and
   urban activities on the uplands  and small streams. These
   riparian areas have been shown to be very valuable for the
   removal of nonpoint-source pollution from drainage water. 
   Several researchers have measured > 90% reductions in
   sediment and nitrate concentrations in water flowing through
   the riparian areas. The  riparian buffers are less effective
   for P removal but may retain 50% of the surface-water P
   entering them. I consider riparian buffers to be the  most
   important factor influencing nonpoint-source pollutants
   entering surface water in many areas of the USA and the most
   important wetlands  for surface water quality protection.
   NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
   151. The role of constructed wetlands and other alternative
   technologies in meeting the wastewater treatment needs of
   rural and small  communities : hearing before the
   Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee
   on Public Works and Transportation, House  of
   Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, second session,
   August 4, 1992.
   United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works and
   Transportation. Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. 
   Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt.
   of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1992 [i.e. 1993]. iii,
   303 p. : ill..
   Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands-United-States;
   Sewage-disposal,-Rural-United-States-Technological-innovations; Sewage-Purification- Technological-innovations
   NAL Call No.: KF27.P89632-1992
   152. The role of wetlands, ponds, and shallow lakes in
   improving water quality.
   Whigham, D. F. 
   Animal waste and the land-water interface /. Boca Raton :
   Lewis Publishers, c1995.. p. 163-172. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; ponds-; lakes-; water-systems;
   animal-wastes; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; movement-;
   waste-water-treatment; water-quality; water- pollution;
   NAL Call No.: TD930.A55-1995
   153. The roles of spent mushroom substrate for the mitigation
   of coal mine drainage.
   Stark, L. R.; Williams, F. M. 
   Compost-sci-util v.2, p.84-94. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: mushroom-compost; substrates-; coal-mined-land;
   drainage-; wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; waste-utilization;
   appalachian-states-of-usa; constructed-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
   154. Rootzone dynamics in constructed wetlands receiving
   wastewater: a comparison of vertical and horizontal flow
   Breen, P. F.; Chick, A. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.281-290. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; schoenoplectus-;
   eleocharis-sphacelata; waste-water-treatment; roots-;
   root-systems; water-flow; horizontal-flow; hydraulics-;
   nutrients-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   ammonium-nitrogen; hydraulic-resistance; root-density;
   schoenoplectus-validus; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   155. SCS technical requirements for constructed wetlands for
   agricultural wastewater treatment.
   Krider, J. N.; Boyd, W. H. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1992. (92-4523) 5 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1992 International Winter Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   December 15- 18, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
   Descriptors: agricultural-wastes; waste-water-treatment;
   wetlands-; regulations-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   156. Sewage and industrial waste treatment, wetlands : (Oct
   87 - present) : citations from the Selected Water Resources
   Abstracts database.  Citations from the Selected Water
   Resources Abstracts database.
   United States. National Technical Information Service. 
   [Springfield, Va.] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National
   Technical Information Service, [1993] 1 v. (unpaged).
   "Dec 93"--P. [v].
   Descriptors: Sewage-Purification-Bibliography;
   NAL Call No.: Z5853.S22S38--1993
   157. Small constructed wetlands for animal waste treatment.
   Evans, J. L.; Webber, D. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-1075/94-2020) 21 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1994 International Summer Meeting
   sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   June 19-22,  1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
   Descriptors: waste-treatment; wetlands-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   158. State of knowledge on reed bed treatment systems :
   October 1987.
   Cooper, P. F. P. F.;  Hobson, J. A.; Water Research Centre
   (Great Britain). 
   [England? : WRC?, 1987?] 1 v. (unpaged) : ill..
   Cover title.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.C67-1987
   159. A stochastic approach to designing wetlands for
   stormwater pollution control.
   Wong, T. H. F.; Somes, N. L. G. 
   Innovative technologies in urban storm drainage NOVATECH '95 
   selected proceedings of the 2nd NOVATECH Conference on 
   Innovative Technologies in Urban Storm Drainage, held in
   Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 1995 / NOVATECH Conference on
   Innovative  Technologies in Urban Storm Drainage. 1st ed.
