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Land in Farms

Source: Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Census of Agriculture. Updated every five years.


A farm is any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold during the census year.

Land in farms is any land used to produce crops, livestock, specialty livestock, or grazing and includes woodland and wasteland not under cultivation or used for pasture or grazing. Conservation Reserve and Wetlands Reserve Program land is included in land in farms.

Scope and Methodology:

The census of agriculture is a complete enumeration of individual, partnership, or corporate places meeting the census definition for a farm. All agricultural censuses beginning with the 1969 census have primarily used mail-out/mail-back data collection procedures. The mail list for the 2002 census was comprised of individuals, businesses, and organizations that could be associated with agriculture by definition. The census list of farm and ranch operators was assembled from previous census records, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) mail registers, and other authorized sources. To maximize the coverage of active farm and ranch operators, names were obtained from State and Federal agencies, trade associations, and similar organizations. The variety of list sources used insured representation of specialized interests such as nurseries and greenhouses, poultry, fish, livestock farms, cattle feedlot operations, maple syrup producers, and Christmas tree growers.

Follow-up procedures used for the 2002 census included a thank you reminder card with a follow-up letter including a census report form and information sheet to each non-respondent. After the reminder mailing, non-respondents were telephoned to complete their census report form. A non-response adjustment procedure was used to represent the final non-respondent farms in the census results.

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