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February 2009

The new citations have been added to the DOE Data Explorer:

January 2009

These new citations take users to compilations of data published as data reviews by the Durham High Energy Physics Group at Durham University in the United Kingdom. The data are identified by publications and experiments, and presented together in an easy-to-access format under the application name HEPDATA. The experiments specifically called out in these citations are funded or partially funded by DOE, but HEPDATA will lead interested users to other data collections resulting from non-DOE work as well. The titles of these citations recently added to the DOE Data Explorer are:

Citation DDE00267 was added to the database. This record links to the Quick-looks Database for ARM’s North Slope Alaska sites.

November 2008

The DOE Data Explorer has added a search widget for your convenience. The widget can be posted to selected sites such as Facebook, embedded in your own webpage, or you may send it by email to a colleague.

October 29, 2008

New citations DDE00265 and DDE00266 added. DDE00265 identifies archived monitoring data from the Chemical Waste Landfill, Sandia National Laboratories at Albuquerque, New Mexico. DDE00266 guides users to the Database of Ligand-Receptor Partners, a specialized subset of data from the Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP).

October 9, 2008

Added citation DDE00264 to reflect the Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database and the ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Cluster II. The data include stellar evolution tracks, isochrones, luminosity functions, and synthetic horizontal-branch models.

September 2008

During the past year several DOE National Laboratories have established a presence on YouTube by posting lab-produced videos. Many are promotional or educational clips, but others have excellent science content. Watch George Smoot, co-winner of the 2006 Nobel prize for physics, as he lectures on cosmic background radiation. Look at video entries submitted for consideration in DOE's annual R&D Top 100 Awards. Watch how honeybees are trained to fight terrorism. During September, the DOE Data Explorer added eight new citations to help users quickly find DOE science videos in the huge ocean of multimedia that is YouTube. These citations are:

August 27, 2008

Several new citations have been added to the DOE Data Explorer in order to better represent not only the vast amount of data available from DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program, but also some of the different and customized ways in which the data are categorized for access. In addition to the citations that already represented ARM data by major sites, new entries have been added to guide users to ARM's Showcase Data Sets, the Aerial Vehicles Program data, the data submitted to the ARM Archive by individual Principal Investigators, ARM data categorized by specific measurements or specific instruments, data identified by Field Campaign/Intensive Operational Periods, etc. All together, ARM data collections are represented in DOE Data Explorer by the following citations:

August 20, 2008

Added citation DDE00251 for data from the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) Networks. This is a nationwide network of sites collecting data on the chemistry of precipitation for monitoring of geographical and temporal long-term trends. DOE is one of many cooperating entities, including federal agencies, states, private industry, and others.

July 22, 2008

The ALEXIS satellite was launched in April of 1993 by Los Alamos National Laboratory as an experiment in operating and rescuing a satellite and as a way to test techniques and technologies that might be used in future space missions. One of the payloads on the ALEXIS was the Blackbeard Radio Experiment/Project. Blackbeard captured transient radio impluses that came to be known as Trans-Ionospheric Pulse Pairs (TIPP). The Blackbeard experiment has been superceded by the Los Alamos FORTE satellite, but the Blackbeard home page still provides access to some of the images and data plots from the mid-1990s. Citation DDE00246 has been added to the DOE Data Explorer to help you find this older information.

July 20, 2008

Added new record DDE00244 for the Biomass Energy Data Book, Edition 1, 2006. Published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), this book is a compendium of statistics and data that characterize the biomass industry and is currently only available online.

July 14, 2008

New record DDE00243 added. This citation leads you to DZero (D0) Experiment Results for Top Quark physics from the Tevatron Collider at Fermilab. The DZero Experiment consists of a worldwide collaboration of scientists conducting research on the fundamental nature of matter. Search on the term DZero to find citations in the DOE Data Explorer that link to other data collections from this collaboration.

July 11, 2008

Each month the "Featured Data Collection" area of the DOE Data Explorer home page highlights a collection, providing a quick link to either the citation in the database or directly to the collection itself. The first featured collection was the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF), available from the National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC). Record DDE00054 describes this important data collection. July's feature calls attention to the Microbial Genomics Data from the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI). See DDE00201 or visit the JGI's web portal at

July 8, 2008

The Hydrology Web at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has been retired, and, accordingly, record DDE00193 has been removed from the DOE Data Explorer. See the Hydrology Group's web page at for the latest information on their research areas and projects.

Added new record DDE00242 to guide users to the supplemental data and figures on video that support publications from the Superconductivity and Magnetism Low-temperature Laboratory at Ames Lab.

Featured Data Collection Archive

Evaluated Nuclear Data File

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Microbial Genomics

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Science Videos on YouTube Berkeley Lab

See which DOE National Laboratories have science videos on YouTube

Gauge Connection An experimental archive for lattice OCD

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