   Oxford, U.K. ; Tarrytown, N.Y. : Pergamon : Elsevier Science,
   1995.. p. 145-151. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; pollution-control; rain-; storms-;
   runoff-; urban-areas; hydrology-; size-; structural-design;
   stochastic-processes; simulation-; victoria-;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7-v.32,-no.1
   160. Strategies for protecting Florida's Everglades: the best
   management practice approach.
   Izuno, F. T.; Capone, L. T. 
   Water-sci-technol v.31, p.123-131. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Integrated water resources management
   / edited by S.H. Hosper, R.D. Gulati, L. van Liere, and
   R.M.M. Rooijackers.
   Descriptors: water-pollution; phosphorus-; runoff-;
   runoff-water; agricultural-land; farmland-;
   pollution-control; wetlands-; drainage-water; drainage-;
   florida-; everglades-agricultural-area;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   161. Subsurface flow constructed wetlands for wastewater
   treatment : a technology assessment.
   Reed, S. C. 
   Washington, D.C. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
   Office of Water, [1993] 1 v. (various pagings) : ill..
   "Mr. Sherwood C. Reed ... was the principal author and editor
   of this document"--P. i.
   Descriptors: Constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD756.5.R44--1993
   162. Subsurface flow wetlands--a performance evaluation.
   Reed, S. C.; Brown, D. 
   Water-environ-res v.67, p.244-248. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; aquatic-plants;
   waste-water-treatment; gravel-; water-flow;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; organic-matter; phosphorus-;
   ammonia-; nitrification-; biological-treatment;
   total-suspended-solids; constructed-wetlands;
   gravel-filled-basins; subsurface-water-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
   163. Surface flow and particle settling in a coastal reed
   Hosokawa, Y.; Furukawa, K. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.45-53. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   wetlands-; aquatic-plants; water-flow; hydrology-; stems-;
   hydraulic-resistance; roughness-; geological-sedimentation;
   coastal-wetlands; hydraulic-roughness
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   164. Swine wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands.
   Hunt, P. G.; Humenik, F. J.; Szogi, A. A.; Rice, J. M.;
   Stone, K. C.; Sadler, E. J. 
   Environmentally sound agriculture  proceedings of the second
   conference  20-22 April 1994 / p.268-275. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: pigs-; animal-wastes; waste-water-treatment;
   wetlands-; juncus-effusus; scirpus-; species-; sparganium-;
   typha-angustifolia; typha-latifolia; glycine-max;
   oryza-sativa; growth-; crop-yield; wetland-soils;
   redox-reactions; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-
   NAL Call No.: S589.7.E57-1994
   165. A theoretical approach for minimization of excavation
   and media costs of constructed wetlands for BOD5 removal.
   Chen, S.; Malone, R. F.; Fall, L. J. 
   Trans-ASAE v.36, p.1625-1632. (1993).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; design-; waste-water-treatment;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; hydraulics-; subsurface-drainage;
   artificial-wetlands; subsurface-flow
   Abstract: A modified procedure for minimizing excavation and
   media costs for subsurface constructed wetland design for
   BOD5 removal is  presented. Based upon the assumptions of
   first order BOD5 removal kinetics, a plug-flow reactor, and
   hydraulics governed by Darcy's law for a  constructed
   wetland, this procedure incorporates the currently available
   theory into a unique systematic design approach. The modified 
   procedure suggests that a small slope and a small aspect
   ratio (length/width) should be used whenever possible. This
   design procedure provides  an optimization rationale for each
   design step and relates the primary design parameters to
   excavation and media material costs. Operational  parameters
   that determine the performance of constructed wetlands are
   more clearly defined than before based on the theoretical
   treatment  presented. Using this design procedure, cost
   reductions are demonstrated for two examples.
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32T
   166. Toward the rational design of aquatic treatment systems.
   Stowell, R. E. 
   Davis, Calif. : Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of
   California, [1980] 59 p. : ill..
   "Presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers Spring
   Convention, Portland, Oregon, April 14-18, 1980.".
