Rural Brownfields Awareness Project

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About the Project

Rosalia, Washington - Brownfields Project

In 2001, the NADO Research Foundation launched a new initiative to raise awareness and examine issues related to brownfields revitalization and redevelopment in small metropolitan and rural America. The project is funded under an agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency.

As part of the project, the Research Foundation has released special research reports on reclaiming brownfields sites in rural America, understanding common threads to successful brownfields projects, and incorporating brownfields revitalization projects into regional economic development strategies. The Research Foundation has also produced a "must-read" resource guide for brownfields stakeholders.

Currently, the focus of the initiative is to provide training and educational development opportunities for regional development professionals, local elected officials and others interested in brownfields redevelopment and revitalization.

Results of Project

Since the inaugural project of the NADO Research Foundation in 1998, there have been several key developments and emerging trends:

  • Increased interest in brownfields redevelopment in rural and small communities as evidenced by more applications (and subsequent grants) for EPA and EDA funds for brownfields inventorying, cleanup and redevelopment in these areas.

  • Greater number of regional initiatives to enhance brownfields redevelopment efforts, including increased participation of regional development organizations and NADO members.

  • Enhanced understanding of brownfields among NADO's membership and regional economic and community development stakeholders in general. The project has resulted in enhanced knowledge at the regional and local levels about funding resources, overcoming hurdles and obstacles, tapping into partnerships and building coalitions, and sharing best practices and establishing peer networks.

As a result of years of research and information dissemination about rural and small metropolitan brownfields assessment, cleanup and redevelopment, the NADO Research Foundation now serves as an invaluable resource for regional development professionals and policymakers who are interested in learning about and pursuing brownfields revitalization strategies in small metropolitan and rural America.

For more information, contact Mike Bellamente, Program Manager, at (202) 624-7809 or