Animal Welfare

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) leads and facilitates the management of animal welfare policy and practice in New Zealand. It promotes policies for the humane treatment of animals, and is a key participant in the ongoing animal welfare debate.

Report an animal welfare issue or complaint

Complaints made about non- compliance with the Animal Welfare Act 1999 including cases of animal ill-treatment or cruelty are investigated by MAF and the SPCA. While the vast majority of complaints are dealt with through consultation and education, successful prosecutions against persistent or blatant offenders are routinely undertaken.

The Animal Welfare Act provides for codes of animal welfare to be created and, if approved by the MAF, reviewed at least every 10 years. You can make submissions on any codes open for consultation.

Animals being exported from New Zealand require an animal welfare export certificate, as set out in the Animal Welfare Act 1999. Information about AWECs can be found under Animal Exports.

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Page last updated: 31 October 2008