   Descriptors: Sewage-Purification-Biological-treatment;
   Constructed-wetlands; Wetlands-
   NAL Call No.: TD755.T68-1980
   167. Treating dairy waste utilizing laboratory-scale
   constructed wetlands.
   Benham, B. L.; Mote, C. R. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1993. (932576) 11 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1993 International Winter Meeting of
   the American Society of Agricultural Engineers," December
   14-17, 1993,  Chicago, Illinois.
   Descriptors: dairy-wastes; wetlands-; waste-treatment
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   168. Treating wastewater in constructed wetlands.
   Hauck, R. D. 
   BioCycle. Emmaus, Pa. : J.G. Press. Sept 1992. v. 33 (9) p.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; simulation-;
   applied-research; water-pollution; alabama-
   NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
   169. Treatment of dairy farm wastewaters in horizontal and
   up-flow gravel-bed constructed wetlands.
   Tanner, C. C. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.85-93. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment;
   dairy-wastes; dairy-effluent; wetlands-; gravel-;
   schoenoplectus-; nutrient-uptake; nitrogen-; phosphorus-;
   removal-; new-zealand; schoenoplectus-validus;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   170. Treatment of domestic wastewater by a constructed
   upland-wetland wastewater treatment system.
   House, C. H.;  Broome, S. W. S. W. 1.;  Hoover, M. T. M. T.
   1.; Water Resources Research Institute of the University of
   North Carolina. 
   [Raleigh, N.C.?] : Water Resources Research Institute of the
   University of North Carolina, [1993] xi leaves, 51 p. : ill..
   "September 1993"--Cover.
   Descriptors: Sewage-disposal-in-the-ground-North-Carolina;
   NAL Call No.: TD201.N6--no.277
   171. Treatment of landfill leachate in on-site lagoons and
   constructed wetlands.
   Maehlum, T. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.129-135. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; landfill-leachates;
   waste-water-treatment; lagoons-; aeration-; water-flow;
   horizontal-flow; aquatic-plants; phragmites-australis;
   typha-latifolia; scirpus-; removal-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-;
   iron-; pathogens-; pollutants-; norway-; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   172. Treatment of mine drainage by a constructed multi-cell
   wetland : the Corsica Project.  Corsica Project.
   Stark, L. R.; Pennsylvania State University. Environmental
   Resources Research Institute. 
   University Park, Pa. : PennState, Environmental Resources
   Research Institute, 1994. iv, 124 p. : ill..
   Cover title.
   Descriptors: Mine-drainage; Wetlands-; Wetland-ecology
   NAL Call No.: TD439.T74--1994
   173. Treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus by a constructed
   upland-wetland wastewater treatment system.
   House, C. H.; Broome, S. W.; Hoover, M. T. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.177-184. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: sewage-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; wetlands-; phosphorus-; ammonium-;
   nitrate-; removal-; nutrient-uptake; nitrification-;
   phragmites-australis; typha-angustifolia; north-carolina;
   constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   174. Treatment of primary-settled urban sewage in pilot-scale
   vertical flow wetland filters: comparison of four emergent
   macrophyte species  over a 12 month period.
   Heritage, A.; Pistillo, P.; Sharma, K. P.; Lantazke, I. R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.295-304. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; typha-orientalis; schoenoplectus-;
   cyperus-; cyperaceae-; waste-water-treatment; sewage-;
   sewage-effluent; removal-; nutrients-; nitrogen-;
   phosphorus-; biochemical-oxygen-demand; pollutants-;
   evapotranspiration-; new-south-wales; cyperus-involucratus;
   suspended-solids; dissolved-solids; schoenoplectus-validus;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   175. Treatment of swine wastewater by constructed wetlands.
   Szogi, A. A.; Hunt, P. G.; Humenik, F. J.; Rice, J. M. 
   Clean water, clean environment, 21st century  team
   agriculture, working to protect water resources  conference
   proceedings, March 5-8,  1995, Kansas City, Missouri /. St.
   Joseph, Mich. : ASAE, c1995.. v. 2 p. 227-230. 
