Astrobiology: Life in the Universe


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"Why do plants grow against gravity and have you tried to answer that question yet by tests in outter space? Have any of those test failed? "

  1. Projects

    Below are the abstracts of proposals selected for funding in 2008 (from ROSES 07) for the Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development and Mission Concept Studies, including Concept Studies for Small Payloads and Satellites program. 97 proposals were received in response to this opportunity, and 15 were selected for funding. Selected Principal Investigator (PI) name, institution, and proposal title are included below.
    William Brinckerhoff
    Nancy Chanover
    Brian Drouin
    Brian Glass
    Daniel Glavin
    Tullis Onstott
    Chad Paavola
    Andrew Pohorille
    Richard Quinn
    Antonio Ricco
    Haris Riris
    Orlando Santos
    Sara Seager
    Edward Sittler
    Maria Zuber
    Below are the abstracts of proposals selected for funding for the Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development Program (ROSES04). Principal Investigator (PI) name, institution, and proposal title are also included.
    Stephan Friedrich
    William Hug
    Brian Jamieson
    Soon Sam Kim
    Samuel Kounaves
    James Lambert
    Chad Paavola
    David Ross
    Stefan Scherer
    Current and Past Projects
    Adenwalla, Shireen
    The Development of Semiconducting Boron Carbide Neutron Detectors for Astrobiological Applications
    Beegle, Luther
    Microwave Enhanced Extraction of Organic Molecules from Soil and Rock Samples
    Blake, David
    CheMin: A Definitive Mineralogical Instrument for Mars Astrobiological Investigations
    Bradley, Arthur
    Subtask xfer from ASTEP: Nanostructured Sensor Instruments for Astrobiology Exploration (w/Islam)
    Douglas, Susanne
    Long Depth of Field Lens-less Miniature Reflective Microscope using Micro-Channel Plate and Active Pixel Sensor Technologies
    Ennico, Kimberly
    Enabling Astrobiology on SOFIA: A Mid-IR Spectroscopy Package
    Feldman, Sabrina
    Nanofluidic Size Exclusion Chromatograph for In Situ Macromolecular Analyses
    Fox, George
    Chiral-Selective Planetary Chemistries as a Marker for Life
    Friedrich, Stephan
    High-resolution X-ray spectro-microscopy: Understanding biological fingerprints in the geological record
    Ge, Jian
    Compact High-resolution 3-D Imaging spectrometer for Discovering Oases on Mars
    Grimm, Robert
    Detection and Characterization of Deep Groundwater on Mars Using a Time-Domain Electromagnetic Sounder
    Hecht, Michael
    Experimental Assessment of the Use of Cryobots for Bio-Marker Detection in Subsurface Ice
    Hug, William
    Deep UV semiconductor laser for in situ detection and classification of trace amounts of organic, prebiotic and biological materials on Mars
    Islam, Sayed
    xfer from ASTEP: Nanostructured Sensor Instruments for Astrobiology Exploration
    Izenberg, Noam
    Astrobiological Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Sensors
    Kanik, Isik
    Supercritical CO2 Extraction with Martian Atmosphere
    Kim, Soon Sam
    Miniature Iron Biomineral Detector for Martian Exobiology
    Kojiro, Daniel R.
    Miniature Gas Chromatograph-Ion Mobility Spectrometer (GC-IMS) meeting Astrobiology science requirements for Exobiology flight experiments and terrestrial applications
    Kounaves, Samuel
    Unambiguous Detection of Extraterrestrial Microbial Metabolic Activity Using Differential Electrochemical Detection
    Lambert, James
    High Throughput Screening, Concentration, and Characterization of Biological Particles Entrained in Martian Water-Ice Matrices
    Mahaffy, Paul
    A High Performance MEMS Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Investigations in Planetary Astrobiology
    Marcy, Geoff
    A 2 Billion Channel, Multibeam Spectrometer
    Mathies, Richard
    A Microfabricated Bio-organic Laboratory for In Situ Extraterrestrial Exploration
    McKay, Christopher
    Subtask: Miniature Iron Biomineral Detector for Martian Exobiology (w/Kim)
    McKay, David
    Subtask: Unambiguous Detection of Extraterrestrial Microbial Metabolic Activity Using Differential Electrochemical Detection (w/Kounaves)
    Paavola, Chad
    Robust biosensors for the measurement of biomarkers in extraterrestrial environments with stereochemical specificity
    Pelletier, Michael
    Enhanced Raman, Fluorescence, and Absorption Analysis of Aqueous Solutions using an LCOF
    Ponce, Adrian
    Mars Endospore Viability Instrument Development
    Realmuto, Vincent
    Subaward: The Water-wheel IR (WIR): A Survey Instrument for Water and Carbonates on Mars (A. Wang)
    Ross, David
    Chiral Temperature Gradient Focusing for Ultra-Sensitive in situ Analysis of Biomarkers
    Ruvkun, Gary (w/Zuber, Maria)
    SETG, a Search for Extraterrestrial Genomes An in situ PCR Detector For Life on Mars Ancestrally Related to Life on Earth
    Sandford, Scott
    Design and Development of a High Resolution Infrared Spectrometer for the AstroBiology Explorer (ABE) Mission
    Sarrazin, Philippe
    Powder Handling System for In-situ Planetary Instruments
    Scherer, Stefan
    Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC) Using Micro-Fabricated Columns
    Seshadri, Suresh
    An Instrument for Detecting Water, Brines and Signatures of Microbial Activity on Mars and Europa
    Shao, Michael
    Visible Nulling Coronagraph Instrument Development
    Siefert, Janet
    The Genotype and Phenotype of Last Common Ancestors and the Evolution of Molecular Innovation
    Siefert, Janet
    Gordon Conference on Origin of Life
    Tarter, Jill
    Detection of Complex, Electromagnetic Markers of Technology
    Trebino, Rick
    Magneto-Optical Phase Enantiomeric Detector (MOPED)-A Novel Instrument for Detection of Chiral Biomarkers in Nonterrestrial Environments
    Tsapin, Alexandre
    Development of a Self-Contained, Subglacial, Native Fluorescence Detector for Measurement of Organic Molecules and Chemicals of Life
    Tsapin, Alexandre
    Development of a Self-Contained, Subglacial, Native Fluorescence Detector for Measurement of Organic Molecules and Chemicals of Life (xfer)
    Tsapin, Alexandre
    Flyable CT Scanner for Life Detection on Mars
    Tunstel, Eddie
    Subaward from: Distributed Spectroscopy for Mobile Science Laboratories (w/ Wilson)
    Venkateswaran, Kasthuri
    Development of an In Situ Hydrothermal Vent Probing and Sampling Device for Microbial Analysis
    Waite, Jack
    Organic Analysis using Pyrolysis/Extraction and Gas Chromatography
    Wang, Alian
    The Water-wheel IR (WIR): A Survey Instrument for Water and Carbonates on Mars
    Wilson, Edmond
    Distributed Spectroscopy for Mobil Science Laboratories
    Wong, Eric
    Multi-functional SERS-Sol-Gels for Lab-On-Chip Separation, Detection, and Raman Characterization of Organic Compounds
    Zent, Aaron
    Measurement of Total Organic and Total Inorganic Carbon on Mars

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