The 10th International Congress of Ecology, INTELCOL, Brisbane,Australia 16-21 August 2009

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Hosted by

Link to The Ecological Society of Australia

The Ecological Society of Australia in partnership with The New Zealand Ecological Society

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The Officers and Board of INTECOL are delighted to announce that the 10th International Congress of Ecology will be held in Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009. The Congress will be hosted by the Ecological Society of Australia in partnership with the New Zealand Ecological Society. This is the first time that an International Congress of Ecology will have been held in the southern Hemisphere.

The International Association for Ecology

Welcome letter from the Ecological Society of Australia

On behalf of the Ecological Society of Australia, we would like to welcome you to attend the 10th International Congress of Ecology, 2009 in Brisbane, Australia.  
The ecological societies of Australia and New Zealand are proud to have won the honour of hosting the first INTECOL Congress in the southern hemisphere.  Ecological research and its implementation for managing environmental systems are flourishing in Australia and New Zealand and we are keen both to share our research successes and show off the intriguing plants, animals and ecosystems on offer on our landmasses.

The Scientific Program is taking shape under the guidance of an international panel of experts and promises to hold sessions of interest to all ecologists.  A varied array of alternative meeting styles, meeting venues, and a relaxing series of social options will also make this is memorable event for you and accompanying guests.

We hope you will be able to join us in Brisbane in 2009 to experience the professionalism offered by our conference partners Tour Hosts and the world-class Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.  Apart from the Congress, come and enjoy the pleasures of Brisbane City, beaches and rainforests within a few hours drive, and the diversity of other ecosystems that are on offer through the field trip options.

Craig James,
Co-Chair – Australia, INTECOL 10

Carla Catterall,
President Ecological Society of Australia

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Welcome letter from the New Zealand Ecological Society

Ko te pae tawhiti kimihia kia mau, ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tīna
"As you seek the distant horizon, hold fast to that which you treasure"

On behalf of the the New Zealand Ecological Society, we warmly welcome you to the 10th International Congress of Ecology 2009 in Brisbane, Australia. We are proud to co-host this event with our Australian colleagues, the Ecological Society of Australia. 

This year's conference theme "Ecology in a Changing Climate - two hemispheres one globe" will give delegates thought provoking and  intriguing insights into topics of interest to a changing global environment. We encourage delegates to make the most of the opportunities offered throughout the conference, by way of the scientific programme and myriad of additional conference events. Fieldtrips throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia will offer further opportunites to explore biodiversity and natural and social histories that are unique to this part of the world.  This is the first INTECOL to be held in the Southern Hemisphere and we eagerly look forward to co-hosting this wealth of international knowledge.

Bruce Burns
co-chair INTECOL 10

Shona Myers
President NZ Ecological Society


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Address for Communications

INTECOL 2009 Congress Managers
C/- Tour Hosts Pty Ltd
GPO Box 128
Sydney, NSW, 2001 AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 9265 0700
Fax: +61 2 9267 5443

SERI 2009

The World Conference on Ecological Restoration will directly follow INTECOL 10.

Click here for more information


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