   Descriptors: wetlands-; aquatic-plants; piggery-effluent;
   lagoons-; waste-treatment; waste-water-treatment; ammonia-;
   ammonium-nitrogen; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; nitrate-nitrogen;
   nutrient-uptake; wetland-soils; anaerobic-conditions;
   denitrification-; north-carolina
   NAL Call No.: TD365.C54-1995
   176. Treatment wetlands.
   Kadlec, R. H.; Knight, R. L. R. L. 1. 
   Boca Raton : Lewis Publishers, c1996. 893 p. : ill., maps.
   Includes bibliographical references (p. 839-880) and index.
   Descriptors: Sewage-Purification-Biological-treatment;
   NAL Call No.: TD755.K33--1996
   177. Upgrading pond effluents: an overview.
   Middlebrooks, E. J. 
   Waste stabilisation ponds and the reuse of pond effluents 
   selected proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on
   Waste Stabilisation  Ponds and the Reuse of Pond Effluents,
   held in Berkeley, California, USA, 30 Nov-3 Dec 1993 /
   International Symposium on Waste  Stabilisation Ponds and the
   Reuse of Pond Effluents. 1st ed. Oxford, U.K. ; Tarrytown,
   New York, U.S.A. : Pergamon : Elsevier Science,  1995.. p.
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; ponds-; effluents-;
   waste-water; wetlands-; eichhornia-crassipes; lemna-;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7-v.31,-no.12
   178. Usage of drainmod-creams in evaluating constructed
   Shirmohammadi, A.; Cronk, J. K. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-1075/94-2020) 15 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1994 International Summer Meeting
   sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   June 19-22,  1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; denitrification-
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   179. Use of artificial wetlands for the treatment of
   recreational wastewater.
   Vincent, G. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.67-70. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: water-purification; wetlands-;
   biological-treatment; aquatic-plants; nutrient-uptake;
   phosphorus-; nitrogen-; nitrate-; lakes-; water- recreation;
   beaches-; waste-water; waste-water-treatment; quebec-;
   constructed-wetlands; artificial-lakes
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   180. Use of constructed wetland to protect bathing water
   Coombs, C.; Collett, P. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.149-158. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; phragmites-australis;
   waste-water-treatment; sewage-; sewage-effluent; removal-;
   fecal-coliforms; coliform-bacteria; pollutants-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; ammonium-nitrogen;
   horizontal-flow; water-quality; swimming-;
   amenity-and-recreation-areas; south-west- england;
   artificial-wetlands; tertiary-treatment
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   181. The use of constructed wetlands for treating industrial
   effluent (textiles dyes).
   Davies, T. H.; Cottingham, P. D. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.227-232. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: factory-effluents; textile-industry; dyes-;
   waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment; wetlands-;
   phragmites-; phragmites-australis; microbial-degradation;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   182. Use of constructed wetlands in water pollution control:
   historical development, present status, and future
   Brix, H. 
   Water-sci-technol v.30, p.209-223. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Water quality international '94. Part
   8: Anaerobic digestion; sludge management; appropriate
   technologies / edited  by D. Ballay. Proceedings of a
   conference held July 24-30, 1994, Budapest, Hungary.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; pollution-control;
   waste-water-treatment; sewage-effluent; water-flow;
   industrial-wastes; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   subsurface-water-flow; surface-water-flow;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   183. The use of extended aeration and in-series surface-flow
   wetlands for landfill leachate treatment.
   Martin, C. D.; Johnson, K. D. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.119-128. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: landfill-leachates; waste-water-treatment;
   wetlands-; water-flow; aeration-; aquatic-plants;
   pollutants-; removal-; metals-; phosphorus-; nitrogen-;
   fecal-coliforms; coliform-bacteria; evapotranspiration-;
   florida-; constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   184. The use of macrophytes in bioremediation.
   Wood, B.; McAtamney, C. 
   Biotechnol-adv v.12, p.653-662. (1994).
