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What precautions can hunters take to reduce the risk for infection from avian influenza when hunting birds in the United States?

Category: Bird and Animal Questions
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Hunters should follow routine precautions when handling game, including wild birds. The U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center recommends that hunters:

  • do not handle or eat sick game;
  • wear rubber or disposable latex gloves while handling and cleaning game, wash hands with soap and water (or with alcohol-based hand products if the hands are not visibly soiled), and thoroughly clean knives, equipment, and surfaces that come in contact with game;
  • do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling animals;
  • disinfect tools, gloves, and materials that come into contact with killed birds;
  • place uncooked game in a plastic bag or container for transport; and
  • cook all game thoroughly – cooking to 165 degrees Fahrenheit kills the virus.

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Last Updated: 03/21/2007