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Ohio Sea Grant College Program
and Stone Laboratory

Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory

Aquatic Invasive Species

Estimates vary, but it is likely that over 180 different species have invaded the Great Lakes watershed. Invasives can outcompete our natives, change the biological pathways of nutrients and toxins, become a nuisance by fouling man-made structures, or have entirely unforeseen impacts on the natural community or regional economies. Staying on top of new invasions and striving to prevent future ones is essential to Lake Erie's future health.

Completed: Project Completed Title: Sort Title AscendingSort Title Descending Completion: Sort Title AscendingSort Title Descending Start Date: Sort Title AscendingSort Title Descending


Started: 6/16/2008

Development of an Unstructured Grid of Lake Erie for Hydrodynamic Modeling


Started: 3/31/2006

Sonochemical sequestration of PAHs in sediments


Started: 6/1/2005

Trophic structure and water quality along a patch-size gradient of herbicide-treated Phragmites in a Lake Erie coastal wetland


Started: 6/15/2003

Habitat preference and behavioral interactions between round goby and yellow perch


Started: 6/1/2003

A National ANS Outreach Campaign for the Aquarium Industry and Hobbyists Consumers: A Collaborative Effort Involving the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Great Lakes Sea Grant Network


Started: 6/1/2003

Distribution and abundance of fishes in native and non-native macrophytes in Old Woman Creek estuary


Started: 3/1/2003

Report on Sea Grant-Supported Nonindigenous Species Projects

R/MB-002 Project Status R/MB-002: Completed

Started: 9/1/2002, Status: Completed

Sea Grant Technology: Assessment of Antifouling Mechanisms of Non-toxic Natural Product Antifoulant Incorporated Silicone Coatings


Started: 6/1/2002

Trophic transfer of heavy metals to top predators: Quantifying the role of non-native species

R/ZM-031-PD Project Status R/ZM-031-PD: Completed

Started: 4/1/2002, Status: Completed

Heritability of Heat Tolerance in the Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in the Great Lakes


Started: 10/1/2001

Aquatic nuisance species research and outreach: reducing the risk of ANS transfer by baitfish supply through the HACCP process


Started: 10/1/2001

ESCAPE from Exotics: Break Out of Your Classroom Routine by Exploring the Interesting World of Exotic Aquatic Species


Started: 3/1/2000

Modeling Smallmouth Bass Consumption of Round Goby in Lake Erie: Implications for Predator Growth and Contaminant transfer


Started: 3/1/2000

Effects of Salt Contamination and Exotic Species Invasions on a Large, Freshwater Marsh in the Lake Erie Basin


Started: 3/1/2000

The Effects of Round Goby on Yellow Perch-Amphipod Interactions Within Zebra Mussel Colonies and Macrophyte Beds