   In the special issue: Biotechnology and industry: Present and
   future / edited by C.R. Barnett, J.S.G. Dooley, A.P. McHale,
   and P.G.  McKenna.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; bioremediation-;
   wetlands-; reviews-; reed-bed-systems; constructed-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TP248.2.B562
   185. The use of wetlands for the control of non-point source
   Raisin, G. W.; Mitchell, D. S. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.177-186. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; pollution-control; water-pollution;
   water-flow; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-; release-;
   winter-; spring-; summer-; cycling-; aquatic-plants;
   aquatic-organisms; microorganisms-; watersheds-; dairy-farms;
   pastures-; new-south-wales; natural-wetlands;
   constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   186. The use of wetlands for water pollution control in
   Australia: an ecological perspective.
   Mitchell, D. S.; Chick, A. J.; Raisin, G. W. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.365-373. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment; waste-water;
   sewage-effluent; runoff-water; nutrients-; removal-;
   nitrogen-; phosphorus-; water-flow; aquatic-plants;
   pollution-control; australia-; natural-wetlands;
   constructed-wetlands; vertical-flow
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   187. Using a constructed wetland to treat waste water and
   propagate wetland species.
   Beagle, G.; Justin, J. 
   Tree-plant-notes. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of
   Agriculture, Forest Service. Summer 1993. v. 44 (3) p. 93-97. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; ponds-;
   aquatic-plants; crop-production; nurseries-; propagation-;
   NAL Call No.: 1.962-C5T71
   188. Using decomposition kinetics to model the removal of
   mine water pollutants in constructed wetlands.
   Tarutis, W. J. Jr.; Unz, R. F. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.219-226. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; ferrous-ions; removal-; pollutants-;
   mine-spoil; mined-land; drainage-water; decomposition-;
   organic-compounds; biological- treatment;
   mathematical-models; anaerobic-conditions;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   189. Using reed beds for winter operation of wetland
   treatment system for wastewater.
   Yin, H.; Shen, W. R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.111-117. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; phragmites-; waste-water-treatment;
   industrial-wastes; sewage-; horizontal-flow; waste-water;
   percolation-; infiltration-; winter-; pollutants-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; removal-;
   water-quality; effluents-; northern-china;
   artificial-wetlands; constructed-wetlands; suspended-solids;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   190. Using water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes L.) to treat
   municipal wastewater.
   Karpiscak, M. M.; Foster, K. E.; Hope, S. B.; Warshall, P. J. 
   Arid-Lands-Newsl. Tucson, Ariz. : Office of Arid Lands
   Studies, University of Arizona. Spring/Summer 1992. v. 32 p.
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: eichhornia-crassipes; waste-water-treatment;
   municipal-refuse-disposal; wetlands-
   NAL Call No.: S612.A753
   191. Variability in treatment by constructed wetlands.
   Kuehn, E.; Moore, J. A. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1993. (932578) 19 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1993 International Winter Meeting of
   the American Society of Agricultural Engineers," December
   14-17, 1993,  Chicago, Illinois.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-treatment; pulp-mill-effluent
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   192. Variability of treatment performance in constructed
   Kuehn, E.; Moore, J. A. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.241-250. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution
   control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; waste-water-treatment;
   pulp-mill-effluent; pollutants-; removal-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; aquatic-plants; scirpus-acutus;
   typha-latifolia; oregon-; artificial-wetlands;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   193. Versatility of Wetlands in the Agricultural Landscape :
   Hyatt Regency, Tampa, Florida, September 17-20, 1995. 
   Versatility of wetlands in the agricultural landscape.
   Campbell, K. L.; Versatility of Wetlands in the Agricultural
   Landscape (1995 Sept. 17 20 : Tampa, F. 
   St. Joseph, MI : American Society of Agricultural Engineers,
   c1995. xii, 756 p. : ill., maps.
   "An international conference jointly sponsored by AWRA,
   American Water Resources Association ; ASAE, the Society for
   Engineering in  Agricultural, Food and Biological
   Descriptors: Wetlands-Congresses;
   NAL Call No.: QH87.3.V47--1995
   194. Wetland for treating liquid dairy waste design and
   Lanier, A. L.; Fox, D.; Smith, D. W. 
   Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
   Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1991. (914020) 9 p. 
   Paper presented at the "1991 International Summer Meeting
   sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
   June 23-26,  1991, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
   Descriptors: dairy-wastes; waste-water-treatment; wetlands-;
   NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
   195. Wetland systems for water pollution control 1994 :
   selected proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
   Wetland Systems for Water  Pollution Control, held in
   Guangzhou, China, 6-10 November, 1994. 1st ed.
   Kadlec, R. H.;  Brix, H.; International Conference on Wetland
   Systems for Water Pollution Control (4th : 1994 : Guangzhou,
   Oxford, U.K. ; Tarrytown, N.Y. : Pergamon : Elsevier Science,
   1995. ix, 376 p. : ill., maps.
   On cover: IAWQ, International Association on Water Quality.
   Descriptors: Water-Pollution-Congresses; Wetlands-Congresses;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7--v.32-no.3
   196. Wetland systems in water pollution control : proceedings
   of the IAWQ 3rd International Specialist Conference on
   Wetland Systems in  Water Pollution Control, held in Sydney,
   Australia, 23-25 November, 1992. 1st ed.
   Bavor, H. J.;  Mitchell, D. S.; International Specialist
   Conference on Wetland Systems in Water Pollution Control (3rd
   : 1992 : Sydney, A. 
   Oxford, U.K. ; Tarrytown, N.Y. : Pergamon : Elsevier Science,
   1994. x, 336 p. : ill., maps.
   On cover: IAWQ, International Association on Water Quality.
   Descriptors: Water-Pollution-Congresses; Wetlands-Congresses;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7--v.29-no.4
   197. Wetland treatment for trace metal removal from mine
   drainage: the importance of aerobic and anaerobic processes.
   Eger, P. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.249-256. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: wetlands-; metals-; metal-ions; removal-;
   drainage-water; mine-spoil; mined-land; nickel-; drainage-;
   aerobiosis-; anaerobic-conditions; minnesota-;
   constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands; acid-mine-drainage
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   198. Wetland treatment of pulp mill wastewater.
   Moore, J. A.; Skarda, S. M.; Sherwood, R. 
   Water-sci-technol v.29, p.241-247. (1994).
   In the series analytic: Wetlands systems in water pollution
   control / edited by H.J. Bavor and D.S. Mitchell.
   Descriptors: pulp-mill-effluent; waste-water-treatment;
   biological-treatment; aquatic-plants; ponds-;
   biochemical-oxygen-demand; color-; removal-; oregon-;
   constructed-wetlands; artificial-wetlands
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   199. Wetlands and streams as off-site sinks for agricultural
   Crumpton, W. G.; Baker, J. L.; Owens, J.; Rose, C.; Stenback,
   Clean water, clean environment, 21st century  team
   agriculture, working to protect water resources  conference
   proceedings, March 5-8,  1995, Kansas City, Missouri /. St.
   Joseph, Mich. : ASAE, c1995.. v. 1 p. 49-52. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: nitrate-; nitrate-nitrogen; losses-from-soil;
   watersheds-; wetlands-; streams-; hydrology-; surface-water;
   simulation-models; pollution- control; water-pollution; iowa-
   NAL Call No.: TD365.C54-1995
   200. Wetlands: nature's water purifiers.
   Adams, E. B. 
   Ext-Bull-Wash-State-Univ-Coop-Ext-Serv. Pullman, Wash. : The
   Service. Dec 1992. (1723) 4 p. 
   Descriptors: wetlands-; ecology-; environmental-protection;
   nitrogen-; phosphorus-; nutrient-uptake; water-purification
   NAL Call No.: 275.29-W27P
   201. Wetlands that work for you.
   Bowman, G.; Wetlands that work for you. 
   New-farm v.14, p.50-53. (1992).
   Descriptors: dairy-wastes; biological-treatment;
   waste-water-treatment; wetlands-; on-farm-processing;
   NAL Call No.: S1.N32

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J. R. Makuch /USDA-ARS-NAL-WQIC/ jmakuch@nal.usda.gov