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Title: Spatial and temporal distribution of fire temperatures from prescribed fires in the mixed oak forests of southern Ohio

Author: Iverson, Louis R.; Yaussy, Daniel; Rebbeck, Joanne; Hutchinson, Todd; Long, Robert; McCarthy, Brian; Riccardi, Cynthia; Prasad, Anantha

Year: 2003

Publication: In: Van Sambeek, J. W.; Dawson, Jeffery O.; Ponder Jr., Felix; Loewenstein, Edward F.; Fralish, James S., eds. Proceedings of the 13th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-234. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station: 293-294

Abstract: Prescribed surface fires are being investigated, in conjunction with thinning, as silvicultural tools for assisting in the regeneration of mixed oak forests in the Central Hardwoods Region. Fires were conducted on 2001 March 28 and 2001 April 4-5, respectively, at the Tar Hollow (TAR) and Zaleski (ZAL) State Forests, and at the Raccoon Ecological Management Area (REMA) in southern Ohio. The three sites had been previously surveyed into a 50-m grid. A total of over 400 grid points was established across the three areas.

Last Modified: 2/1/2007

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