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Agricultural Water Security Listening Session Report

USDA’s Research, Education, and Economics (REE) mission area released a final report from the September 2004 Agricultural Water Security Listening Session, held in Park City, UT. The report includes four removable maps that depict issues, interventions, bold steps and potential partners for USDA’s efforts in agricultural water security.

During the session, over 90 water resource experts from state and federal agencies and non-profit and private sector organizations voiced their opinions on future directions for research, education, extension, and economics.

Experts participated in targeted sessions to identify strengths, opportunities, gaps, and barriers in the current knowledge base across six key areas of water resources management:

  • irrigation efficiency and management;
  • drought mitigation and preparedness;
  • general water conservation;
  • rural/urban water reuse;
  • water marketing, distribution and allocation, and;
  • biotechnology.

Participants representing these six areas identified how USDA can improve water resource management, and charted a potential course for research, education, and economics within the six areas to increase water availability for agriculture, human consumption, and economic growth.

Agricultural water security is described as the need to maintain adequate water supplies to meet the food and fiber needs of the expanding population—maximizing the efficiency of water use by farmers, ranchers, rural and urbanizing communities. Ideas from the session will open doors to new directions in water availability and management practices to ensure water is put to the best uses.

To order copies of this report, please send your name and surface mailing address to water@csrees.usda.gov.


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Last Updated: 07/24/2007