Disease Information
ISSN 1608-0610

Disease Information is a weekly publication of emergency notifications and animal health follow-up reports provided to the OIE by Member Countries in order to inform the international community on exceptional epidemiological events occurring in their territories. It is also a medium for communicating declarations by countries of disease freed status for a certain number of diseases and for any animal health information deemed important and provided by OIE Member Countries, Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres. It can also be used to publish replies received from Member Countries in connection with the verification of non official information.

Disease Information is placed on the OIE website every Thursday afternoon (GMT) under this heading.

All other disease information of a less significant nature submitted to the OIE is available from the OIE database accessible via Handistatus II.

Latest Disease Information issue: 28 December 2006
Reports published in Disease Information during the past 18 months:

Disease Information archives (in pdf format)

Reproduction or translation is permitted for non-commercial purposes only, provided reference is made to the source.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever by the Central Bureau of the OIE concerning the legal status of any country or territory mentioned, or its authorities, or concerning the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Unless otherwise stated, material published is derived from declarations made to the Central Bureau by the Veterinary Administrations of thecountries and territories mentioned.

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Copyright © 2004 OIE
World Animal Health Organisation